Dear Past Self
Dear Past Self,
I know what you’re expecting me to say.
That it’s going to get easier and don’t give up.
Or maybe
That this is only the bottom of the mountain
And you have much further to climb.
But the truth is,
I don’t know how much farther we have to go
And I don’t know if it will ever be as easy as it was when mom held our hand in the park and pushed us on the swing and we didn’t have a care in the world.
A lot of stuff happened to us this year
But not just us.
A lot of stuff happened to the world.
And I want you to keep that in mind as you get ready for 2017.
When the hurricanes sweep your country
The fires burn your city
The wars shake your world—
Remember that at least for tonight,
You still have a home.
When your loved ones turn their backs
When silence is your only friend
When even your dreams haunt you—
Focus on the bloodied Syrian orphan who sits alone right now
Her house in ashes
Who will have nightmares longer than you will
If she lives to see tomorrow.
And when the terror of the world is too much for you
And you’ve taken all you can bear
I want you to look up into the night sky
Gaze at the stars that burn so effortlessly
And remember how small you are.
This year, there is one word I need you to keep in mind:
-Your Future Self