What I want most is to change lives.
To repair, change, affect lives.
To make people laugh and to make people smile.
To make people cry and to make people think.
Putting words down on paper, or,
Typing words on a screen,
I write to give people an escape.
I tell them stories, write them poems.
I give the reader a chance to feel different,
To make the reader feel like they're somewhere else.
Reality, to me, is one of two things:
A bore or a curiosity.
I can't trace back to how long I've been writing.
I dreamed of being a writer when I was young,
And excelled in English courses.
I wasn't mean to be a writer,
It really just sort of happened.
My actual calling belongs with tending to the sick.
With young children that need protection and care.
I want to pursue medicine and change lives.
Writing and medicine are my two walks of life.
To let my thoughts out in order to change lives,
And to let my knowledge of medicine save lives.
There is no one reason as to why I write.
Does there have to be just one?
I write as easily as I love, or laugh, or cry.
When you fall in love,
Is there one reason why you love that person?
There must be millions of tiny reasons, right?
If there is, there is no string of words for it in English.
If there exists such a phrase, I have yet to find it.
There is no one good reason as to why I write.
I write because it's everything.
It's suspense, it's reaction, it's entertaining.
If I were to answer one reason why I write poems,
Why I write stories,
It'd be hard to answer.
I write because sometimes reading words on a paper, or on a screen, or on a napkin, or anywhere,
Reading is easier to do alone, than looking someone in the eye.
It's easier to feel emotion without pressure of another person there.
It's not emptiness,
It's not anti-social behavior.
I write to read to feel.