Ode to the Mckinney
I want to grown in a family home
With a full living space
In a kid friendly neighbor
Where the saying love the’ neighbor
Is possible
I want to be surround by nature
And watch seasons change
From my window
I want to listen to Hispanic music
Every morning
With warm tortillas
Served with chorizo
In the restaurant they call Taqueria Hernandez
I want to be awoken at 5am
to work at a job
that my boyfriend gave me so he could keep an eye on me
to watch my every move
I want my parents to understand that I
dont need a man to protect me and take care of me
I want to stop being reminded of my past decsions
and how they haunt me every hour of the day
I want to stop being controlled and told what to do
from my parents and my boyfriend
I want to have my own independent rights
and have my own choice
Instead of following orders
like a toy
I want have my old boyfriend back
where I didnt have to earn trust
and kept like prisoner in my dorm room
I want him to return to his old sweet self
instead of this navy beast
that uses apologizes and gifts
to his advantage so i wouldnt leave
I want to be back home
and sit on this swing
and have the wind lighty brush my hair out of my face.
That is my home
Of Mckinney Texas