Those Who Bleed
I've stopped counting
I broke my vocabulary free, suddenly I see
Why everyone is okay with being numb all the time
It's easier to feel nothing, than everything
Now, I realize
There are those who are beautiful, and those who bleed
You leave behind yourself in billions of things
I chose paper as my poison, words as my sword
Because everytime I come back home
And by home, I mean to pen and paper
I bring along everyone too, everything
So I become paper-see-through
All the stories I see in you
They can be burdens, If you bleed as I do
It's hilarious, when you ask if I love it
I don't love breathing, I do it
I call some things "love"; how foolish
Love is words on paper
I've learned fullness
Because I can queitly leave traces of absolute insanity
On everything I dare touch
Yes, even now, on you