A letter to who I was, from who I am
Listen, kid.
What I'm about to say is important, so put the book down for once.
I know you don't like looking people in the eye when they're talking to you, and neither do I.
But this is crucial to who you'll grow up to be.
I know you can't tell from the nose piercing and the bags under my eyes, but I'm you.
I'm who will carry us into the future after we're no longer a child.
You're going to go through some tough shit, but you'll make it out alive.
Your best friend will turn out to be the opposite of who you thought she was, and that's okay.
People you love will pass away, and that's okay.
There will be nights when you cry into your pillow for no reason at all, and that is still okay.
There will be times when you can't look at the mirror without feeling disgusted, and I promise, that's okay.
You're going to grow up to be happy, I want you to know that.
You'll follow your heart and it will lead to doing what you love.
You'll spend every Friday night watching television with your parents, which sounds lame, but I love it.
You'll be accepted into the college you least expected, but it will lead you to greatness.
This spring, we'll graduate high school and begin the life we always wanted.
Listen, kid.
I know I don't look like much, but I am.
I am everything you are, and everything yet to come.
You're beautiful, and you might not see it yet, but I do.
If I could, I'd wipe away every tear you've ever shed but I can't.
All that's left is to grow.