Hello, My Name Is @...
Take a look around, tell me what you see -
People on their iPhones, iPods, and iPads
No wonder why our own pictures are called a “selfie”
There is no “wePhone” and I’ve followed this fad
But really, who hasn’t?
Take a look around, tell me what you see -
Teenagers can’t stop posting on #ThorwbackThursday
The number Instagram followers being checked daily
I let a screen between my friends and I stand in the way
But really, who hasn’t?
Take a look around, tell me what you see -
Media telling people how to look beautiful on the surface
But what about the beauty that lies underneath?
Yet again I’ve been guilty of being in this corrupt circuit
But really, who hasn’t?
When you strip off the filters, the image is not so fine.
Our lives are lived and edited online.
What are we hiding? It makes no sense;
But I’m no exception to this offense.
At one time or another we’ve all been there and done that.
If I were brave enough to actually write this with no filter,
I’d do it without hiding behind some name beginning with @.