Who Am I?
Who am I?
I am a friend.
I am a part of a family.
On the simplest level,
I am ME.
Who am I?
I am a high school graduate.
I am a college attendee.
On the most basic level,
I am ME.
I am beginning to learn what makes me, well me.
I am being molded and shaped into someone that belongs to a group. WE.
It only took twenty years to begin to uncover and discover what I am. ME.
I am enrolled in these courses to make me a more well-rounded individual.
But after this past year I am left wondering, have I become a residual?
Over this past year, my mind is has become more enlightened.
My thoughts are heightened.
I do not want to become a person that distrusts.
I was taught to critically analyze the information before US.
I am becoming more involved and informative.
I am taking what I have learned and being more performative.
It has become my goal to inspire others.
To be better sisters, brothers, husbands, and mothers.
Over the next eighty years, I will continue to be that person I identify with. ME.
So, who am I?
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.