Behind Old Eyes
Behind old eyes I see
A boy, once young and free
Whose laughter rang
Who danced and sang
Who smiled back as me
Behind old ears I hear
The sounds of passing years
And yet somehow
They're different now
But to my heart they're dear
Behind old hands I sweat
I work to not forget
And with a sigh
I say goodbye
To last year in regret
Behind old voice I shout
For time to let me out
To travel back
And fix my lack
To end lethargic doubt
Behind old faults I last
To form again the past
To take the chance
And to enhance
So futures become vast
Behind old thoughts I dwell
Send laziness to hell
To quell assurities
Of immaturities
And make my future well
But now I understand
The ship of life is manned
And I must steer
This vessel dear
For I alone command
Behind old eyes I see
A man so young and free
Whose future gleams
Whose smile beams
Behind these eyes is me