I am a stranger, everywhere…
I am unknown to no one but myself…
Rain, rain…go away as they use to say…
Though, the beauty I saw, no one understood me.
I see relief, and serenity.
No longer do I feel as a stranger, but a friend to all
Splashing, shattering the surface of each puddle I see…
The stars glowing, a true mystery to me…
My happiness, roaming the nights alone and away from the world
Leaves drop, moving along there own ocean
Moving from one…
Away from another,
The light hits my window shining
The tears of the dead, crying away to the world…
My mother, how I love you dearly. But away, far away you are
Nothing but a backpack, I see an emptiness hit me…
Gone, forever, she can’t hold me as I cannot hold her…