The Worst Thing I Can Do
Sometimes I'm broken down and am heartless
I tend to self destruct when things go too well
Overthinking, overanalyzing every step I ever took forward
Only to find out I've been going backwards my whole life
I think life's a game
Where there is only few winners
I never lose, but then again I never win
I push away the people I love, yet
like the water they return back to my shore
Only not as deep as before
I am afraid of being engulfed in the emotions
that comes with the need to be loved
but "uncertainty turns me on"
I am committed to the fear of commitment
Wanting to be held, but never wanting to be touched
always wanting to be needed but never wanting to need
I am a tower sending mixed signals
At times it's good morning to goodnight
and next I’ve gone missing in action
I make excuses for my emotions
I rather not feel pain or be hurt
so in exchange I sacrifice my comfort and health
Sometimes I breakdown and am heartless
I don't wanna fall victim to my emotions
as if they are the predator that stalks me at night
When I’m the one doing the hunting {sharpening my spear?)
I wish I can see and not feel
understand what each emotion is
instead of walking around blind to each unfamiliar wave
I pretend to be well composed when I can't even feel myself think
Logic stolen from my mind
the only road map I have
so the worst thing I can do
is tell you I love you
when I know it's all a lie