I haven't written you in a while
I haven’t written to you in a while
Not sure if this means I’m moving on
Since I haven’t written much of anything lately but I haven’t written to you in a while.
And I don’t mean to him
Yes the him I wrote about to you once or twice or maybe more
And I don’t mean the one with eyes bluer than the sky
I mean the you who I haven’t written to in a while
Today I was lazy
Today I did dishes
And laundry
And took out the trash
And today I was lazy
Today I did work on my laptop
Opened and closed it a hundred times
But today I was lazy
And I haven’t written to you in a while
So here I am
Sitting in the bathtub with the air freezing the parts of my legs not submerged
And I’m wondering why I decided to take a bath in the first place
And why I haven’t written to you in a while
I hope you’re not offended
Or that I’ve made made you feel neglected
You see I just haven’t had the words to write to you for a while
And I’m still not sure if you read them
Or if you hear them
Or in some turn of events you believe them
But I miss you
4 years is an awfully long time to be missing someone
Especially someone you haven’t written to in a while
But I hope wherever you are the skies are blue
And the grass is green
And the storm clouds have left you on another breeze
And although I know the rain has landed on my cheeks many times since then
I hope that I see you again
And I promise I’ll write to you again
At least in a little while