A Place to Start
Just because I’m serious
Doesn’t mean I don’t laugh,
It doesn’t mean I’m odd
Or i can't do gaffe
Just because I like being alone
Doesn’t mean I don’t have friends,
It doesn’t mean I’m unhappy
Or all I do is groan
Just because I’m forget full
Doesn’t mean I don't care,
It doesn’t mean I’m not lovable
Or that I'll never be there
Just because I write poems
Doesn't make me a poet,
It doesn’t mean I’m boring
Or unable to be flamboyant
Just because I'm quiet
Doesn't mean I don't hear you
It doesn't mean I can't speak
Or that I don't have my own point of view
Just because you understand me
Doesn’t make you smart,
It doesn’t mean you know me at all
But gives you a place to start
Just because...