7 Things I Wish I Could Do Over
1. Going Opposite: Tomato, Tomata, Hakuna Matata.I always find myself going opposite of my mentor, drawing a wedge more extensive than the grand canyon. Now I get what it means to lean not unto my understanding, But somehow I challenged it. When not entirely equipped, with wisdom and knowledge, paths chosen were more narrow than broad; Broad seemingly, from my viewpoint,"just fine." But never the best route. "You Follow ol' Rafiki; He Knows De Way!!" According to The Lion King, I would've been better off following 'Ol Rifiki! Contrary to popular beliefs, "Parents are not always wrong." 2. Think Before You Speak: Did you know if not positive then it's negative, nowadays, it reigns true. My actions reflect my thoughts, "Who'd of thunk?" A continuum of negativity vs. the outcomes; bleak when I speak, a joke when I'm woke...boy I stayed broke. Aiming high, repositioning my attributes, and earning a place on a solid rock would be more kosher than no receipts. At this point, a strong mindset would be a force to reckon. To execute discernment, skills, and knowledge will land me just where I need to be, "wisdom zone." Now when I speak, I feel respect for myself as do others. 3. Work Smart Not Hard: Wassup with me, not prioritizing, before I dive headfirst?! From projects to dates my blindfolds are getting tighter and annoyingly uncomfortable. I sought avidity to strengthen my knowledge, my short attention span keeps me from focusing and long hours just didn't add up (at least that's what my flesh professes.) Learning to review all aspects and allowing time to deliberate is a daunting task in itself. So what's so "smart" about it? (Just joking, I get it) Doing it right the first time not only saves time but also accomplishing many of the "daunting tasks" accurately will eliminate the blindfolds. There you have it; easier said than done. 4. Learn From My Mistakes: "What about them?" They're supposed to be normal. A so-called natural way of learning. I hear there's absolutely nothing wrong with them, right? *BUZZER* WRONG! Becoming plural overtime; too many at one given time, all day long, excessive excuses and exceptions to using them repetitively, "Houston I Have A Problem." Accomplishing this crucial element I can tell it's going to be a journey (toast to my society). Mistakes that go uncorrected become BFFs with routines and before long I realize the horse on a carousel spinning into an abyss of repetition is me. "Hated it!!!!" 5. Learn to say no: Saying no isn't a "bad" thing, so why is it treated as such? I should feel comfortable saying it, as well as accepting it. But instead, I walk around them both, like eggshells, "can't you hear them crunching, I do?" I hear it as misunderstood, is this why I feel rejected and somewhat selfish, "guilty as charged." I've fallen prey to saying "No" but not accepting "No" could be my greatest weakness. Respectfully, I just need to accept "NO." Period. Which means; no more heartaches, time spent, debt; interfering with priorities, (low and behold procrastination ends). Perhaps my friends & family with overloaded demands & requests (you know the ones) will recognize that I too with my fabulous credit card and pink lace-up pumps; At the end of the day, we'll say "Do I need them?!" "NO. NO. NO!" 6. "Do" Better. "If I Knew Better, I'd Do Better." A life of stagnations is like "Constipation." Not aiming high, ignoring signs, lines, and signals (nourishment needed) before my journey to the "loo." Feeling blue, I must do something new. Like toilet paper, I must stay on a roll while learning a new flow. 7. My Greatest Attributes Fears & Comfort Zones: Queen of comfort zones and ice cream cones. They tell me the only thing to fear is fear itself. The truth is, I never knew what it meant until tests results prooved sabotaged years of quality education. I needed challenges, lessons, and experiences to grow and I took it for granted. Assuming it would come easy, I chose self-centered ignorance over guidance. So I must now overcome those obstacles, put down the popsicles; licking my wounds, is a comfort zone for me. Instead, I'll challenge myself to a Do-Over. /ˈdo͞oˌōvər/ noun informal noun: do-over; plural noun: do-overs an opportunity to try or perform something a second time "I would like a do-over please."