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When roses bloom
And birds begin to sing,
When the sun begins to rise
And caterpillars grow their wings,
When sunbeams fall in place
The water makes a noise of static as the waves move along the shoreline
Shining a light blue, with its darks and nudes
It's a sight for sore eyes
As the waves wash up your legs
Feeling engulfed in the waves
Just when I started to feel upset, it all started to come true,
That the dreams that I had working for were finally coming through.
Fireflies glow in the dark.
Lightning always strikes something.
Rain pours down.
Lightning and Rain like to speak to each other a lot.
Fireflies glow in the dark.
Lightning always strikes something.
Rain pours down.
Lightning and Rain like to speak to each other a lot.
My friend wanted to hold you close to his chest,
Get an i-spy camera snap you both in embrace.
Yesterday he spoke to your father at a street corner,
Told him he escorted your mother to work that morning.
To me you're the sun,And you're right that it's fun,Now in exactly the way that you'd think.Like stretching out just right,In a puddle of light,With a snack, a book, and a drink.
Tonight I will write a happy poem
A poem about how I survived the day
Or maybe about the day I have intended to survive tomorrow
Or the good memories
Happy Birthday, I love you
My first thought when I woke today
Happy Birthday, I remember you
A story I wrote
with the stress lines on my forehead
Happy Birthday and I miss you
Miss your laugh
Tears stain the fake leather of my boots
the salt fringed watermarks where I left my heartstrings
There are so many marks I have left behind
In all the cities I have ever loved
And even some that I cannot remember
Hate to let you goOur life till now has beenhigh drama in a showWe both have given up ontrying to make things right,all we do is fight,stuck in a hopeless plight.I wish you wouldn’t go
I walk with the confidence of kings
With the swagger of a solo artist
With the ease of an egret
And all the nuances in between
When you see me walk by
You can ask me
Or judge me
Happiness is a bubble
The more you reach for it
The farther away it seems to be
But when you’re in it
Really in it
It’s as fragile as porcelain
Today I am tears of joy
Triumphs on a mountaintop
Autumn leave and funny T-shirts
Today I am shaking knees
Giggles for no reason
I am songs hummed to no one
The squeak of new shoes
For the first time in a long time I am writing about being alone, but not in my usual way,
Usually when I talk about being alone, it is in a negative way, and it leaves me with only sad things to say.
Am I happy? Or do I pretend... do I put up with bullshit because I really want to, or because I’m used to it ? Do I know what I want versus what I need? What is it that I really want... life is hard.
I let you into my life
One breath at a time
My parts, too, are promises
Curve a curl behind my ear as I
Tell you a secret
Belated Birthday Wishes
goes out to Temi Otedola,
Femi Otedola's daughter.
Your Wife
You were on edge.
So on edge,
You had the reaction to harm those
Who caught you off guard.
Wonders of the world have me feeling small.
How many adventures I haven't experienced.
Open the doors and embarking in the labrynth.
Time to explore those wonders once and for all.
“I want to go to New York”
She says.
I look back at her.
My little sister
With excitement in her eyes.
Now she stands
To make happiness soup you need a pot seasoned with care,
And begin with a quart of smiles, now you're ready to prepare.
To start add a cup of hope and a dash of confidence,
It's so insane to think that we can hear one word and allow it to change our whole mood,
And in many cases when you start to finally take care of yourself, people decide to tell you that you are being rude.
Aphrodite’s bliss-
Never came close, to this.
To be Gibralatar
Barred against the briny black rock.
There is freedom-
You can’t have in marble arms.
T’was the middle of the day and all was about.
All were awake, except for one snout.
Throughout the busy city and the peaceful neighborhood,
Previous month
wasn't just the end
of beginning of
new month.
It's not just how
time flies. But
how time upgrades
to new stage.
hug who you love
if i could offer you only one tip for the future, it would be to hug. don’t ever question if it’s okay to embrace your loved ones, it’s been proven that people love to love and to be loved.
Grip me tighter, Im drifting from afar
He has his hooks in me, saying no is the hard part.
I need your kind of love to rebuild my broken heart.
Don't give up on me before we've given it a fair start.
He told me, I was beautiful.
More alluring than the night sky.
Then began naming our constellations.
One he named Forever.
The other?
And Always.
He told me, I was beautiful.
More alluring than the night sky.
Then began naming our constellations.
One he named Forever.
The other?
And Always.
Life is big long emotion
It’s an unpredictable roller coaster
Sometimes people fall off the ride
They don’t land on their feet
While others are just fine
Sometimes we smile at strangers
breeze like soft hands brushing hair out of my eyes
dandelion seeds float through the sun-bathed sky light as feathers
soft earth below my feet is humble and grounding
beauty is perpetually imperative to my existence.
i pride myself on the fact that i can view even the ugliest things as breathtaking and groundbreaking,
Thank you!
For being the moon in my dark nights,
A good afternoon in the bad days,
The best mom as always...
The rest can't fit in this page,
You don't get tired with age.
None won't be as real as you,
It is 2:30 am, Thursday night
You’ve gone to sleep and I can’t stop thinking about you
My heart feels heavy but in the best way, my thoughts feel light
leave the windows open all day;
let the house forget the feeling
of dust and fingernails.
make the doors wing open with haste;
feel the souls of children
bleeding out with the urge
Happiness is something that has to come from within,
If you keep looking around for it, you will be disappointed with the way that it could have been.
It can be hard to be genuinely happy in a world that is so uncertain,
Today I am happy.
Tomorrow, I'm happier.
But when is the right time?
In the morning we're grumpy
and sour and sweet.
In the monring we're tired
but don't eat the meat.
We slurp smoothies.
Walking on keys,
clink, clink, clink,
each one makes a different note.
Whether I hop, walk, or run,
I make a happy melody.
White, black, white, black,
incomplete stripes.
Walking on keys,
A smile
A neutral expression
A shifting thought
A slight grin
A curving lip
A high cheek bone
A twinkling pair of eyes
A widening face
A flashing of teeth
You make me smile in a time I forgot I knew how.
A twinkle in my eyes and a sweat on my brow
To stifle a laugh under breath made of steel
You taught me to laugh, to smile, and to feel
A lullaby drifts on a distant breeze
Sapphire’s twinkle in the light of his eyes
Dust settles down like the my tears when they cry
While a sweet silent shiver drips down from the skies
Where did that voice go?You remember it, right?
The one that muttered
Sharp, syrupy, perforating words
After each compliment
And about everyone else
you’ll never know
that i drive away smiling
going over everything you’ve said,
your sweater is on my chest
but i wish it was your head.
you have a million suitors
anyone who meets you
becomes entranced by your beauty
the better men try to look a little deeper
I want to go away from home
Home is not here, not right now
Home is where your happy
I am happy but I'm not Happy
Home is where your free
I want to feel free
Free of rules and madness
My arms stay open for you,
So, please come closer for me.
A heart that beats so rhythmically,
I’m surrounded by all your melodies.
Craving the embrace of all your warmth,
As the light hit my face
I embraced it
Although it was a gloomy day
I was still thankful
I have so much
Much more than other children in 3rd world countries
I have food, clothes, shelter
By: Abbey Windham
They carry on
Day after day
The smiles on their faces
As white as pearls from the roaring oceans
Their homes are shambles
Pieces of trash nailed together
Have you ever seen a color and thought about what it would be like as a person?
I wonder if it's personality is visible and certain.
How yellow sings when it sees the sun,
Have you ever seen a color and thought about what it would be like as a person?
I wonder if it's personality is visible and certain.
How yellow sings when it sees the sun,
Outside, it was miserable and rainy:
A cold day in November.
I held the photo against the lamp
On a dark day in November.
It was old, blurry and grainy,
But enough to make me remember.
So full of questions
He said with a smirk and laughter in his eyes.
But you are so full of answers
I answered back with a simple tone.
He laughed and I watched the way
You miss every poem that you don’t writeYou miss every battle that you don’t fightSometimes it’s ok to miss a thing or twoBut I’d never want to miss a birthday for you
Running around in the fields
giggling so hard, this ain't no battlefield
Running to go catch the person ahead
Crossing the finish line, your legs feel dead
Shaking hands and giving hugs
1. a plant with green leaves that are primarily used for cooking, originating from southern europe and the mediterranean.
This body.
One heart.
Two valves.
300 million veins.
37 trillion cells.
every second to keep you alive.
Distractions help ease the pain of constant thoughts. Keep busy.Safe. As the pain and heart break ease, so do the distractions.No more painting. Drawing. Creative outlooks.
Colors of the trees, sound of the bees,
Trickle of the stream, beautiful sunbeam,
Tickle of the breeze, pretty scent of posies,
Nature has no certain flaw,
these are the things that leave me in awe.
My day was shit
Until you came up in conversation
And then I went on about you
My face lit up and I felt all sunny yellow inside
Even my cheeks went strawberry pink
words spill out of my mouth
and ooze from my skin at the
sight of a july day
spent in the sun
admiring the light slipping through the trees
and onto her skin
he could grip his hands around my throar, and push down until
was nothing, but a far away dream,
and still
all he would have to do is say its this, or you'll never feel my lips again
Oh, at long last,
I’ve found you,
Although, the news
Ain’t so good,
Seems you found love…
You seem happy,
And so fulfilled
But did I think that,
You’d be lonely,
I was happy,
TV nightly,
As a family,
Simple pleasures,
‘Any Umbrellas?’
Family holidays,
I was happy,
Perhaps the world was happy,
Or happier at least.
O how
Ruefully I pine
For mi pueblito perdido,
What I wouldn’t give,
To be young again,
And happy as I was back then.
Maria, full of peace,
Do you remember
I’m sorry that I couldn’t make you happy
I’m sorry that I can’t make myself happy
I’m sorry that happiness isn’t a language I speak
But I loved you
I’m sorry if I pushed you away
23: that’s how many days it took to stop thinking about you every time I woke up. It’s how many times I sat alone with hurt in my eyes this year alone.
I am mountains staggered and strong in a valley of skin. I am warm leather showing age and a life that was lived. I am wind blowing through golden fields of grain. I am the glimmer in ancient eyes, the earthy hue of my hazel windows.
long ago, once upon a time
without a worry in the world
I knew life would be just fine
as I grew and as I learned
all of a sudden I had more concerns
that really scared me at first
In the light I awaken,
in my mothers womb
in my mothers house
in my dirty hands in dirt.
In the dark I ponder,
in the office
in the papers filled with numbers
My glow up is when I'm the best me
The best me is who I ought to be
I can be on the outside pretty
But who am I? What do I see?
A caged animal? Or someone free?
I'm the best me when I'm happy
A slave to my memories
I used to be
Seeing the love in my life falter
It would still me
Drain me of hope
Plague me of peace
nothing turns into something
im surrounded with grey rays of dim light
a storm cloud looms over my head
they catch the rain but the storm doesnt pass
my clothes are soaked and my mascaras running
Perspiration and butterflies
Trembles of anxiety
Drowning in blue with tangled chords-- annoying
Heavy metal hung around my clammy skin
don’t let the good times
cover the bad
soak in those moments
but never feel sad
to have felt such joy
is a blessing alone
let go of that boy
put down that phone
when was it?
when i had to think about loved ones never coming back
when was it?
when i had to grow up to help my mom the way she was suppose to help me
when was it?
when was it?
when i had to think about loved ones never coming back
when was it?
when i had to grow up to help my mom the way she was suppose to help me
when was it?
You're kind of crazy and I am too,
I'm only me when I'm with you.
You make me smile like a child,
I hope you'll stick around and stay awhile.
You make me feel so safe inside,
Even when I think it'll be a rainy day,
I watch my blue skys fade away from grey.
Sunflowers dance all around,
Under the clouds I'll never be found.
I love my little flower garden,
Your voice slips and rolls like honey.
And, your tone sounds just as sweet.
You treat me as if I were a fragile bird.
Your gaze opens wide and centers on me.
It's been years now but, the words still hurt like it was yesterday. I am grown now but, why do I still feel this childish hurt everday. I say im happy but, I still find myself in the back of the room or comfortable only in the shadows.
Feeling blue is an emotion I'm too familiar with.
When I feel a wave of melancholy coming on,
I like to dance.
My preference is slow dancing,
With the one I love by my side.
he lays in her lap as her petal-soft fingers run through his star-ridden curls
he tells her that her freckles could make an entire galaxy
it was blossom of spring
a spring in my step
a beautiful flower rising
up from the broken dirt
the blossoming of new
found and new born life
the life of a girl who used
i remember when we had no smartphones.
life was so much simpler.
i remember being excited to play ball.
i remember being excited to skate.
i remember being excited to dance.
i remember being excited to live.
Somethings different about the way you wake up in the morning
A deep breath and a smile as you roll out of bed
Still groggy, but doing your daily steps regardless
There's something odd about the way you walk
In the moment that i realized I love you, my life became an endless summerRays of light pierced through the skyMy heart blossomed as the sunflowers do& the salty ocean waves crashed playfully onto the shore the way your lips crash onto mine My
Can it be changed? mended? altered? no.Do i worry? bite? tap?yes.Feel miserable? uninterested? Still?yes.
But why do I do this?But why do I waste my energy being sad, mad, uncomfortable, upset?
The mess of tangled thoughts, mangled anxieties, strangled shouts
That invades your brain
On quiet nights.
When I was small
I would believe
That Fairies surrounded me
And protected me
From the bad
But when I grew
My fairies turned to dew
And formed my tears
And leaked to the ground
All smiles
All happiness
But I don’t know why
Are they making me happy?
I tell myself yes
I think I’m trying to reassure myself
Quit fucking staring at me.
You have a hole in your head!
No thumbs.
Or fingers, for that matter.
Just tacky brown rubber stubs
Life is full of joy
Humans buy me toys
I go on walks
And chase things that squawk
The world is my playground
I like to run around
I wrote a poem about you
I called it 'I wrote a poem about you
My heart spoke to my mind
My pen wrote words that were hard to find
Nevertheless I wrote you a poem
To tell you that I don't know who you are
Hey, you.
Yeah, you.
It's ok to be sad.
But I just wanna tell you that you're loved.
It's ok to want to be alone.
But I just wanna tell you that I'm here for you.
Working 9 to 5 on minimum wage, until old age.
It's not about the money, honey.
You don't fell brave, just like a slave, but you gave until you entered a maze.
Confused and abused, you refuse to blow a fuse.
Teach me, love.
Anger envelops me, I never resist it.
This type of behavior will lead me to felonies.
Please stain my memories. Teach me forgiveness.
I meet a boy who gave my hope in my adolescent days
A few months passed and we eloped
Although he ended up treating me like a joke
A year went by and our daughter arrived
I want you.
I don't tell you but I think it every day.
I want you. Putting emphasis on every word I say it three times over.
I want to kiss you unil are lips are raw and there is no emotion left to be shared.
Clouds are endless,
When way up high,
towards the edges of the sky.
Also soft,
Plush, enough to catch
The common by and by.
Stars, those shooting stars
When the sky falls.
The peace I will feel when,
my eyes are unable to blink,
when my legs are unable to swing.
the peace I will feel when,
my hair stops growing,
mouth stops smiling.
The peace, when my heart
the feeling a bee feels
when it finds a daisy.
the feeling a dog has,
when it finds a bone
a bird, a seed.
a lion, a zebra
me, you.
I feel like an artist,
Desperately trying to blend,
My darkened soul,
Into the rainbow that was once,
My mind.
Your hands slowly,
Trace their way down my thigh.
Your lips,
Make their way to my chest.
But what is lust,
If we don’t have love?
You are always here when I'm mad,
Or sad,
Or happy,
Or anything really.
I turn to you when I need to get away from life,
you are always here for me.
The quiet screams echoing in the darkness
Wait till daylight comes
The soft claws of a murder of crows laying in wait for prey
Wait till daylight comes
Being small was never a problem.
It meant Max could crawl into small spaces,.
And being last in class to lose his first baby tooth,
Was also never a problem--
Has anyone gone Carol-ing lately?Have you bellowed out a tune?Laced with rhythms and bluesBeats that dance on their ownHave you rhymed your time?Redeeming the precious secondsOf a new day
Little man in a lengthy norm
Weak in strength from his tinfoil form
Work your way to show you are strong
With your breathless blows and tired arm
Look to death and try and complain
When I have both earphones in my ears, I swear
I can dance.
The right playlist is all I need.
Either in my snow rimmed mirror.
In the path of hardware.
I'll prance.
I saw you today.
You sat there and laughed.
I was near certain
That I was going mad.
I watched you sit there,
With a laugh and a smile.
I nearly started crying.
Haven't seen them in a while.
My family doesn't like you.
They judge from what they hear.
But I know you better,
Now let me make this clear:
You're my husband and constant companion.
You're my family, and my friend.
Sometimes, i just think
what if i left everything behind me?
and i flew to the sky
beyond ours that we see at night
silence would be all around
no hateful words to be found
living on a star
Power to the fist
Power to defeat
Power to challenge
Vested in a pen, a pencil, a feather was the power to plaster my emotions
Doesn’t sound too strong but let me fill you in on a secret
It is
Life is so precious
truly a gift
something so sweet
like a mother’s kiss
from beginning to end
a joyful ride
like rifing the waves
on the greatest tide
from being a child
what is a beat
dusk to dawn
settled down influenced by the near uprising
peaceful. safe.
chained within
Why am I chained down by my suffering and misery?
Please, can someone set me free?
Can you send me to my eternal resting place?
To be free from my suffering.
It’s my first time.
The words. Hanging off my tongue.
He’s the first. He’s special.
We’ve been together for so long time.
I’m nervous. Terrified. Ecstatic.
I look forward to
The long summer nights,
When we’ll laugh until we’re gasping for air,
When we’ll run through the grass pelting each other with water balloons.
We’ll clink our glasses of water
They started small at first,
but now they are violent.
Everytime i'm near him it makes me thirst
Thirst for a love that won't become violet.
I love my butterflies
they don't tell lies.
Life is meticulous.
it lingers on, trapped
in between the cracks
of "destiny", and "maybe".
and everything is shady
or burning in the blaze of
ray beams ...
and right now its flaming.
I see her walking
down the hallway
She doesn't see me
Or she does
but doesn't bother noticing
She's smiling
And she's laughing
And she's so
I wish I could be
I am free
I am open
I am a flowing river with words streaming
from my fingertips
pooling on paper.
I am alive in a world where many are dead
or maybe not really dead
Oh look how the rose withers.
Oh look how the petals fall.
With time it begins to shrivel,
Till time fine’ly makes its call.
You’re the sweetest melody playing within. The thumpy-thump in the midst of my heart. The soothing, mellow tune lulling me to sleep While I lie quietly, still, listening in the dark.
Your pink, rosey lips
delicately fell onto the bones of my hips.
Your beaming, bright smile
can send my heartbeat and I traveling over a mile.
Your dainty, lingering fingertips,
could repair sinking ships.
Never let your Past catch up to yourself
No matter how much the past stabs your back
keep your head up and run with those who give you hope
We as humans are born to endure hatred and Depression
Smile for yourself
Make sure everyone knows you're alive
No one Exists for a Second
The little things matter more than you think
Being told you're Pretty
Being told you're Amazing
And most importantly
I hate the feeling of
I can try to go on a walk in the
just to clear my head.
But all it does is stuff my head with more
The summer afternoons after swimming in the
All this time, and I still can't fathom
How inveterately gentle you are;
You are an impossible amalgam,
A sundry of delightful examplars.
With soft words and a sonorous message,
I feel ecstasy in these equations,
I'm delighted by these approximations.
How many piano tuners are there in Chicago?
Puzzling through it sets my heart aglow.
My enthusiasm is hard-won,
Their pedals burst the color of rejoicement
And lighten any room.
Anyone would be excited
To watch even a dozen bloom.
High, tall, and proud
Darling sunflowers grow.
You have many uses
Passion, music, worldly delight;
Ecstatic, they celebrate all night.
For at dawn, there are sacrifices;
Pleasures to be spurned as vices.
Humanity has this wonderful disposition.
Dear Deer,
My deepest apologies for stopping you here.
I simply noticed something simple
Dolphin Gray -
The color of my favorite
Crayola Crayon
At six years old
slightly blue-tinted gray catching my eye
To my depression:
I spent too long loving you
and being held hostage to the
warmth you’d radiate
because I was always so cold
Dear Anxiety,
Not a day goes by where I am without you
Not a day goes by where I like you
From holding me back
To making me cry
From filling my head with negatvity
To making me freeze
I think the reason we cry when we are just that happy,
is because we are afraid to lose something,
that is so rare to find . . .
or at least that's what I do with you.
I love to smile,
A s much as fish loves dry land
M aking everyone else happy
S inging with a mute voice
To the monster inside of me,
You’ve had your fun,
You thought you prevailed,
You thought you had won.
I never thought it would end,
dear nicholas and twila,
when i was so much younger
i was sad and often cried
i always felt alone
no matter how hard i tried
A room awash with warmth.
Tea steaming within a porcelain cup.
Quiet resounds henceforth.
Everything is looking up.
No people now.
No thoughtless phrases to cause harm.
I'm alone, yet somehow
You say you know what the world means
When you never know your silent screams .
The world is pretty with all to do
Where everyday there is something new .
But tell me this
Dear my love,
I saw you today, you spoke to me and my universe turned to align with yours.
I turned into the blushing bashful schoolgirl I though I would never be
If I could find a mirror,
I'd clean it through and through.
Then, resolutely,
I'd show a star to you.
While superficially unassuming,
Within the glass you'll find
Ghosts of a cosmos once blooming;
What if dying isn't deathIf when we leave this world…
The weight of it is simply off our chest
When we take that final breath
Hey what's up,
u know how it is
It's Joe with a Fro
Happy Birthday
Hope you had fun
because soon after
here comes the sun
You entered a new decade congrats
Dear Dad,
I look back on the days
When you showed me all of your love
Showed me all of your care
When I thought you just acted tough
Always left your side fast
Dear Ma,
The eleventh of March
Nineteen seventy-nine
Baby born at this time
Little foot with an arch;
Her dark green eyes glistened
As she looked at her mom
Pat held her in her palm
Dear My First Love,
Second guessing my hope in us
Comes from the misguiding thoughts of others
Talk of wanting better for me
Goes through one ear and out of the other
But I know what is best for me
Dear Joshua,
We left when it could still be night.
My eyes still bore the evidence of sleep deprivation.
Dear Coffee,
You are the start of my mornings,
the end to my evening slumps.
Sometimes you come with sugar and cream,
sometimes you do not.
Awake upon this garden
You who belies life and lives
For the wind in your hair
Sing upon this sunshine
You who decries truth and spies
Magic in the air
Golden opportunity mixed
Heaven wafts through the house
Smoked brisket, mac n' cheese,
Mom's homemade cookies
Ava excitedly talks to me
About Achievement Hunter
Those crazy guys are at it again
As the wind blows and
The rain pounds on my window,
You hold me tight and don't let go.
I fall asleep in your arms,
Waiting for a rainbow
That I hope will come,
The one that you promised was just
Some people
Love it
Hate it
I hate them
I go into a daze
I get depressed
I cry for no reason
I have mood swings
I feel like rather
Than everyone is
What is happiness?
By: Madalyne Gonzalez
There are so many people who focus only on the negative
At moments, it gets kind of repetitive
When negativity is all that you see
Do not say anything,
Not even a word.
Even if you want me to,
I connot ablige.
Untill you have seen,
My life through my eyes.
(This is a reverse poem. Read starting from left to right all the way to the bottom of the poem. Then, read from left to right from the bottom of the poem to the start of the poem!)
You must never change yourself for anybody
White sheets lay an adventure through my brainCross minded, open sighted lines puncturing while my existence is indicatedWe are the center of our own worldown universeown fight.
They say home is where the heart is
So I built us a house of cliches
Cut out the electricity,
Because they say love is blind
I have run from fearsFor too many yearsNot knowing if you careBut say that, I don’t dare
With lies people spit outI am beginning to doubtI don’t know what to doWhen the hurt seeps through
To the boy who swept me off my feet in less than a day,
I just want to say,
It's so hard to put my feelings at bay
When I have to see you everyday
From now 'til May.
So tell me your secret way,
Share your smile with the world.It's a symbol of friendship and peace.Because of your smileYou make life more beautiful and prestige
I find joy walking in the rain with you.
The wind brings a biting chill
And the water droplets sink into my clothes.
The sky is a flat, endless gray.
I'd do anything you'd ask me to, because I love you...
Although, I asked for nothing in return;
But, for your love too...
Who is she! Why is she texting you?!
What does she want! Give me all your passcodes.
I am human, so are you.
I am learning, and you are too.
The mistakes we make, we learn to forgive.
This is the real love, we have to give.
But not to worry, not to fret.
You are the only cloud on a sunny day.
Because of you, I have shade on the hottest day of the year.
Because I love you, a smile tugs at my lips at the sound of your name.
Because I love you, my stomach becomes a butterfly garden when I see your smile.
A healthy relationship means we are both happy in this.
It’s not a burden.
It’s amazing, It’s wanted.
The downs are worth it because they build up the relationship.
It teaches you who you are
And shows you what you’re becoming
The foundation
To healthy relationships
So that you’re not left there stumbling
There’s only one person I’ve ever fallen in love with
Why? Because I love you!
Every morning, one of my favorite parts of the day, I get to wake up next to you.
Every night, another favorite of mine, is lying in bed with you by my side.
“How was your day, Sweetie?”
“I should get one for my partner too.”
“I mean… Would you want to?”
It’s as simple as that.
Dear momma
Thank you for giving me Real Love
The kind of love where
I feel safe enough
To be myself and shine
Real Love
Love is
Having a bad day and instantly getting cheered up by your loved one.
Love is
Having a constant, walking reassurance standing by your side
Love is
Feeling Homesick when they you are apart
Because I love you, I understand if you are overwhelmed and can't get to the phone.
I do not expect all of you, all the time. Sometimes minds are else where and that's okay.
Just let me be there.
Would it mean the same in words
If I took your hand in mine?
To glance across your sleeping face
Or rest my head, benign?
When we say, “I love you.”
What forces make it so?
They say I'm the strong one because when we hold hands I cradle yours softly. I'm the strong one because I defend you, because I check your wounds and bandage thick cuts from work. They call me a flame, wild and free and fierce.
Love is not tears
Manipulation or jeers
Nor is it lies and coercion.
Love does not hurt
You make me healthy and old
I always wanna hold
you during the night
to keep you safe and hold you tight
I never look at anyone else
I love you more than myself
I would do anything for you
She feels lighter, somehow
Something soft and gentle in my arms
The same pink mouth and doe-eyes
The same soft skin on the back of her neck
Because I love you, when you're near my stomach drops.
Because I love you, I stay up all night wondering what did I do to deserve such a beautiful human being.
Because I love you, when you're near my stomach drops.
Because I love you, I stay up all night wondering what did I do to deserve such a beautiful human being.
You think I'm smart,
I'm really not
You think I'm brave,
but no
You think I'm upbeat,
When I often succumb to
the darkness inside of me
Just because I like pink
To talk to sing to sigh, the sounds we know.
The looks, the smile, the physical fall.
As ever beautiful as the sun burns,
But not the language of us in awe.
Though if there be words of his longed return
Because I love you
I will help you when you're down
Because I love you
I will do my best to never make you frown
Because I love you
Because I love you, I will always reminisce on the times we had together.
From holding hands in the stores, or cuddling when it was rainy and cold.
From getting daily "I love you texts", and kisses on the forehead as reminders.
I love you
and because I love you
I'll never take you for granted;
Because I love you
I'll be there in your best,
I'll be there in your worst;
I love you.
I am thankful for you
You had helped me with more happiness
You helped us move a better home though it is a struggle, I love it
You helped me go to my favorite place on Earth, the rollercoasters were amazing
When we fell together my heart was full of hope. Butterflies then Autumn leaves swirling around us was all I could see.
Because I love you, I want you to know the real me.
This morning I woke up beside him
He kissed me ‘till I was awake
We laid there for hours, limbs knotted around each other
Until I rose to cook breakfast
The night before, I came home, exhausted
I want you to be happy.
I want to see you smile everyday.
I want you to feel beautiful.
I want you to be surrounded by people who care about you.
I want to dream big, go far, and make it all come true.
Not many people are as lucky as I
Not everyone has you
Some express their jealousy, others express their praise
But I just need to thank you
Because you love me
You would answer every shaky breath of mine with "are you okay?"
Because I love you
I kissed away your tears and held you so tightly
Because you love me
As this sprouted, there were no expectations. No hopes or predictions. Just children searching for support among their peers. Life had taken a toll on us, and without this love we would fade away. As this blossomed, this love became something
Enticing me
Shining Sso bright!
No shadow,
No doubt
Of the feelings I possess!
“Our Love”
All our lives we’ve been taught that we need food, water, and shelter to live
But my love, all I need is you
Your love is true,
It is authentic.
I am not just some trophy for you,
Another accomplishment checked off your list;
The love I have been craving,
The love I have wished
To find, I have found it
If I were an artist
and you were my muse
I'd paint you a thousand times
so I could hear your voice
for a million years
I'd paint you with gold
like the stars in the sky
We were out on a night time hike watching the stars look down at us
while the moon smiled back,
Because you know how I love to watch time jump on a shooting star and fly past us when I’m with you,
L o v e was domestic violence
L o v e was emotional abuse
L o v e was choosing him over me
L o v e was staying because you've already invested in so much time
L o v e was miserable
L o v e was pain
The horizon doesn't seem too far,
The sun's heat gives me warmth,
Though I am so close,
It doesn't burn
Slowly, all my fears are melting away.
Because I love you
Means asking how your day was
Or what you want to eat.
I love you means
"I've got you,"
I'll never let you fall to your feet.
It means something deeper
Because I love you...
I make bad choices.
Because I love you...
I am blind, but.
Because I love you,
I am happy.
I am no longer confused,
my path is made clear.
Because I love you...
Because I love you
I don’t say I love you
I know you can’t say it back right now.
Right now
The words are stuck inside our throats
Like stones.
Every time I feel like drowning I just think of all the things I have in life.
I try to be happy, but I don’t know what true happiness is.
I was wandering alone
Weak, wobbly, withering
I was surrounded by blankness
Bleak, black barren
You found me
Fateful, faithful
You pulled me up
Peaceful, patient
Soft words, soft hands
brushing back your loose hair strands.
Loving kisses to say goodnight
two strong arms when things aren't right.
Wiping away your tears of pain
not restraining you like a ball and chain.
Sometimes words can be tossed,
Their actual meanings lost.
Sometimes words are hand selected,
Across an ocean of stars,
Above a mountain of garbage.
I'll show you the scars,
And my hollow of Solace.
Broken Fixers.
This life isn't broken.
It was never a working thing.
The people didn't know.
They cry
failed marriage
couple kids to take care of
one named tom
the other named Sarah
1 went with the mom
other with went with the dad
cried herself to sleep
from all the wreckage
He probes, what are we?I utter, what are we supposed to be?There was still dubietyAmidst them and their duty
He bestows a philosophyWe aren’t yet,The kind of allianceThat we should be
Spring sprouted alive in his smile, In the skies turned an iridescent blue,In the winds that matted his hair with wild lilies,In the early morning dew, In the thin and transparent leaves
Show me what love can be
Open the doors to infinite.
Show me what love can do
Let's get some action between me and you.
Show me what love can say
Tell me everything will be okay
It’s the moment you look at them.
Every single time your eyes meet,
You know in your heart, there,
that’s were you want to be.
Last night I dreamt of you, we were just like we used to be.
We we're watching the moon cover the sun, we had felt so free.
You held my hand and squeezed it so tight.
I knew in that moment that everything would be alright.
The cool breeze softly blows through the hot air, shaking the leaves of the coconut trees that stand tall amongst her.
She runs through the flock of chickens scaring them off while a herd of cows pass by.
my life wasnt right
all i wanted to do
is grab a knife and
leave it all behind
thinking it would make
things right...not knowing
I heard your voice
over my morning alarm.
Then it was silence.
I picked myself
off of the hard wood floor,
Got dressed
Reached for the door
and felt you on its brassy doorknob.
I had lost hope in love through countless loss,
leaving disappointment and heartbreak as the sides of my emotional coin toss.
When all signs pointed to perpetual sorrow and loneliness,
The Beauty Of A Women :
The beauty of a woman
Is not in the clothes she wears,
The figure that she carries,
Or the way she combs her hair.
On long car ridesShe chooses the music playedCarefully setting the moodUsing songs to portray emotionShe turns melodies i
There is a stupidity in this world.
It drifts from person to person
And it lingers in crowds.
It is subtle but so widely stretched
It encompasses the whole of humanity.
There are so many things
I will never be able to express.
But you are beutiful like stars are beutiful.
Your laugh sounds like a gentle stream
over pretty little River rocks.
Killing time.
trying to get people to understand me.
but they can not.
Just like i can not understand them.
Every man is an island.
seperated from all by the oceans of our skulls.
trapped in our heads.
My love:
Listen you don’t have to say a word, hush.
I swear to the stars your eyes make night sky blush.
Scarlet hue washes over the moon till dusk;
Open your door, and walk outside.The cool breeze running it's oxygenized fingers through my strong blonde hair.There's no need for negativity at a time like this.
My eyes are swimming the bags under my eyes are filled with good thoughts.
Sweet nothings float through my ears and my eye lids are made of lead.
I sleep safely knowing I’m with you in my head.
The night is clearas the day draws near.Lost and alone on this unsettled ship.Up in the sky I see a lonely star;oh how it seems to guide me afar.I gaze to the star one of millions;
If you break my heart,
I will not be shocked
I’m waiting
Not wanting,
It’s called preparation
It’s haunting,
The city roads are full of potholes.
The railroads creek and squeak with the passing of heavy machinery.
I sit in the garage at my borther's home.
I am a homeless college graduate--in debt.
Sometimes you look at me
as though i’ve never kissed a girl before.
I cannot tell if it is pity or love
which causes you to fret over my virgin lips.
Some people's idea of happiness consist of tender moments with another.
Other's consist of a smokey room full of friends.
Other's, of piles of money and days full of laziness.
As a child, I went through a very brief period of childhood before I was thrust into a world where monsters are not only very real, but a constant factor I had to face.
I am from Cadiz,
from the ¨gator pond¨
next to my torn down trailer.
I am from dangerous bike rides,
dodging trees.
From climbing rock cliffs
and pulling off ticks.
Where I'm From by Ryan G.
The ground is where I'm from, born out if the dust and dirt.
I am from my family, and their laughter and love.
My journey to Middletown
Although I never thought that’s where I’d go
We may be alone
But that doesn’t mean we’re not connected
Throughout the past year,
my beauty has grown upon me.
I've been able to look in a mirror,
and grin because I can accept what I see.
My art has become a way of expression,
and given me a sense of peace.
Oh how the winds have changed
all wind blows with the curviture of the earth
but not all whip and burst in the same directions
Some winds dash throgh the trees and encourage leaves to dance
Grades have forever defined me.
They no doubt made an effort to confine me.
But this year was the year they designed me.
A 30 on my ACT
FINALLY free college for me!
A chance for me to get to be
I am not the same girl I was yesterday. There are so many events that have paved the way.
the lines of her hands
whisper of pinky promises
the good
and the bad
the cold nights of tears
broken hearts, hands, love
the days thoughts are smothering
"do you promise?"
Here I'm staring at the ocean
Before I know it I lose track of time
And there's no one beside me
But I don't feel alone
The leaves are chaning where you are
Changing faster than you can see
The distant smell of a fireplace on a cold night,
feeling that first rain drop of an impending storm,
being offered the last slice of pizza among friends,
getting cozy under a freshly-cleaned blanket,
It was the Winter of my being
But outside I felt the heat.
A lot of people I am seeing
That I’m not pleased to meet.
I went away from all things
I knew.
I changed my view on life,
paid attention to the little things.
I learned to appreciate the small gestures
made by strangers walking by.
I left
The Christmas spirit is in the air
What a joy it is for everyone
Families gather around the tree
And have so much fun
So jovial and jubilant
Of a delightful mood
Everyone is in such a frivolous manner
I have looked into the abyss
Stood rooted in fear
Paralyzed, my next move unclear
Withheld myself from ever finding bliss
when you're sad
You need to get happy
but when your sadness runs deep
through your bones
through your veins
through your heart
and through your brain
You need to get help
to get happy.
From January to February
I hit a new low in life
Everything was bothering me
All I thought about was the cold blade of a knife
From March to May
My life has been hard, this year was no different.
Half way through I realized I'd missed it.
From being comfortable and never alone,
We were left without a home.
In our car is where we stay
I can hear a rose cry
It's Time to go
I was able to get through
I'm sure I'm happy now
I was in a fog
The Sun hid behind a tree
The east consumes the Sky
Yet darkness disappears
Everyday I woke, I worked, all day to day, no change.The broken record called "My Life", was simply played away.Routine will grind your smallest bones of vigor into naught,and as day and day pass away you'll find your heart has stopped.For me, for
Years go by as they always do
Some go fast, others slow,
But never a year taken so long
As this year's past.
Changes occur as they always do.
Some welcome, some not.
Haircuts and new friends,
Deep breath
Step out onto the sidewalk
And breath the fresh summer air
Feel the wind tangle in your hair
Why am I here
I am behind a computer screen when I can be out exploring
I want to travel the world
Climb Mount Everest
Swim between the Canyons in the sweet light blue water
Another year, another promise to myself to be happy
The weather outside isn’t the only thing that’s cold
The sadness transformed into hatred
I refuse to give up this time,
For me it was gold
But for them its dirt
The way they treat
The way they speak
But whatever it is
I doesnt really fit
They came along
That wasnt too long
Both singing a song
Sitting at lunch among my group of friends
All of them, laughing until their hearts content
Their smiles so bright it seems they never witnessed hardship
My soul is like a peace of paper; white and light and soft and new.
My friends are like the pages; close enough to feel the pain, but like a page they too can turn away, who new.
Recently, applying for scholarships have become a blur.
The number one question I get is
What are you personal and educational goals?
To me, stating my personal and educations goals seperately
January and new beginnings
Followed by intense wrestling in February
Little old ladies in their gardens at the end of March
Listening to a good record during an April shower
Phone at one-hundred percent,
Music app opened,
Headphones plugged in,
Zoned out.
Brushes gathered,
Paints wet,
Cup filled with water,
Image has been sketched.
A perfect and loyal friend
From you jumping all over me, to a bark meaning hello,
There is no other friend I would rather go
To lick away my tears and tell all my fears.
A walk in the park,
A ride in te car,
When life is down your must turn it around.
A pat on the back can get a life on track.
A simple nap will tighten the cap.
Life will get better
When life is down your must turn it around.
A pat on the back can get a life on track.
A simple nap will tighten the cap.
Life will get better
The morning sun is like a coffee
Liquid light streaming from the sky
A cup of bliss for upturned faces
Receiving the golden greeting from up high.
The morning sun is like a letter
I see them.
They start to emerge from the darkness.
Slowly, enticing, flawless.
The excitement builds inside me.
And then...
In unison they begin to move, their bodies in sync.
When I was younger, I used to think guys
Needed to make me smile
I thought boys completed empty parts
Parts that first became bruised
I want to smile.
I want to be happy all the time.
I want to have fun with my friends.
That does not always happen.
Life gets in the way.
Somber winds beat against the door
fallen words halted by the sound
forgotten ways yearn for the past
feelings once erupt are now bound
without words how can I express,
The wind whispers as it ruffles through the trees. Birds sing along to nature's tune.
The glowing sun shines through golden leaves as it rises to the day. A king to its kingdom.
Words drift into
The night stretches into
Alarm rings into
Dawn breaks into
The leaves orange and yellow,
carry me up through the woodland,
to the mountains big and tall.
Take me to the canyons,
down to the plains,
up to a valley,
away from everything.
A breathless beauty forms in front of my eyes
the cotton candy sky illuminating onto my skin
the clash between red, orange, pink and purple mix together as one
as if they were in love and never letting go
I very much enjoy the first bite of cake.
As I scrape the fork on my plate and smile
I think to myself I might have to run an extra mile.
But I shrug it off because this pastry is good for my own sake.
There are more than a few things
Which I am pleased about,
that wash away my stormy days,
and cleanse me of my doubt.
Sometimes they are big things
and sometimes they are small
Its hard to write a short poemAbout things that make me happyI wrote a two page poem and thought"Its too long and too sappy."I had to be selective Like picking out a mateSo here are about ten things
A white blanket covers the soft ground,
Fire crackles its vibrant heat into the frigid air
Stocking hang above, waiting to be filled
Sweet smells wafts from the kitchen
Tears and heartbreakLaughter and smilesRight and leftAlways together Never separateCuddles and kissesCookies and milkSleeping and dreamingLife keeps them together Because they are pairs
Smile for a picture
Smile for a friend
Smile for a special someone
Smile because you can
Smile because your beautiful
Smile because it makes bad days better
Happy days and windy Mays
That's what makes me smile
Running for miles
Down that country road
Sometimes I think of you,
All those times we spent back here
Laying on that blanket staring at the stars
Most feelings are materialistic,
like receiving a gift or being complimented,
or getting a splendid grade on a test,
or wearing a nice outfit that day.
I desire deeper feelings.
Wind is wisping through my hair,
as the horizon revels in its orange and pink.
The world passes in the window's glare,
and the radio sings a farmiliar song.
Asphalt roads are a thoughtful maze,
Wind is wisping through my hair,
as the horizon revels in its orange and pink.
The world passes in the window's glare,
and the radio sings a farmiliar song.
Asphalt roads are a thoughtful maze,
Why, hello Day! I've been expecting you.
I endured a long process waiting for you.
I wrote a song last night and I'd like to show someone,
I thought you'd take forever and spoil the fun.
Happiness is a choice
You have to make it
In order to be happy
You have to choose happy
In order to choose happy
You have to think happy
So many people in the world aren't choosing it
Many times in school I have felt alone,
However, spoken word catches me in it's net.
It heals my the the wounds from words that may cause a broken bone.
Tick tock to a halt; it’s one, then two, then stop
Her breathing slows, her small throat swells
Tears are rolling down her cheeks
It may seem morbid, it may seem wrong
But I’m not ashamed of how I feel
Pessimists see
the horrors of Earth.
The darkness that comes
from the moon's birth.
They need to see
the beauty of life,
through all the troubles,
struggles and strife.
You're beauty is like starlight, but more like the spaces in betweenBecause you're so much more than just a pretty faceYou're so much more than the precious pearls you hide behind
What makes me smile?
What makes me feel good?
When I can run the mile,
And do what I know I should.
It’s cuddling with my cat.
It’s being all wrapped up.
It’s when you’re so cozy that,
You know what's my favorite thing in the whole world?
When I talk to someone
Especially kids my age
Or grown ups
Or anyone really
Let us talk about what makes me feel good.
But this time, I won't share it on
my therapist's green couch or
my psychiatrist's wooden chair
or to myself when I feel myself slowly start to slip.
It's the little things in life
Those most often overlooked
Like flowers, grass, and sunshine
A blanket and a book
Spending time with loved ones
Like your family and your friends
I Am Baseball
I am the warm and humid summer days
I am the cold and rainy fall days
I am the short perfect grass
Being awoken
And opening my eyes
To the sunshine
Every morning
When I could only see darkness
Showed me that
There was more to me
Than my mental illness
It gave me a reason
As a kid
I loved swimming
It was something
That made me happy
As I grew
My love
For immersion
Became fear
As I realized
The mental horror
Of drowning
Have I
Ever told you
What makes me
It's not sunny days
Or pretty poetry
Or even my favorite stories.
A good friend
To just hang with and
Watch TV shows
Sometimes I'm mad, sometimes I'm sad. Bring me food and I'll be glad. The days seem
cloudy, the days seem sunny, but my friends think the weather is funny. Somedays I'll
I Love the little things,
cuz when you grow up they are what you miss the most.
I Love the long car rides,
Because it's the journey what matters most.
I Love the cold air nippjng at my nose,
The Rain. It trickles down my window seal.It rushes to the ground, doing a cannon- ball on the blades of grass.The Coffee. The smell inpermiates my nose,making me inhale deeply,enjoying its strong aroma.
We went to the pound to look at the dogs ‘Just to look.” my parents had said But we all new what was going to happen I was going to find a dog and we would “have to keep it” I was in desperate need for a furry friend. My life was dull and sad. I w
Step out of the lense.
Life put me on the spot.
Disappearing smiles, i've been caught.
Put a new star on.
I want a change of scene.
Look into another life of a suburban teen.
Waking in the morning in a country that is free.
Smiling in the mirror because you are blessed to be healthy.
Looking up above to see a roof over your head,
Seeing people laugh
Making people smile
These are just some things
That make it all worthwhile
What's the point of life?
The point of life is this:
Giving real effort towards
Hushed are the mornings,
not one chore yet to do.
The wind wafts over from my open window, cool and light.
The solid hardwood on my bare feet,
What makes me feel good is singing
It gives me a kind of feeling
I can't explain the way it makes me feel
The feeling is just unreal
My melody makes me shine
My voice is hard to deny
5 in the morning and I need that pick me up,
Coffee? No. Sweatpants? No,
Those don't make me happy.
I need that magic power, that makes me feel good inside,
Like a scented candle to my ears,
Teaching first and second graders makes me smile
They make my day with their silly lifestyle
I ask them what they want to do for a career
And one replies loud and clear
“I want to be a ninja turtle!”
happiness is being 4 years old and thinking happiness is spelled 'happyness'
it's thinking mommy and daddy will always love each other
it's elementary school carnivals in the fall
I am not feelin’ good.
Instead of staying in my sheets
I will hit the streets
It was a bad day
But this will be a good run.
You stuck to me
Like how
Dandelions stick to wool
You tangled me into your heart
Like Earphones
You opened me up willingly
The invisible force blowing the trees
The flowers blooming and blossoming with glee
With each and every day
The Earth exhales in its majesty
When the going gets going
And the tough gets tougher,
I need something there to help me to muster
The means to get up, thankfully I got just that
They help me out when I reach a small spat
Love deeper than the blue of deep
My love is deep, deeper than the blue of deep
My love is envied by all of mankind,
Have you ever heard the saying " The first person you think about when you wake up,
And the last person you think about before you fall asleep at night,
Is either the cause of your pain or your happiness."?
Fingers tucked under the hem of my dress,
Heart echoing the clapping enveloping my ears
I want to disappear.
For the most part, I am okay.
But there are times when I feel blue and grey.
Instead of feeling lively and fun, I feel dull and there is no sun.
And when I'm feeling small or down,
There are some so selfish, egotistical.
There are some, through actions: analytical-
determining suite, of gloom and fright
As if to say: you have no right.
"It's a disguisting color!"
Well, mam, I beg your pardon.
But that color I just mentioned-
Happens to be my favorite.
"It keeps you awake."
Can't deny that one,
But that's the fun,
i am the burried treasure found centuries after being hidden away under blankets of rubble.
my eyes decorated with rings of purple and blue from a soundless slumber, evidence of a sleep still needed to be had.
what grade do you have?
Mom, I'm tired,
"Go to sleep sweetie,"
But I'm not tired.
Why do I stay up so late?
It's all worth it in the end,
or is it even worth it at all.
Life can be rough
When emotionally, you are not that tough.
I try to keep my head up by enjoying the little things,
like coffee in my cup.
But life isn't all that bad, I have ways to keep myself from feeling sad.
We ask why life is so hard?
We always are seeking a guard?
I feel down when I see the long road.
Thinking of the very heavy load.
I get mad when I feel down,
just like a ancient and worn gown.
When the brushhairs touch the smooth canvas
My abstract thoughts and feelings are no longer outlandish
My cheeks lift up pulled by beautiful happiness
As ideas come forth unridiculed by their possible wackiness
Sometimes you just have one of those days
Where absolutely nothing is going your way
you bombed that science test
you spilt juice on your shirt
you scraped your knee
dropped your ice cream on the dirt
Taking in each deep breath in slowly without a miss,
Letting my stress dance away in an espresso bliss.
Forgetting all the negatives that turn skies melancholy,
Watching as my sorrows melt in a mocha swirl's melody.
I french kiss the morning,
And open my eyes,
The sun is smiling; the clouds are high,
I jump out of bed, and grab my book,
Then search in earnest for a quiet nook,
I finish my story and hike the trail,
Life is tough,
Days are dark
But what makes rough
Feel less tough
Is a nice long walk
I hear a light stomp in the next room,
and I roll over.
A quiet second goes by and I doze off again.
Another stomp,
and I sigh as my eyes begin to open.
Your dishes clank,
When the sun hits my skin, it makes me smile with a glow.
No one will ever know how my skill feel unless they see my glow.
It gets attention and paparizzi on a daily because it glows so bring attention stays on it.
a quiet afternoon,
a mug of coffee encased in both hands.
i stare into the circle of beige,
at the steam coming out of the brim,
and i watch my anxieties evaporate.
a blue turntable,
You are the reason I wake each day,
You challenge me,
You change me,
I owe it all to you,
Often we find within us
that we can't explain what our troubles are
Such a bizarre confusion,
It makes the complaining of others our envy;
They might not be present for our entire lives,
but we will always be there for theirs.
Apart of our family and always in our hearts,
The wagging tails and innocent eyes wait for our return from home,
Usually, I tend to be rather somber.
But there are certain things that
awake me from my slumber.
For one thing, the winter makes me feel alive;
like there is no other time I would rather thrive.
cherry flavored something
dripping until sticky
on my chin and my hands
but i don’t mind
rub them on my overalls
making mad stupid jokes
I can read you better then anyone else
as your gaze falls unto mine
blue and green clash as you stare away
and i smirk
electricty fizzles out as you turn around
and as your head hangs low when you realize
You will never know the feeling of freedom that surges down my spine,
The shiver that cascades through my veins,
As we race against time to make memories.
Did you know that child and teen suicide rates
are at an all time high, right now?
That suicide is the 2nd most popular cause of death
for 13-17 year old boys and girls?
Fresh oranges and a sunset to match
The gap between his teeth, only visible when he laughs and
freckles the that speckle the tip of his nose.
We call them sun kisses.
Sometimes when I'm feeling down or blue, all I really need is you. A hug and embrace makes me feel like I have place. Hopeless feelings deep inside, but with you, I'm built back up and restored with pride.
Dear Me,
You are strong,
You are beautiful,
You are capable,
You are smart,
You will get through this.
Nobody can control you,
A wag for a smile
A nudge for a pet
A lick for a laugh
A cuddle for a hug
A fetch for a ball
Would you look at that
I'm happy after all
Singing with The Smashing Pumpkins
at sunset.
Slumberous teenagers sinning
on swing sets.
Soul mates trapped in
sundripped snapshots.
Sipping a strawberry shake-
two straws.
I was eight years old when someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. I said, I want to be a singer. I want to be pretty, I want to be popular.
When the days are long, and I'm feeling blue,
all I need is a ball and hoop to put it through.
The sound of the swish does bring such pleasure.
Plaing ball is finding hidden treasure.
In a day are so many sad hours
You may think I'd spend them alone
But I give love to happy flowers
And they make me feel at home
Exhaustion plagues this house
For it is late - time for people to sleep
Yet noise pulses in my ears
And I sing words without a peep
Music pumps through my veins
Using my body as a puppet
I know now that I am not good enough for you.
You want always happy and always confident, but I am
rarely happy, and really confident.
I found that bending to be what you want only broke me, so I'm done bending for you.
Little girl staring down at where her pen meets.
So many thoughts in her head, but nothing on the sheets.
In her mind, she creates a world no one else can find,
But when she goes to write... nothing seems to rhyme.
A is for air force. It’s Captain Briggs in the jet. The toughest and proudest man that you’ve ever met.
B is for ball, “why can’t you catch?” Dad grumbled as I shaped my small hands for the next.
My mind explodes with hatred. I was only told of the awful memories. I was only told of the abuse. My mom wanted to protect me from the bad. I was forced into a game of hide and seek except there was no one looking for me.
"Just Married" signs are so
wonderful to be seen
on the back of a car
speeding down the highway
to a destination
unknown by onlookers.
The direction only to be determined
<p>I'm no longer in step like a marching band member off his countsI'm no longer in the program like a singer cut from the choirI'm no longer in the loop like a roller coaster off of its tracksI'm no longer with the conventional crowd anymor
Wanting to convey that taste of childhood...bliss,
Before it slips
My hands gripping the bars-
I can't sleep but thats ok
Yesterday's become today,
Thinking about all I've had
Insomnia is not so bad
But each new dawn's a passing day
And passion has avoided me,
Still can't sleep,
Have you ever felt alone?Like there's all these people around you at work or schoolSmiling and laughingWith their friendsAnd theirBest friends.
You’re a fragile spirit, afraid to leave the grave of which you were laid to rest.
Metaphorically, of course…
Flowers used to grow in your veins and now they’ve long withered away and died.
She took it away
Stole my life source
Confiscated my heart
And all that connects me inside
The wires and the lines
That helped me reach a place
A place where I could be happy
It’s not a whisper inside but a time.
Falling to warriors a thousand ways.
Feels the stares of many , as they define.
A vanquished hero, crumbling, is portrayed.
A blossoming iris in a soul hates
This feeling
Is foreign
But welcome
All the same
It's strange
To feel it
Bubbling up
To the surface
Coloring your soul
With its cheerful hue
Splashing my mind
Day 1
I was afraid to have to repeat it again
in the hospital because I'd rather be dead
I have been there before, baggy scrubs and socks
Stomach in knots, my poisoned liver still rots
What happens after I am happy,
I'm energetic and alright.
I'll be happy for a while,
Not tiered at all,
Keeping myself up,
With these ideas of joy and love.
This is my state of mania perhaps,
One of my favorite times is that transition of the sky between being black and when the sun comes starts to come up and make everything a pale shade of blue
The quiet of itCars, freeway, trains in the morning
As my unattainable love sat handsome in my head,
I dreamt of the could haves, and poetry, I read.
The classics inspired me -- like Browning and Donne,
Eliot and Plath and Shakespeare and Young.
There are times when I miss being a kid
Where I touched the cracks on the pavements that I walked past by
Where everything around me wasn't secluded, but I had a way to escape
I was in a big city
And got a hotdog from a street vendor
It taste sooooo good
Ketchup, onions, chili and cheddar
As I walked home with a smile
My stomach started to dance
The world is a dark and dreary place
But you are the light in my life
You are the sunbeams caressing my skin
As if saying hello to an old friend
You are the burst of warm air
I saw a UFO last night
Right up in the sky
Don't you say I didn't
I wasn't that high
It beamed it's bright light on me
And sucked me through the sky
They ripped the clothes right off me
I will love you
Till the day I die
You can't stop me
Don't even try
I will love you
No matter what you do
Till the end of time
I will be true
I will love you
In the morning on the bus
On the way to school
I sometimes get a boner
And it really isnt cool
Cause its hard as a rock
And I dont know what to do
I try to pull my shirt down
I love when it rains like the Heavens are crying
And I wonder if it’s that or something interstellar
Maybe the stars are happy and the clouds were watching
So they cried tears of joy
Maybe He saw that we needed rain
Everyone talks about being real
But it seems like
The things that are real to them
Are new cars, posting statuses,
horny rap artists, bright lights, and mobile devices
All these 'real' things
After having my heart completely cut in half
My life was woe
I didn't know
What my purpose in life
Was anymore
I couldn't see what there
Was to look forward to
I was a robot just walking
The old wooden door creaked as it opened
And it reminded me of the sound of my bones.
While I watched you walk in
My knees shook, almost as much as my hands, as I listened to the only sound I could hear:
My hand makes contact with yours
Your fingers interlock with my fingers
Your holding my hand in your hand
My hand swings yours forward
We walk hand in hand as one
Your hand squeezes mine
Her life, cut short,
But still, I would stay,
A home, ripped away,
But yet I would not sway
Harsh words, that cut,
But I care not what they say,
Life is full of surprises;
There will be days that
Everything is going great –
Then, there will be days
When you lose hope in all fate.
It can be quite a roller coaster,
Ten little fingers, ten little toes,
How did I survive without you, I'll never know.
One look into your eyes and I can see
all that lies ahead of me
Happiness, kisses, love, and hugs
Human connection
The exhilarating feeling of being close to someone
Two souls, finding each other amidst the chaos of this world
Two hearts, beating as one
You were gone for so long
Now you're back
Gone for too long
Eleven months and twenty three days to be exact
Oh how I missed you
Your cold touch
Your green skin
The little things
You do for me
Go a very long way
The soft silent simple things
When everything feels grey
There is a fire inside all of us.
It starts off as a spark, then it connects with your soul and ERUPTS
Look around
What happened to my sunlight?
The rays of growth
I feel alone
Cuz in this world people don't exist, right?
I loved the way my lover touched me
You have that grin that makes me smile,
Even after I feel that I have just ran a mile.
You are the reason I wake up,
You were my favorite little pup.
Your the image that brings me warmth,
So on, and so forth.
“It's so much fun! It's so much fun!”
Said the deliriously happy red and white stripes, gliding up and down the flaps of the grand tent
“It’s so much fun! It's so much fun!”
What can't I live without?
My phone, my dog,
endless possibilities.
All things that make me happy,
none that fulfill my answer.
Laying under the stars, I think,
I cant live without...Love.
1. Music is the one thing I can not live without
2. I feel like it takes me to a different place
3. I enjoy music as much as I enjoy sauerkraut
4. When I listen to music, different expressions strike my face
Some say love's like fireworks Others say love is blind But I say love comes softly And it's all knowing in its kind
Here I am alone
With only one thing.
With it I can dream up anything.
It brings me inspiration,
It brings me joy,
It keeps me sane,
On this island.
It is my iPod,
sometimes the simple things are better.
eating lots of mac and cheese then sleeping,
taking a warm shower and putting on clean pajamas,
drinking a soda after a long day of being thirsty;
You can I love you
You can say I’ll be here
You can feel the passion
You can sense the loss of fear.
You can shine as bright as the night skies
While swerving down the road
I can't live without chocolate.
Chocolate is like the soul to my heart.
It makes me happy, like the chimpanzees.
The way it melts like butter as the flavor explodes into your mouth.
Little feet scrambling across hard wood floors Pitter patter of fingers across computer keys Haunting notes of a bow across viola strings Laughing notes of a song to each other across empty space Fresh cookies being carried across the kitchen to s
I am tired.
Tired of holding my tongue
at the thoughts
my mind shouts.
What do I want to do?
Who do I want to be?
How will I make money?
I do not know.
And I am tired.
I cling to those things
That make me feel
Those things that let me know
I'm not so alone here.
Those songs,
Those quotes,
Those drawings,
Those books that keep my
I fell in love at a very young age
It was a magical experience
A beautiful romance
With many enticing words
I fought alongside the bravest kings and warriors
I slayed the toughest beasts
In my town
Animals are left behind
By visitors who "forgot"
The giant dog from their back seat
Or the cat that sits on their shoulders
As if they were merely a toy
Or a trinket
Or a shirt
It is a bird on the silent wind
A flower in the dying grass
Water in a lonely desert
Music in an empty room
It keeps you calmly going on
Wandering through life
Never looking back
I missed you again today
I've been doing this thing where I refrain from thinking about you until about the worst possible time in the day to break down
When I'm dipping in the pool for the beginning of practice
Being excited to start the New Year
Knowing there is nothing to bring you bad fear
Maybe you’ll get up and grab you a beer
Happy and joyful for the upcoming cheer
Family and friends will all gather around
Welcome to society,
feel free to be who you want to be.
But, make sure we like who that person is.
Love yourself and your body,
Who woulda thought
Thinking about you
I find myself thinking about you
How do you do it
Take up so much space in my brain
I have a gold heart
I do
I do
I Have a gold heart
I do
They chip it away
They do
They do
They chip it away
They do
But now I am saved
I am
I am
What you see on the outside of me is a young freckled girl as confident as can be. She can stand and talk in front of people with ease, and take charge of situations in a breeze.
With chapped lips and an aching heart,
I dream of glaciers drifting apart.
Heavy tears freeze as they graze air,
a blizzard arises as I feel your stare.
I recall the first day you loved me,
Blonde haired girl with eyes ocen blue.
Makes her way in this world.
Keeps a smile on her face.
But to her it feels so out of place.
With scars on her wrist.
She wonders why she exist.
I am happy, I am kind, I am jovial.
I am honest, I am free, I am jovial.
I am thankful, I am appreciative, I am jovial.
I am independent, I am a dreamer, I am Lindsey.
Who am I?
I am the new definition of loneliness if it ever needed one
I am unseen
I am alone
I am unwanted
Trapped in this place I can't call home,
in a city so dead
This is who I am
A small tiny prick
A round little thing
To much time to think
Trapped in a restless mind
Scars were wounds
Wounds once to deep
Wake up everyday.
Get dressed everday.
Go to school everyday.
Hide everyday.
I was young,
It happened to me.
I didn't know it was wrong.
I've written so much about feelings that
I need to put on my thinking hat
And find a way to feel free again
Not bound by the laws of thick or thin
I want to know that I am true
I am something out of the blue
We're happy, oh so happyEven when we shouldn't beBut we make the work although, you said you hate me..
Yeah, we fightLike we can't get it rightAnd yet you still say that our future's bright
Wild hair, breezy air
even my thoughts can take me there.
seagulls cry, time flys by
in the distance, I hear the tide.
Long, crazy grass
glittering sea glass.
Your words do not define me
For I define myself
Not with power and glory
Nor money and wealth
You'll see her in the corner
You'll see her by herself
You'll see that she's a loner
I am what my parents always wanted me to be.
I am a good girl with good grades and good friends.
I hold doors open for people.
I say please and thank you.
I do what is asked of me.
A perfect family
But only to the eye
When you come into their lives
That perfect family has very dark lies
But o'no one pays close attention
The covers for never leaving after a one night's stand
the bed that support me as I sleep
the house that has provided shelter from storm and insects
the computer purchased by my mother to help me keep up with the days
Wooden beams and wooden planks
And salty sea scented air
Drew our souls near the edge
And then just held them there
The wind whipped our hair
The cold bit our noses
I will always choose
the simple life.
The path that winds around
the fragrant lilac bushes,
that meanders across
the hillside,
and flows down
through the river valley.
There once was a group of friends,
The rules… yeah, they would bends;
Awkward and silly,
They’d laugh wily nilly,
But that is not where this poem ends…
The first is a girl named Hannah;
What would you say,If you woke up one day,And all your troubles seemed to drift away,As if they overstayed their stay.And let you out of their chaotic array.What would you say,If on that same day,
Life is so mysterious,Also very precarious.It can get tedious,Unless you are spontaneous!Life can be a hindrance,Hidden from the brilliance,Difficult to make a difference,
Family, memories, nights full of laughs
Parties with cookies you split into halfs
Fireworks, memories, running on docks
Changing in bathrooms, forgetting your socks
Cherry blossoms, look my way.
Express the right way for me to go,
Oh, how your perfect petals sway.
The deepened thoughts of those who pass high and low,
to drink is good; good for the soul,
though only if, you lack self control.
imagine this; picture it quick;
you've drunk until you're not quite sick,
To my dearest best friend,
People don't expect a guy and a girl to "just" be friends.
When it comes to us, the rule bends.
We understand eachother like a well-known riddle.
From the outside, to the middle.
they say change is a bad thing
I always heat "nobody likes change"
I don't find this true
I live for change
Change brings adventure and beauty and new life
Change brings new chances and adreniline
I am Tammy TortoiseBrown and green and blue and turquoiseTo do my best I am always poisedBecause I know my life has great purpoiseYes, I'm small and slowIt has no negative effect, though
Sleeping in late.
Blue skies.
Shy smiles and
First kisses.
Hearing music and
falling rain.
Seeing an old friend and
making new friends.
Define 'happy'....
feel smiling so quickly your brightness radiates out, and blinds you.
But even blind you see 'happy' because the sound of your laughter,
in blacked-out eyes, paints the northern lights on your mind.
Holding my wooden basket,
Fingers splintering,
Walking through the apple orchard,
Feet blistering.
Birds echo their symphony overhead,
Then my ears catch a muffled noise;
My hope is powered
by the greatness of your heart.
My smile is fueled
by the sweetness of your words.
My mind is functioning
with the help of your rambunctious emotions.
Do we ever feel alone?
Do we ever feel forgotten?
Have we ever gotten help?
Have your friends ever offered help?
yes, but I think I don't need it.
Hey life, we had a good one, didn't we.
Lots of adventures, so many things to see.
Ive done so much, yet it is barely anything.
Thank you, for all the experiences you bring.
Liquid bodiesfluid mindswhy not heartsthat freely pour?They congeallike Jell-O on ice—for a timethen calcifyin reticent mineralitycompounding the granite wall
I LookedI looked for lifeon a dusty trailkicking a rock for milesand I saw a shooting star.I looked for lifeup in the skywatched the birds soarand saw shapes in the clouds.
Some days, I am ashen-
I drag my way around,
And I will not look you in the eye.
I have no energy to do the smallest things,
And I will slump into the wall when someone gets near.
If I were a crayon
I'd color on everything
In th shade of sea-foam green
You'd see my work from all over
Pictures, walls
The bathroom stalls
My color will be bright
My color will be lovely.
once upon a time
the end
cant go back
only look forward
life is over
Why are you so scared
of the unknown
can't you see that light is
It's like my thoughts grow outta my head;
every curl contains every word I done said
every song I done heard
every book I done read
And that hate and pain is like shea butter
Shower Thoughts and Dream Knots
Shadow ships sailed across the walls and splashed into a ceiling speckled with galaxies,
yellow constellations swirling behind clenched eyelids,
I’m a big fan of stars. Stars have the ability to make you wonder and make you think. A million thoughts cross your mind when you’re looking at the sky, as if there was a different thought for every star.
Amongst the dulled murmur, a clear song rises.
Even as the chains bind our arm, our hearts soar free, only hindered by the limits of our imagination.
Swimming in the anger, drowning in the sin.
Its been so long, how long has it been?
You left abruptly with no trace on your lips,
Of remorse for the pain, and your angry countenance.
Swimming in the anger, drowning in the sin.
Its been so long, how long has it been?
You left abruptly with no trace on your lips,
Of remorse for the pain, and your angry countenance.
Here's my note to you,
who's crying themselves to sleep
or can't get to dreaming because of overthinking
or having an anxiety attack
maybe hunched over a bottle of that dear old friend
Captain Morgan
She will be bring a new life to this world
All she can think about is her bundle of joy
That she will soon get to hold
and take care of
So you think you like it?
But don’t you see?
I’m no good for you.
I lie and cheat.
I drink and smoke
The things you say
Do not provoke
For me to quite,
To, “see the light”
I write of a sad love,
but really it's not so.
There are many laughs
and breath taking smiles.
My heart sings of a love unknown.
Where it skips a beat when her dark brown eyes
Look at this mess that I have truly made
I thought of you and then my heart decayed
For if I see that you can truly be
All mine you'll have a happy heart to keep.
Happy days come and go but nothing more
They say to prove your worth or else be sore
Ive come and gone and begged my soul to greif
Alas it has been nothing but a dream.
Those boys and girls pertain to nothingness
Green is the sound he makes when you spin him around high in the air. Green is the trees he climbs on. Green is the grass when he rolls down the hill. Green is when he asks you to join him. Green is when you say yes.
12/1/2011, age 17
A shining star, a cute kitten;
All are beautiful, all are bright.
How is one to avoid the beauty
Of the earth?
You cannot say that laughter is bad
A kid who just wants to be heard
Someone who wants success
Others look at him and say oh my he's blessed
They don't know the pain, the problems
Of always wanting to be the best
His parents are proud of him
You keep green apples and orange on the desk in your room.
Pictures of me, and me and you, hang from the shelves
like prayer flags.
I walk alone sometimes.
you may ask me how i am,
i will say that i am fine and i will ask if you would like to walk with me.
I walk alone sometimes.
it does not bother me,
Movements in my stomac,vomit , headaces so the first thing i do is get on my knees
Put my hands together in pray to the sky, Asking god please
Slumber. Crema. Ludwig. Aden. Perputa. Amaro. Mayfair. Rise. Hudson. Valencia. X-Pro ll. Sierra. Willow. Lo-Fi. Earlybird. Brannan. Inkwell. Hefe. Nashville
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
That's society
That's life
Where are we now?
Make up
Is this beauty?
Are they cliche?
This sadness.
I feel my chest being crushed ever so slowly.
Pushing harder and slower. Farther and lower.
My heart throbs like a beating drum before battle.
A face that's kind,
With just few zits.
A smile that is funnier than an orange rind,
With a really slow wit.
A walk without balance or grace.
A mind filled with irrational fears.
I smile in hope they will stop staring.
I smile in hope that they will see the beauty I see when I look in the mirror.
I smile in hope to make someone's day.
The plans the worries the stresses the fears.
We all want to smile but some don't know how.
The ability was lost some time ago without realizing what we've done to ourselves.
What I'm about to say is from what I've learned
No matter your agreement or concern
Poetry can be written by anyone
No matter by paper or touge
Your reason or cause
I may not be what you envisioned
That perfect porcelian doll.
It wasn't my decision
That feelining of...the cool waters, light blue wave, a tall glass filled with water, the clarity of the water, the warmth of the water, jumping into the water, the coolness on your body, the burning on your body,the water moving around you, the
Gravity seems compelled to affect my tears alone.
I'm suspended above the crowd that will always judge me.
They see me as falling,but I'm stuck in the air--
When there is nothing left to do,
I smile.
not an ordinary smile though.
It’s contagious.
Infecting everyone around.
Soon the whole room embraces the same type of grin.
One that says,
Through the lens, you see is a smiling girl.
On the screen, she stares back at you with glistening green eyes.
Everything about her screams "happy!"
Everything you read makes you smile,
Who am I without a filter?
For the past four yeasrs, I haven't had an answer to that question
I've spent so long trying to become littler
I've tried to disappear which is something I probably should mention
My soul reaches out for comfort, contentment even.
I bask in the ways they teach me, the ways they want me to learn, to memorize.
What to wear, how to look, what to feel.
I begin to feel routine, I'm comfortable.
Would a filter be typing?
Would a filter mean no erasing?
Does that mean I can't correct my grammar?
I'm going to give you the realest me there is, no bullsh*t.
Well, to begin, my appearance.
You know perfection
Is a man-made word
Because it is shallow.
Though its implications are potent,
No poetry projects from its reflection –
I used to look in a mirror and see nothing more than a pale, meaningless skeleton
Encompassed by pasty, white flesh with scars that seemed to never fade away no matter how much they healed,
An hour every morning spent on my make up and my hair
I switch my outfit three times befor I walk out the door
I dont do this for the attention of some flawed attraction, but
I do this for me.
In darkeness, there is light.
In the rain, there is sun shine.
So even while I'm unable to grasp the pai, my mind is at ease.
For even through death is life.
Flawless is a word, an adjective that describes something or someone that
Does not have defects or faults, none that diminish the value of something
Morning, its your wake up call,
Don't fall back asleep, you might not get another chance,
This might make you want to get up and just dance,
Rewards don't just come, don't just glance,
I will always believe in you though we’ve never shared a word
The years that pass with grains of sand only to be remembered.
In your tears I’ve understood every word no one else ever heard.
You see that silly girl making faces?
Her tongue out, and crooked smile?
Yeah, that's me.
In all my glory,
With hair that doesn't want to cooperate,
And Acne that's hard to cover up.
Your upraised so high, and I am so low
I upraise you so high, each and every day
Each night I lower you down, like a show
We complete this task, even in the gray
There is no human “norm”
Black ink writing forget-me-not notes on your skin,
You’ll hear future melodies
Where people dance euphorically exhausted
Dousing pale cheeks with spirit heated
Not sleeping the night before
Fatigued, feeling not up to par
Watching the clock so intently
Waiting for the day to be over
So that you can run upstairs
Brush your teeth and then
Who's wild and crazy
A girl who's set free
someone who listens but can talk to those in need
I am flawed.But i am happy with my flaws.I may have epilepsy.But it won't keep me from having a pepsi.I may have feelings that i don't talk about.But i am content without a doubt.
That I am,
So perfect in fact,
My name is Sam.
From my head to my toes,
From the wrinkle in my nose,
The perfect five foot height,
The perfect far-sighted sight.
My shoulders are drooping underneath the heavy weight of expectation.
I'm being dragged by the leash of society.
At a time when all anyone wanted was to fit in,
I could not hide in the crowd.
If you cannot blend in,
you must choose to shrink back
or stand out.
Raw as can be, I sit on my chair,feeling,although I don't like to be felt.
My head hurts from thinking too much aboutthe undeniablefuture.
Flawless because I’m contempt with the person I am / becoming.
Flawless because I’m eighteen proud and gay.
I am the problematic child.
No filters there's a balance.
Taking the happy with the bad
Teaching myself there's more in life to be had
I need some guidance in my hear, karma after dogmas looking to philosophies of the world
No Filter
Freckles and high cheek bones.
That's all I see.
Bright blue eyes and long, dark eyelashes
I am a shell that does not fit
So instead, I just walk away
Leaving a desperate shadow of despair behind
Now I am here
Showing you the true face
A face with an out-going gaze
Perfection is a plauge spreading through their bones.
Perfection is an irrational conclusion to simplistic ideas.
Perfection is a sense of security that everyone craves.
Perfection is based on the fear of being different.
There I was
another day
spent counting miles
subtracting calories
calculating deficits.
Run, run to look good, run to look pretty, run so boys will like you.
it's your long, gray braid that i love the most.
a wisp of wisdom cascading down your back,
never tangled, whispers hymns through all the madness.
crumbs of noodles and rice spill from it while you walk,
He's quiet, and sincere.
He plays sports 'round the year.
His life is put together;
He's got nothing to fear.
They've never asked Adam.
They only know about him.
He wants to answer all the questions
What is the true meaning of flawless
A hope, an ideal, a dream
that one may fit society's standards?
Is it influence?
A man, woman, or child that tries to make the world better,
Like a Scarlet Lake she sits
Pondering the mysteries of life
Looking up at the universe
O'l Ollie is my granddad
He's as old as a Dino
If he heard he'd be mad
So if he asks say no
Skiing is good, have you ever been?
I have since I was only three.
I've missed some years, since those hills I've seen.
It makes me the happiest I'll ever be.
My skin is the skin that God put me in on the day that was the day of the 17th in the month of November the year being the one-thousand nine-hundred nintey-seventh year Anno Domini....
I am the child born on a late Winter evening.
I am the woman you never desire leaving.
I am the lady scanning frantically in libraries.
I am the hopeless romantic ending February.
If I cry or if I'm down
My resillence picks me back up
My legs may be strong but my mindset is stronger
My confidence is not found in a cup
When I feel weak I say, "I'm strong"
and that just does the trick
I could wipe off 90% of that so called beauty with a kleenex...
I see that your outershell is gorgeous
Underneath that.. It's pure ugly
Not your face.
Your insides. Your guts. your soul.
Many people like to judge others,
Because they're afraid to themselves be judged.
They are terrible bothers,
All because they're afraid their own bodies are too pudged.
I disagree with that flawed logic,
“You chubby good for nothing hog.”“Maybe if you go on a diet you won't break everything.”
Starving, and crying. Starving and crying. Starving and crying,
'French,' she told us, 'Is the language of love'
She sounded like she knew what she was talking about
She was a professor after all
So I wrote it down in my notebook
"You're weird!"- Who's weird? What's weird? The word weird is weird. How can we determine what a person is? Different seems bad now at days. Why? "You're weird!"- Who's weird?
Wave hello,
Be friendly,
Be bold,
Be perfect.
They expect that from you,
So you give it to them.
“What’s wrong?”
They ask, if you only slightly frown.
Life has its ups and downs as you know
Things can make me sad and they can make me happy
I want to be uplifted.
Perfect euphoria is within my reach when:
I stand in the clearing of a snow-cloaked forest
You see the Iron Empress
Who standing tall, stoic, regal.
She hides the Carefree Clown
Who could entertain for hours.
She hides the Lovesick Maid
Blinded by love unrequited.
Boom, Boom, Boom;
The music consumes.
I breathe it in;
I melt at its beat.
We are one.
Thump, Thump, Thump;
My feet pound the ground.
My father and I;
You are quickly blinded by light,
as your ears are blasted by noise.
It even dazzles during the night,
and captures you in its joys'.
The city never sleeps,
as Frank Sinatra once said.
These are some of the things I miss,
Stuff I took for granted; like a good night kiss.
Or last May I wish you were here to see me play!
Burritos and tacos oh my
school has started again and I want to cry
waking up at 6 AM WHY?
I like pieces,
And being part of the puzzle.
Petting my dog;
Scratching his ears, his head, his neck.
I like the way the morning air
Feels on my skin
And how night is enchanting
there's nothing like car rides at nightblasting music loudwindows down, your sight filled with city lightsthere's nothing like laughing till you can't breath
I think of a happy place
Somewhere that instantly brings a smile to my face.
Taking in every sight and sound,
Who could miss that pink and blue castle that stands 75 ft aboveground?
Out of all that makes me happy,
I include scenarios I make in my head.
The stories I dream, thinking at night,
Laying alone in my bed.
If you haven’t done this, give it a shot,
Behind my “I could kill a man” exterior
I am bubbling with little joys
Happy thoughts and events like counters
At Disneyland filing in and through
On their quest to experience some joy
I am lusting after the red melon green lights
making amber on your skin
There's so much to life that you just gotta be happy,
Now I'm not just here trying to be all sappy
But life is too short to be down
So make your day by day goal to never never frown
And never say never, ever
Although winter is fast approaching,
I'm not worried about thecold,
Because the things that keep me warmest
aren't exclusive to the summer:
I'lll still be reminded that I'm loved
by family and friends alike.
The provider of easy entertainment
The originator of the moving picture in a home environment
You are what I look forward to, and wake up for everyday
You are the only thing I ever put on my calendar
Time keeps moving forward
Nothing's slowing it down.
Friends will disappear from every corner
Even the ones who promised to stick around
If only my time with them was as long as the classes
When I go through the drive thru,
I always see you there
When I roll down the window,
I smell you here and there
All I eat is YOU
No burgers, shakes, or nuggets
You are w
Loud, Powerful, Moving,
Sad, Happy, Inspiring,
Passionate, Loving, Tranquil,
Moves me,
Lifts me,
Lets me breath,
Dance is known as the language of the soul . A boundless reach. An endless beauty that waits to capture and move.
It is the pinnacle of happiness,
Acceptance, love, friendship, and safety.
Some could light up New York City,
Or just someone’s day.
It gives you the words you don’t have,
And what you need to hear.
Oda a La Danza
Una Memoria Bella
Danza, danza, danza
Hay mucha vida en sólo una palabra
Vida les da a los bailarines
O, danza danza danza
its a cover
its a page
its a hand with a pen
its a rainbow
Its a sky
its the waves And the sand
its hopefull it inspires
its what i love
Its happiness.. its mine
What makes me smile?
Well that's a funny question,
For the things worthwhile,
To me at least,
Are simply a facial expression.
A sparkle in the eye,
Lure them in with your evanescent gleam.
Bind them into your eternal paradise.
Throw their hypnotic nothings to the wind.
Craft velvet wings from jewels.
Your primrose shimmer must never dull.
I'm scared of relationships.
Always have been.
I know all that I have to offer.
I know who I want to offer it to.
But what if it all falls through?
It's the “what ifs” that kill me slowly at night.
Smiling is contagious,
You catch it like the flu.
When a person smiled at me today,
I began to smile too.
I passed around the corner,
And a man saw my grin.
When he smiled I realized,
The lights are dark
Orange on the horizon is all you can see
But wait
A silhouette is there
Poised with their toes
Just meeting the ground
Camera lights flashing,
hundreds of people clapping.
I did it;
WE did it.
The smiles,
the laughs.
The friendships that will always last.
How did I get so lucky?
Stepping onto that mat;
My spanish lover is charming
He speaks with the knowlege of and educated graduate
He walks with the stride of an ambitious gentleman
He's different from the others, obviously
34,34 percent of teenage girls have at least one pregnancy before they turn 20
70,more than 70 percent of teenagers in general have at least one drink by the age of 18
Summer slips away and we students rush in to the facilities that torment us so.
We'll spend hours a day in chairs of stone, forced to learn things we don't wish to know.
Everyday is a day to be alive!
A day to rejoice in the beauty of the randomness of the universe!
A day to look up to the night sky and bask in the glory of the stars
The very stars that die so that we may live!
When I am left with the emptiness in my bedand loneliness consumes my heart,I think of you. I think of all the times we had together.I think of the December nights we spentlaying next to each other
1 and 2
Arm here hip there
Hit it hard now
Fly through the air
You're taken to another place
3 and 4
Your soul leaves your body
You're wanting more
The colorful flowers
The tiny sprinkles of a morning shower.
The good news on the news
without any new fueds.
The smiles on the other peoples faces,
even with those nasty hurtful braces.
I find my smile in a round ball. I kick it and chase it throughout the halls. On game day my stomach churns but I know I will not fail. No one else is up to my scale. Scoring goals and winning games that is what makes my day a little less lame.
The thing that makes me happy is out of the norm,
it doesn't have a specific shape or form.
It can open wide, or it can stay shut.
Watching it spin is more than enough,
I love the way it shines in the light.
When darkness surrounds me,
When hateful words weigh down heavily,
There is always one thing,
That is sure to bring,
A smile onto my face.
My worries vanish without a trace.
Sometimes, the hardest thing to find in this world
is yourself.
Who are you
when you have everything
is as important as who you are
when you have nothing
I swim through late night rendezvous
featuring old Christmas music,
my nose guiding me towards Coppertone dreams.
Coconut lime incense soaks the curves and ripples of my mind
when my heart wants to fly
A smile on my friend's silly face,
A warm, happy hug, an embrace
A child's laughter and joy,
And their play with a toy.
A simple meal and a chair,
A kind word, not a stare,
A warm and gentle rustling breeze, gently rustling through the trees,
Butterflies and bumble bees, a glass of milk and a grilled cheese.
What are the things that always please?
All these things and more than these.
I often feel the clouds fog my brain,
does that mean my synapses
are the suspention wires on
the Golden Gate Bridge?
Heaven knows.
Makes me feel sick and low and empty,
not empy, full,
I sing a song,
a song i sing,
sitting on a tire swing
Loving, living, breathing air
summer breeze blows in my hair
The birds disburse as notes fly away
It is the sound of the rain in early noon
that reminds me that happiness will be soon.
It is the sunlight after a rain so strong
that could never in a decade break this bond.
It is the laughter of a kid
I sing a song,
a song i sing,
sitting on a tire swing
Loving, living, breathing air
summer breeze blows in my hair
The birds disburse as notes fly away
Laughter echoes, as we sing all day
It's on the news, all of the time
That death shall come and seek
Where death shall find
Wherever I am,
As long as I’m out,
Over the blue waters I go
To catch some trout.
But never after a full moon.
That’s when they have their feasts.
With the moonlight shining over the water,
When I get up in the mornings
I don't want to die anymore.
I don't get up and think that I am ugly.
I eat on a regualr basis.
I have friends.
I wake up and I am happy.
I am the person I want to be.
Why should I
sit down
watching time flow past
like a river filled with melancholy reminders
when I can be standing
to the rhthymn of a thousand voices
a hundred drums
With my backpack slugged over my shoulder and my face set to a grimace, I walk through the hallway dodging bodies left and right. I yell in my head things I shouldnt say and I keep my eyes to the ground to not draw any attention to myself.
Sometimes I really start to wonder who I am
I go to church and I remember
but then as soon as i walk out the doors and forget again
in this seemingly endless cycle I go,
over and
over and
The thing that makes me happy,
more than anything else,
is the ship that never sinks,
we call it friendship.
Though many things happen,
Good and Bad,
Friendship will always last,
My head hurts.
My bag is heavy.
I feel it pull my shoulders down
to my aching feet; To the ground.
My back, oh my back.
The brisk wind slaps me.
My bones ache.
My body stiff against the attack.
Life is so Very Sweet
Like Drippy Honey but Sad like Melancholy
But Life is worth it
The heat, the sun, the humidity
Flute, 6ft poles and bass drums banging my summer days
My summer ended early but that's okay
I'd rather learn rythms and tosses than sit at home
Frogs, food, and video games,
That's what makes me happy,
Family, friends, and life,
That's what makes me happy,
These few things,
Is what is keeping me alive,
Without these people,
I like the sound that emmits from my headphones,
the colors that cover the pages of my sketchbook.
The sun that shines so warmly when I sit out on my porch,
Literally heaven for even just a few minutes.
You go through guy after guy
Each one worse than the last
You live your life petrified
Try'n to run away from your past
But see I'm not like all the others
I'll always love you more than him
It’s about the season,
The colorful leaves,
like I always dream,
It makes me smile for no reason.
The crisp outdoor air,
Cut pumpkins everywhere,
Cider being warmed,
It's six o'clock,
My alarm goes off.
Time to get up,
And walk the dogs.
The crisp, clean air
Is refreshing to breathe.
The dogs take off,
Free of their leash.
I chase them up the street,
How to be demonstrative of positive?
I suggest gladness is an evocative,
And through a consequence of the causative;
a presence of your highest prerogative.
It’s rare to find care in a world of unfair.
I don't think that I can see it as well as other people
You can do it again and again for centuries
Checking my work
My new job
Making costumes
Doing makeup
The only thing that can make me happy
Were all crying.
Were all crying becuase the daddi issues
and crying becuase the definition of beauty does not start with ourselves
and crying because our razors dont solve problems;
i think I am awesome, yes i do
I think i am awesome and you will too
competitive sports are my passion
love to sport my volleyball fashion
lacrosse is another favorite
I just always crave it
He tells me i'm beautiful, makes me blush bright red.
He tells me i'm funny, and thats enough said.
He tells me i'm smart, and that i have a way with words.
He tells me he loves me, and when he says that i hear birds.
Many peopleDo not care forWhat the stars have to sayOr what sign anyone is,
But if the stars are to be believed,And my star sign to ring true,Then I am a person of particulars
I've clapped my hands
I'm as happy as a room without a roof
Because I can enjoy the good
And bad
Because I can sing if I want
Because I can dance if I want
The silent notes float in the breeze
from so far, for so long.
They rustle through the ancient trees
they are Forever's Song.
As I stare out at the setting sun,
over the scarlet sea.
Well I can tell you this much. My happy is real.
I am a happy person. Even though I don't let it show.
I can make it seem like I am having fun. Even if I'm hollow inside.
Lovers hold hands
So instead let’s hold feet
Hands can let go
But feet chain us free
We’ll walk about town on our
Blistered black hands
But we’ll never stray far; our ankles
Made friends
There is a beauty in everything
There is a beauty in simplicity
In the simplicity of a smile
That shines as bright as the sun
that warms every inch of my body
In the simplicity of laughter
Hmmm, lets see "what makes me happy?"
I would say the typical money answer
However, feeling accomplished makes me happy
I feel like nothing can take my joy away
Sometimes i like to think that lifes a little more sunny,Or that its a bit more funny,And that it's really not about money.Sometimes you need to just shut the door,Sit on the living room floor,
I remember,
Dancing in the living room,
Singing off tune,
I remember
Playing in the dirt,
rolling in the mud,
I remember,
Seeing is believingBut don’t believe everything you seeMost people don’t know what the real story is behind meLaugh, Smile, Joke, and CryYou would never know my thoughts from looking in my eyes
Fragments of memories come back in flashbacks as I lay in bed at night.
Pictures of happiness and hurt.
Joy and pain.
Love and loss.
The good and the bad.
A growing voice inside my head; the essence of me.
You were my only nightmare, yet the only person I wanted to see.
I could not wait to meet you, for I never have before.
What makes me, me?
Is it the way I comb my hair, my brains and beauty, or the shoes i wear on my feet?
What makes me any different from you? Is it because i'm so kind
Maybe one day I will find someone
who doesn't see right through me
Change the path he's walking
Do you ever think about one situation & how one little detail could've changed everything?
People say rain is the crying of God, but I say different
I say the rain is the crying of humanity,
The emotions that are stored, but never released,
Stand tall, speak with grace, never crumble because I am going to win this race.
I may be the tortoise and you the hare but look who finished the race with breath to spare.
I woke up with the thought of you,
When it asked me when you'll return,
I smiled and said but were through,
It said well tell him to make a u-turn,
I told you he doesn't want anything to do with you,
How could he just break my heart and not give me a reason.
Could it be the month? or maybe the season?
How could he make me feel like I’m trash?
I am a work of art,
I am a masterpiece,
My curves are my definition,
that is what defines me.
The shape of my nose,
I spoted a New York liscense plate hanging from your chest
as you parade the streets, from one boro to next.
The best artists around can't wait till' you come to town
Not where I should be
Feelin' crazy
Not lookin' like me
Mental pictures
Leavin' me unsure
Disturbing thoughts
Have gotten me caught
"Angel," he breathed out, the look in his eyes
the way his lips moved to form the words
and the way it sounded when it left
had me come to beleive that
i had actually fallen,
from the sky.
You, at any one time, have a choice of
Good, and of course the Bad, and less recalled
Nothing. It is through ation by way of
intetnion that moves life. So it is in
You to shape your twin universes, the
Floods the dark depths
of out misery
Takes our breath away
for a time
Steals all pain
from our soul
Fills the heart
with bright cheery thoughts
A passion is a longing,
A deep down tug or sorts,
That pulls and guides you every day,
To new mountain tops and new ports.
My passion is very special,
It involves all of you,
Every single one gone.
The memories are fading away.
No way of looking back into the past.
No young faces nothing but a faded thought.
Deleted forever, what once was is now gone.
What Is It?
They say Its money
They say Its not money
What is Happy?
They say Its family
They say its marriage
What is Happy?
Is it light?
Is it dark?
You are my antidepressant.
I wake up, and drink you in.
Throughout the day you make me happy.
And when I’m feeling low you bring me back up again.
But I can’t have you all the time
I can't explain the things that I'm feeling right now
My mind, my body, my soul are being bombarded with poisenous thoughts
I'm being ripped apart into a million little pieces
Let's be like kids in the movies,
making dreams in the backseat.
Let's be like adults on TV,
making love in taxis.
I’ve known you for a while now
You and I are close friends
We’re best friends
I’ve noticed how you have changed from a sad little girl into a mature young woman
People made fun of you
They hurt you
Shh. They can't hear you.
Shh. You can't talk about that.
Shh. What will everyone think?
Shh. No! Ring the alarm, bang the pots, scream out loud!
It's always a good time for a drink.
Easy girls and wasted guys make it all the much easier to point a finger blaming a solo cup of bubbles and warm beer.
Stop. Stop telling me to cope.
Do you me enough to say the words you have spoke?
To ask me why I’m hurting just isn’t enough
We all have problems
So who are you to come at me
Did you ever think that there could be a possibility that i understand
In spite of what you have come to "know"
We are the same, having a bad day
No one sees, no one speaks, no one listens to the mind of the weak.
not here, not there, nor anywhere can this heart bear this pain.
I cant breathe.
I cant get past. This emotion, this judgment
Inspiration, that imperial feeling toward yourself, to express yourself, while addressing yourself with the things you do to the people who see only to judge, judge, judge you for your rights or w
You do not have to shimmer to be gold
Look at Frida Kahlo, in all of her glory
People look at her, unibrow and all
And she is well known and liked
She didn't pluck, wax, or tweeze
The question that repeats in most minds that asscioate with me, tends to get rather tiring. "WHY DO YOU LIKE TO WRITE SO MUCH?" " I like to write because it helps me." *que questionble face and they walk away and talk about me and ask others if I
There are certain things that just cannot be done.
You can't sneeze with your eyes open.
Have you ever tried imagining what those colors
that are invisible to the naked eye look like?
Death is dead! Death is dead!This is what everyone cries aloud and cheer,It relieves many hearts of agony and fear,
Death is dead! Death is dead!This is what everyone cries aloud and cheer,It relieves many hearts of agony and fear,
Believe To Achieve
To Beleive You Must Achieve
Over Come Fears And Regrets
Stress Or Non-Stress
Drowned by outgrown adulthood,
haikus wither to dull-inked veins that curl and
under pressure of another member laid to rest.
Like bones, syllables line the ground,
bending as
He said yo midget but I kept on walking
little did he know I went home and cried myself to sleep
It doesn't make sense,
how someone so young,
Would hate themselves so much
And feel so unloved.
We pay respect to the dead,
But why not to the living?
Why do we only care,
All I wanna do is play,
But I'm watching the days pass away,
And although you don't give me toys to chew,
Master I will always love you,
You walk in the door and I'm happy,
Strings attached
Playing puppeteer with nimble fingers and old, vivid nightmares
I'm your puppet darling
Strings attached
Center with each, individual, socket
Words cannot express the emotion in my body
Like the rush of water crashing into the rocks
My aspiration to talk is shadowed by humility
Clinching my fists and shuttering in fear
My mind has an emotion that feeds of my heart
For what I feel it expresses in words
It is not scripted to what it must be
But simply just wright's from what my heart tells thee
It dances to life with creativity
Social Media
Facebook -
Making a page that will deliberately describe what I want to say.
my soul is an attic;
there are dust particles
and settling
all around.
my memories lie,
scattered upon
decrepit, creaky shelves
doubtful, broken staircases.
With winter almost here
it's time to layer on thick
its days are drawing near
so I'll make this real quick.
After the last leaves fell
it was time for a new season
I come from a family that didn't have much
Seems like each day the road would get tough
The rain would never let up but through it all I kept my head up
Because i new one day there would be a blue sky
We live in a world where society rules most of us
We create groups to isolate our selfs from larger crowds
We figure that if we stay away from the people who try and change us then we cant be changed
Writin' this for Power Poetry,
Hopin' that they notice me,
And I hope to see this scholarship,
Cause man these loans,
They make me sick,
Emptied pockets,
Dirt on the flowers
Smudges on the mirror
Scars on a face
Not all as they appear
Some turn and run
Others point and jeer
For what's on the outside
Is all there is to cheer
our lives are turning over
washing away the guilt left over from when
you're finally sober
like an omnipresent rinse cycle
yet still you foil life by kissing to a false idol
you know
is a scary thing.
it can be taken
so easily,
ripped away
from your grasp,
snatched away
from your clutch
when you’re already
so comfortable,
so accustomed.
It's 12:10am as i write this
my darling insomnia fueling my abyss
feeling cool and calm as music fills the air
though as calm as i feel i can't ignore my thoughts
the thoughts that i can't bear
They call me 2 chairs
Alls i get is deep stares
Feelin like im commonly confused
Full of knowledge
I received
Rooted deep in earth
I didn’t have to travel
I am the inner cup
Half full kind of tree
I listen to remember
Listen to the wind
Who carries stories
Black and White, for some that is all there is
the stark constrast of good and bad,
right and wrong, rich and poor, thick and thin.
What ever happened to gray?
to shade, to shadow,
it keeps us alive
our eyes
our hearts
No matter the distance,
as long as it is not within us.
embrace the mystical mystery
that plays like a musical.
The streets are empty.
Life turns shallow this time of night.
The stop lights continue to change,
but there is no one around.
The beauty of it remains,
but the sadness takes shape.
Circled in a dome.
Phyically Open
Mentally Closed.
Emotions fall out
Tears out of control.
Imprisioning ourselves.
The shackles break
Sometimes you might feel empty inside,
unable to say how you feel because too much pride.
You might feel like you are on your own,
like you are all alone.
But have no fear,
Forty poems later but for you this is number one, read this and I’ll show you more to come.
Dear lord give me the confidence, this girl’s got me in the power trip.
My dream job would be: a kid.
Now, that may seem utterly ridiculous.
Well, it's "right" to think that, in a way.
Experience may say differently to my choice,
But first, hear what I have to say.
My dream is to be a animator
Not just any digital design animator
No, That is to wide of a goal
I am for smaller more difficult
Disney animator
That is what I want to be
I think about you every now and then
You're not my friend
No you're too akward, even to pretend
I guess it's whatever
So shy and sweet, until she crys and you're not there to sweep her off her feet.
Someday we shall meet and everything will fall in place,
without the any notice and your arrival and be unexpected,
when I have fallen you will be there to help me back up,
What is life?
Living in a country where freedom is the key
Yet, being told what to do till you die
Being expected to be perfect
Being expected to become rich
Yet, you get critizied by the color of you skin
Life is full of surprises
good ones and bad ones
but, the key to living live to its fullest
is to never ever let anyone or thing bring you down.
If you think of Spring, what do you see?Flowers, eggs, bunnies, or bees?I see the grass, green and lush;The streams filled with a serene gush.The sky is a blanket, infinite and blue;
I am someone who never gives up,
fighting for what I believe in,
fighting through dangers I face:
I just want someone who will be simply content by my side. Someone smart and funny. Who will be happy having me, flaws and all.
Black darkness.
1:34 a.m.
Thinking of you: Good morning.
I miss you.
But then
I remembger you have embarked on a journey
that I am no longer part of.
But still -
Good morning.
You live to be loved,
but what is there to love
when so many are
wanting to survive
and do not have
the heart to stop
and think - if they were
to love, it'd be okay,
It'd be okay.
I remember how much it hurt,
I recall the betral,
I can still feel the pain.
The hurt of your smiles, smiling
as if everything's the same.
I saw it coming,
I just never got around
They come and go,
as they always do.
Some linger
longer than others.
And yet others
still are
But who can blame
human nature?
Stay detached.
As I try to grasp upon this
abstract feeling within me,
"butterflies" as they call it,
bewildered by the tension
pressuring my cells running through me,
pumping wildly and surging
through my veins,
Lost of air...
that's the feeling.
Loss of heart, and
the loss of care.
It's the loss of the part
you used to hold,
the loss of the feelings
you thought you had shared,
It was 'mutual'.
You fill my veins
with poison, you
drive my mind insane,
It's you who leave me
unwanted, my soul
so filled with pain.
I try to walk away, forget you,
I try to never look backm
I didn't mean to fall in love,
like how you didn't mean to
say goodbye,
Like how you didn't mean to find another,
another perhaps better than I.
I didn't mean to fall in love,
love is a distinguished feeling
a true feeling it can be imagined
but better when experienced
love is pure love is kind
love is found in the deepest barriers
love is unexpected love is bright
Living out of bags
Going from friends to friends
When Life gets this bad
When It ends, It ends
You put the buzzed to the side
Cause you know they've lost your mind
And the world says you lost
I am the secret adventures through the woods.I am the distant sounds of singing.I am the late night games of tag with childhood friends.I am the voices intertwining to become one song.
What is Love?
Is it fair?
When one loves someone,
yet the other doesn't care.
Is love a war?
Is love a fight?
Is love worth all those sleepless nights?
Can't you see words hurt?
Does it make you feel better?
When you say hateful things,
Or put others down for your comfort.
Others have feelings too,
times where we want to be done.
You know the feeling...
The one where you swear you could fly when you're around that one person
yes that one of course....love
it is painful yet we seem to go through that pain again and again
Sometimes we want what others haveSometimes what we have isn't good enoughWe think of ourselves as inadequate beingsBecause we had less opportunity more hard workWe hope and pray that success comes our way
Why? That is my question.
Why do I feel like you're the exact definition of perfection?
Why are you so amazing even though I'm only staring at your reflection,
Not making a sudden movement,
Your arms wrap around my waist.
Mine hold your neck.
You pull me tight,
And lift me off my feet.
The smile that lights my face is permanent,
It won't go away.
The seconds feel like minutes
When I was five I was asked Roberto, what do you want to be?
What do you see your self being when you're older?
You never know what the future will bring you
nor do you know who
will be there when you wake,
life is a game of risks and chances
the real question is
how do we handle the grasp of it
I don't wanna go no where
I just want to stay right here
feel the love is this room
and only feel it with you
se your smile so bright
and the glow in your eyes
I see my forever
If I could change anything
The thing I’d want to do
Is go back in time
And change a few things I did.
The time I said something stupid,
The time I didn’t say anything at all,
Whats the point of faking a smile?
when in all reality your miserable inside
people call you selfish for wanting to die
but your whole life you've faked the smile
so they don't feel guilt
it boggles my mind
how they could seem so inviting
yet the care is so completely
they can't even
love me so much
that they
make me even happy
I find it impossible
To tell the world you love somebody
Until you truly know
The color of their eyes
And I don't mean
The generic
Birth certificate answer
Her eyes are not blue
My pen gliding against the paper
Drawing out my words
A voice thats unknown,
A desire to be heard
Music, art, writing,
A mind full of words,
A voice of meaning,
And the hatred of lying
A religion based on the belief that god exists in writing, pouring your life onto paper to recieve enlightenment to a place so inviting.
I don't want diamonds, and I don't want the world.
I just want you to hold me close and tell me I'm your girl.
Don't buy me a dozen roses or rings with big rocks.
Go to the dollar store and buy me some colored socks.
Why hesitate? Is it getting late? Are you scrutinizing the clock to wait for the time in which it will shut the gate?
Why so quick? Do not fall for life’s stupid trick!
To forget...To love...To heal
Love cannot be earned nor learn
I am thankful that you never left
But it's time for you to go
Smile just like the way you used to smile with me
My life is in JesusYeah, a love that can't be comprehendedSharing truth, Jesus Christ's coming!
A three year old said "i love my mommy"A six year old said "i love my toys"But, what is love?A 1en year old said "i love my friends"A fifteen year old said "i love him"
I would kill for a pill that would make me feel,
So happy inside,
Fill me with pride and confidence,
If someone offered it to me,
I'd happily agree to take it with me,
My dream is my job
Where I get to travel and creat and invent
Oh, no, no ,no, child
They say
No, you must get a job that makes money
Singers make money
And they do what I love
One, Two, Three, Four,
are you eager for it's shore?
The pale face rises into night,
soldiers stand watch with eyes of glimmer and shine.
we stand watch on the woods of our sailors
A sad girl
Who's been heartbroken
and left to soak in
her own tears.
Left to drown without any support
in her own fears.
i look back and see the pain you brought me i must forgive you in order to move on. just another chapter in my life that beginning with a brighter start. we learn to forget only if we forgive.
Working at the local grocery store
Bagging groceries like it’s my life
As I bag, I dream of the future
What could life be like if it were perfect?
As long as I'm happy, it doesn't matter to me.
I could be waist high in sewage or keeper of bees.
If something in my life can bring me glee,
I will be content with what makes money.
can't you see her eyes?
like a caramello down on gumdrop lane,
I succumb to your sweet treats.
Hair as icing on a birthday cake,
guess I'm lucky.
Body as full as a lucious apple,
Sway with my boulders and broad shoulders,
swiftly as trees and as good as bees,
you and me should be a team.
Footsteps like rocks but attractive as tater tots.
Whether it's the arch of my back,
Ever thought of me tot?
maybe if I bicker and tinker and be a stinker
you'll tot on my thought you spotted pot.
Dare ya to try and out smart my thought!
Used like a toy for laughs,
abused till' the brain stews,
left as an abandoned child.
Why do this to me dear?
staring at the clouds, drifting in the sky,
i wonder if they look down at us;
at our shapes.
Art relates to me.
Art is the creative skill and imagination presented to the world.
Every stroke of paint an artist adds on a canvas,
every stitch a designer puts in a piece of clothing
At First is was all smiles and Hi's
Shy looks away
Trying not to get caught looking anyway
Confusion, fear of rejection
I’ve never felt like this before, though
So how do I know how I feel?
The leaves on the treesFall every autumnIf they can fallWhy can't I?
I'm drifting downwardsAway from youIf someone doesn't snatch meI'll be gone.
She goes by no name. Nor has any friends. She sits alone watching everyone else smile and laugh.
Life is unfair
The adults all preach it
But it takes so long for you to believe it
You ride the waves
Until the board breaks
Doth thy wonder,
In thy sleep,
Of a place where dreams come true,
And your heart be forever at ease?
No matter where I go, I can't explain away,
the limitless attraction to a girl who knows her way.
She's a mystery to us all,
and a puzzle to a tee,
a conundrum to her parents,
Drawings hearts on hands,
Talking about your favorite bands,
Going to football games together
And enduring the long lines at concession stands
Surprise flowers and gifts,
Why would you just stand and watch?
What if it was your friend or family?
Feeling emotionally lost.
Feeling as if no one is there.
Feeling embarassed.
The pride of my family, I've got a tradition to uphold.
It weighs on my should. It's what I've been told.
Face the opportunity. We're meant to live bold.
I remember grade one
When the parents asked
"What do you want to be?"
Fireman, princess, baker, happy
And every person knew their purpose
I remember grade five
When the teachers asked
1. I've literally spent like thirty minutes trying to think of a number one.
2. They say a picture's worth a thousand words so if I could, I would take all the photos I have of you, nail them to a wall and call it poetry.
Reading develops the mind.
It controls you and changes you.
Reading a book is an adventure, that all should take a ride on.
Reading an inspirational piece is something that makes you grow.
The stars; so far yet so near.
Though impossible, I can feel their soft whispers through the night.
Rippling in my ear, each has a story to tell,
A story of the beginning, the now, and the end.
A Pilot, Engineer, World Activist, it goes on and on
People get mixed up with a Job,
Just to get payed,
to become rich,
these things don't change your life.
Perhaps they do keep a roof over your head,
The buzzing of bees,
The raw smell of honey,
The dark rich taste of chocolate.
A glance and a smile
I’m on the verge of setting free
of all the pretty things left inside me
does that scare you?
what would i say could change? it would be me. My knowledge of how powerful education really is and how successes could better me. How education would have helped me become a better me.
They told me to marry rich,to marry "up."But we could make plans to live in cardboard boxes on city streets lined with blankets and flowers.
Feeling good, oh so perfect Maybe the pain was really worth itPassing through my depression Set aside my aggression Although it returns so abruptly It passes by, I don't stay stuck B
How does one say this...That you are wonderful and
In wonder I fall (senselessly)
I choose to be happy.
I'm not gonna sit around in a slum waiting on something or someone,
I will be vigilant and ready for when my time comes.
I chose to be happy
I didn't cry and smash my fist,
Oh so warm is the bright hug from the sun,
raining down sunshine on all the green.
Warm is the touch of petals and leaves,
as is the sound of chimes and wind through trees.
Warm is the sunset late in the day,
upon a dandilion i blew
its seeds floaten soflty on a breeze so true
and the wish that engulfed my heart and my soul
was a wish that had something to do with you
that night i saw a shooting star
I am from farmers and teachers
From too much to drink and the pain that comes from it
I am from many snowmobilies
Heart racing,
As we fly down trail after trail,
My father and I.
There's no such thing as a happy ending.
Either you're hurt or you're dead.
You think you'll always have people there,
But were the hell is a friend?
Love is forever
Love is fleeting
Love is kind
Love is harsh
Love is ease
Love is hard
Love takes time
Love makes time fly
Love is fragile
Love is enduring
Stuck in the dark, so bland and dry.Tired of remarks, so full of lies.Shutting it out, yet in it seeps.Without a doubt, too many emotions to keep.
What is happy
Is it a smile on my face
Is it no longer being a disgrace
Is it laughter escaping my mouth
We inherited our fathers hatred
letting his words tattoo into our brains
and flow onto our tongues
every time we were bombarded with something new
these words fell from our lips
I don't own a lot of things
all i have are these set of strings
i played my way through the southern streams
I've always wanted love.
But a special kind of love.
Not that lovey dovey, kiss kiss, let me talk to you every second of the day - love, no.
What can we do?
Together we can,
Illuminate the world
Together we can,
Try to save a smile
She smiles
He jokes
She brushes the hair away from her face
Finding any excuse to make eye contact
The struggles of everyday life are endlessKeeping up with everything can be arduousI'm really trying to keep up with all of thisAll you can do is smile and pretend to be famous
Beauty is not an idea tossed around gently.
Beaty is thrown around like a football,
Sometimes trampled on or throw in the air.
To some, the football has no meaing.
To several, it has an abundance of meanings.
Come, be still and lay in my arms;No one can resist my many charms.I'll keep you warm and you can rest your headYou'll never want to leave me, for I am your bed.
With my ukulele guiding me down the pathway to good vibes.
With the breeze in my hair giving me a feeling of pure comfort.
With the sun on my face enveloping me in its transient warmth.
I, personally, have a love for larger dogs because I’ve always grown up with them and my volunteer position at the SPCA allows me to express my passion for animals.
Love is a question mark that hangs above my head,
It is like a butterfly that takes the risk of being dead,
Love can be the root to many other emotions,
Like despair which is as treacherous as all of the oceans.
Life, it is too short and sweet,
But at times it's a bitter release.
Live while your lights still on.
It's true to say,
Every girl has flaws,
And it's true that its displayed
Every guy has been clawed.
But ones for sure,
For me it's a personal tour.
I can say that I've loved
The sunshine was as
thick as fog
and all I could see
was your face
with your lips
Lips that gave kisses
that melted the ice
that covered my body.
Kisses that
It’s hard to be happy when life is so sad.
It’s hard to be glad when everyone’s mad.
It’s hard to love when there’s no one to trust.
in your eyes i see this pain
this hate this vain
you say you love but dont know how
they broke it once how could you know
LOVE that word so strong
gets thrown around in a sentence in a song
You give me some kind of feeling.
I'm excited,
Yet a little scared and apprehensive at the same time.
Will I do it right?
Will I be good enough?
Trust is like a currency or a golden ticket.
Giving it to that special someone,
So they will stay and be your friend.
Trust is something will live for and strive from.
We are surrounded by people and things,
By those who are chained and by those who have wings,
By those who love life and dare to dream,
And by those who are scared to even be seen.
Talkative, weird, funny, cuddlier
Daughter of Jim and Tammy
Lover of Chinese, Pizza, Animals, and German Shepherds
Who feels happy around animals, and at Warped Tour
Sad at Funerals
The future is unknown to anyone.
All we can hope for is the best,
Until this short life is done.
Blue, brown, hazel eyes of all earthly guest
Screw them.
Screw them and their conformity
I am beautiful
I am beautiful despite the bump on my nose
I am beautiful despite the acne on my temple
You really like me? With my silly hair and attitude?
I mean, I like you, but YOU liking ME? I can’t see it.
I’m just a farm girl in a big city
You’re a soldier, tough, not exactly my type
But I like this
Yeah, I'm white
Never Been in a fight
But my dream is to knock out some lights
Talkin' 'bout dreams,
one-a mine's to be free
Ya see, my parents lock me down with a key
Yo, little do you know about me
The soft touch of warm skin
Tenderness and comfortable smiles
Hand-in-hand with him
Living in the moment
Feeling of infinite and endless happiness
Cuddling and forgetting the world
Beauty is not what she portrays, for beauty itself portrays her.
She is the definition of beauty itself
so calm, so soft, yet so eloquent
I because iam GRATEFUL
to have you apart of my life.
I cry because iam HAPPY
to know we are together
I cry because iam OVERJOYED
can't wait to be your wifee
Breaking, bursting, shining
Mesmerizing, happy and joyful.
Brightening my day,
a smile from the seat
next to mine.
It falls
and breaks
Into a song of phoenix.
A crumpled paper underfoot,
Silver squids in the fleeing tree.
Shoes on cats, one two three,
You are beautiful.
You are your own unique self.
Self of mind, and appearence
No matter what you look like.
You are still beautiful.
Who cares, I don't
I just want to go home.
Who pays attention to this stuff anyway.
Wait, it's what, no way.
You what, can't be.
Oh, well it's over.
If only we could put the lonely girl with the lonely boy
Fix the hurt
Make the used feel less like a toy
I don't know whether it's pain or pleasure
but it hurts
But it hurts
so exquisitely
There's something wrapped too tight around me
and i can't breathe
but it hurts
So I pull it closer
They say to write a list of what you're grateful for.They say it will make you happy.
I say there's more to it than that.I say writing isn't the answer--learning is.
This sweater of mine is ready for the breezing weather
Wraps around me, not light like a feather
Golden ball of fire hides behind the fluff
Oh, what a wonderful season full of stuff
apples, leaves, candy
The sweet reverie of a little girl in a Cinderella dress
Does not hold a demise
For no person shall attempt to withhold her
She has imagination creativity innocence virtue
Let her twirl
so happy
better get happy
i desire this so badly
for you to not be sad ever
nothing is worth your
frowning face
Competition in this generation marks the determination of
We will be those who carry insanity
A shiny lock
Numbers written around the edge in a circle
I watch as it turns
Back and forth
The numbers blend together
Amd I get confused and lost
No longer sure how to unlock it
Feet on ground
Head in the sky
Making plans for the future
When I am barely getting by
Just happy to be smiling
So lucky to be alive
Whether money grows on trees
Or I am begging on my knees
you know its spring when,a chalky finger points the wayon the face of broken pavement too,a tulip gardens bed and,a splash of color grows.
I walk into the class, Room nine
and all I see are boys behinds
I wish they would take school more serious
cause what they're doing is delerious
Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon
Disney Channel and more
Oh Cartoons, I do adore
When I was little I learned so much
Bubbles, her sweet and gentle touch
Blossom was a leader and Buttercup didn’t back down
Sat down and stared at the mesmerizing sky,Didn't expect to find a friendI can't even liePeace was all we yearned.
When you have a bad day
I ask you not to look away.
When you have a bad day
I ask you if you can stay.
When you have a bad day
I'll help you feel better okay?
I don't really have much to say.
So bright
Keeps me warm
Keeps me light
In the morning
You start my day
But after noon
You fade away
Then I start to think
Why do you leave day after day?
After I realize
Her alarm went off at six in the morning
She heard wedding bells in her sleep,
then the snooze went off-- a warning.
He turned on the coffee pot,
somewhere on the other side of town.
I know what you're thinking,Why me, right?Out of all the other boys,The jocks, the rich kids, the artists,You choose me.
Life has Something,
Something to fill it.
This Something will fill it to the brim.
It will also stretch life to the longest it can be,
Without, of course, making it thin you see.
Try to accomplish what I did
Try to feel what I felt
Try to see what I saw
Try to deal with what you dealt
Try to cope with what you inheld
Try to care with what you gave
What is the meaning of telling me I am beautiful, if all you see is the outside?
People do not buy houses strictly because of what the outside entails.
Who am I to think I’m beautiful?Disproportionate at every angle, my figure is shaped like that of a pear’s.And any claims to beauty seem to be rare,because I can hardly stand the sight of my body bare.
It releases me. I release myself. I release my thoughts through the pen onto my journal as
it listens. The thoughts I don't speak out loud, the thoughts that don't make a sound. The
Beautiful doesn't necessary mean having beauty on the outside
But having beauty on the inside
Pretty face, pretty pretty body, pretty hair
Doesn't mean a pretty soul, pretty thoughts, pretty heart
I smile
I laugh
I joyously shout
I hug
I cry for them
And they cry for me
I help as best I can
I pry for those who need the prying
I hide for those who want the hiding
Little Dove, You're the one I love because, Everytime you come around, You always manage to lift my frown.
There once was a girl
With long brown hair
With bright blue eyes
And skin so fair
There once was a girl
With tears in her eyes
With a blade in her hand
And shaken with cries
All year long
I don't even know when I 'm strong
Why do I have to wait
You're the right fate
Shadows you can see through
Sunlight clouds
Darkness falls
Fall leaves
Spring flowers
Express yourself! Use your words!were all things I was told back then.So I allow my words roam free here and again.Like now, I write when the mood is rightor, to keep my eyebrows from getting tight. Express yourself!
Over the hills and far away,To a lovely place where I want to stay.Where grass is blue and skies are green,And the ocean is clear and oh-so serene.I lay with my hands in the warm soothing sand
Love is funny,
don't ya think?
I met you once,
and stopped to blink.
Is this for real?
or is it fake?
We hung out never,
yet life's at stake.
You kissed me millions,
Poetry is like a story but smaller.
Think of a bird.
Graceful and beautiful it can be,
Or angry and ugly it can be.
We've always really talked but not like this, never nonstop, feelin like a couples first kiss, such blissand emphasis put on one simple thing, talking, stalking eachothers words like a predator to its prey and I pray that these actions stay the sa
There once was a girl with two different sides. The bright, the bold, and the bubbly; the happy the laughing and the smiley. The dark, the dangerous, the angry; the hurt, the crying, the melancholy. She smiled to the world, no reason to frown.
"Look at the obvious, only feel for the "natural", God told me.
"Don't smell the pink flowers, only the blue", the media said.
"Pull yourself to the inside and push from the out", school taught me.
Don’t be sad,
But don’t deny that you are
If I could hear the color blue, you'd sound just like it.
I don’t know how to help you but,
I can help you recompose your sound..
Let’s live forever young together,
don’t let go of me. I smell your irresidible sweet sexy scent,
It still floats through the air.
Life is like a long drive down a short road.Your car when you were born,had no suitcases inside.No tears in the leather of the seats,and the road is flat with no bumps.And straight with no turns.
You are my love and my everything,
Oh What I would give, to hear your heart sing.
For you I love, and for you I care,
And I will be your partner, everywhere.
Rely on me, for your love and peace,
Love comes and goes,
thats how every story is told
like started to doubt , until my heart began to shout
As I began to believe there was no one for me ,
Forget love lets just be happy Anger, lies, and not being perfect This all causes problems.
You feel the warmth of the sun on your face
As he chases the dog down the hill, you trace
The land with your eyes as he looks at you and smiles.
"You're too far away!" he yells
Society expects you to do anything and everything.
Society expects you to ave high marks in your academics.
Society expects you to go to college.
Society expects you to have a job.
You're all I think about; morning, noon, and night.
When you're not around, I miss you so much and it hurts so bad...
You take a big part of me...my heart...and I'll never ask for it back.
When i look into your eyes, their full of wonder, beauty and suprise.When i see your gorgeous hair, all that i can do is stop and stare.You always know what to say, to give a great start to the rest of my day.If i start feeling sad, you know just
Though for the last few months
Everyone looked at her
With judgement and disgust,
She felt beautiful.
She did make one mistake;
She admitted that.
But that didn't mean that
Love is a complicated thing
And many people get it wrong
Once, or twice, or even more.
But once in awhile
A pair gets it right,
They become a couple
As the ocean draws in from a hard days work I stop and think of the ongoing state of things. The sun's rays strech out from the horizon giving the sky a firework of explosion. What has my life become? Where is it leading me?
I always became a certain way when I heard a distancing train.
It took away the love in my body and left me with disdain.
The hollow sound filled my heart while lonely thoughts scoured my brain.
Lonely but Glad Happy but sad Alone but surrounded Singing but silent Alive but dead Smooth but with a dent Silent but screaming Loud but quiet Crushed but dreaming I stood but He left
“I am happy"
Happier than an orphan who is adopted on Christmas
And later returned to his previous conditions;
"The hope was all I needed"
Happy like a father who raises a daughter
If I was to write you a poem,
It'd be like this
On sticky notes
Except instead of on your walls
I'd plaster them to your heart and brain
With super glue
That way you'd know
How many years has its been since you gave birth to yours truly?
We've had our ups and downs, many times, but I've kept you in mind lovingly.
I know that I haven't been the perfect child, but honestly
Lead me true
I’m walking on a tightrope
Moving so slow.
I’m walking on a tightrope with
With know where to go.
Another day, another place,
Time to put on my happy face.
Paint my smile, erase my tears,
Reveal to none my greatest fears.
Beause there's something coming,
Something better,
I live life full of smiles and happy thoughts
It makes me wonder what are behind these thoughts and smiles
The other day I nearly died of laughter
But why did I laugh so much?
Autumn comes and goes and soon the flowers die
No Honeysuckle to last as the cold encroaches on her
Down the hillside she use to grow but wilted stalks now lie
Not to rise again ‘til spring so winter’s wind cannot shiver
Oh what shadows I carry and bring with me;
We dance all night and sing in perfect harmony,
Oh so joyous and free.
Together we live so happily,
because they're just like me.
Seven girls danced on a hill,
On the last day of December.
It was a short moment to fill,
Wishing this time would last forever.
As winter was moving to spring,
Seasons of life moved as well.
If words can be a weapon and a bandage both
Forgiving and transgressing with a little flick
Yelling and whispering complements and jeers
On this I then wonder why they need not a leash
Torn in each direction
Heavily each force draws
Enveloping the sole will
Yearning to be free
Except it’s not enough
X over each lie and fault
Perceiving gone they still are there
Yesterday is one less piece in forever.
Onward moving without regret,
Understanding nothing of human pain.
Sometimes it would be nice to put Time on a leash,
Eventually It could understand what it puts us through.
There is something missing between there and here
Hope is not enough to cross the great divide
Everything is riding on this
Choosing whether to stand or run
Having lost sight of the road
Under darkness we fall
Have you heard a mocking bird?
Every time he sings it is another bird’s song—
Just mockery exits his throat,
Only to lure someone into a bigger trap.
I know some mocking birds well—
Never a fowl word,
Maybe this is a beginning of a story,
You’ll never know.
Far from the beginning and the end,
Another person might see the truth.
The question is can you?
Hearing only what you care to,
What would you say
To us alone in the woods?
Not simply to fuck
Rather instead alone to pretend
That we
Are alone in the world
Together we
Can find a rock in the stream
When I was 13 I "knew" what love was.
Love was handsome,and tall and played football AND drove a black mustang car.
The ultimate family reunion
Family from east to west
West to East
North to South
We all gather at one special place
I'm most excited to see one particular face
That I have not seen in ages
Life is too short,
grudges are a waste of perfect happiness.
Life is too short,
laugh when you can, it's a bonus.
Life is too short,
apologize, enhance, while you still have the chance.
Life is too short,
The sands of time continue to fall.
Hopelessness binds.
Constricts hands, feet and heart.
Desire for the should haves.
As lost in the past miseries.
Mistakes made.
Lessons learned?
In me, your smile has awoken something long lost
My heart has begun to defrost-
Elated that our paths have crossed
You smile, I smile, I lack self- control
A fire burns in me and you've lit the charcoal
Poetry is my light
It is my darkness
The bottled feelings inside
Explode all on a single sheet of paper
Like a volcano ready to erupt
Can’t sleep
Order transcripts
List awards and repeat
Long waits
Essays short
Growing hungry
Eat and repeat
I am that boy who is kind, sweet, silly and all
I always carried a smile that stretches my lips about a mile
walking near my folks
telling jokes
tall in height
always a delight seeing me on the spotlight
Maybe you do not understand that the past is in the past, yet I am still chained to it.
Maybe you do not understand that every time someone mentions that theme I cringe.
Getting good marks in exams makes one happy
Eating ice creams makes some happy
Splurging money on shopping makes others happy
Our parents become happy to see their children happy
Every day we are awakened by the alarming clock.
Every moment should be great.
Don't misuse love, because others don't get the love.
I have been through...
the innocents
the confused feeling
the love
the lies
the let down
the wishful thinking
the love
the safe feeling
the heart break
the sleepless nights
Caring about yourself is hard to do.
Especially if you're used to caring for someone else too.
There's going to come a time when you just need to worry about yourself.
Even if other people cry for help.
I am tired
Of lies.
Of my disguise.
I’m tired.
I want to be free again;
Free from the heart.
I want to be me again;
Free from insanity of humanity.
I just want to be free.
I have a dream
that one day all
can be happy
and the children
That is all that
matters to me
Stomach flutters, more vulgure than butterflies
I see him, more than with my eyes
Lip-locked, constantly catching me by surprise
I'm ready I'm waiting, he's more than amazing
This one has got my mind pacing
This place I am, it is horribly dark.
Yet, here I will stay. I am a flightless lark.
Motionless I’ll lay.
Please, take me away.
I need this to stop,
For these yearnings to drop.
Do you want to know how I feel? There are butterflies swarming around my stomach at all times of my existence. My bones shake and my heart rate goes through the roof.
A silent killer
A disastrous ghost
we give this to those
who hurt us the most
A beautiful rose
in the scene
forgetting the thorns
that are left "unseen."
He knew my biggest fear was falling in love. Three months into our relationship I was growing a bit afraid. On July eleventh he wore the sexiest silver shirt that made his pale skin color shout. He picked me up at five sharp.
Life is precious as we all should know. We are just seeds in the dirt waiting to grow. As time goes by and the good and bad influences from our surroundings shine down on us, making us to sprout into our various ways, we stand.
Angry tears
Arched across my zygoma
Flowing with rage...It’s colorful
I can't think... my mind eclipse by sublte animosity
Through holes I've imprinted with malice
*stomach drops*
Hearts stop,
And I forget how to breath,
Don’t worry, about me,
I wear my heart on my sleeve
For all to see,
Being different is how I love me.
Filling my heart with accomplishment
And the sketched atmosphere of the aloof stratosphere,
I stretch my legging clad legs over the edge of Cloud 9
Why i gotta mess up
Why do i trust
Why do i care
Why am i here
Why don't i have nobody
Cause i aint worth ish, that's why
It's funny,
when people ask you if you're sad
and you just smile,
and say "no",
and they walk away, satisfied,
Thinking that they were mistaken
That they misread the moment
of pain,
(poems go here)
Ode to happiness and the high it gives you.
Suppressing the stress you could no longer bare.
Cleaning you up until you’re “as good as new”.
It’s like inhaling a breath of the sweet spring air.
Lack of beauty, abundance of lust,
risky relationships she cannot trust.
Runs from herself to hide from her spouse,
looks mighty in theory, in reality mouse.
Attempts to be home when in her own house,
My graduation year
the end has never seemed so near
leaving friends and my home in the past
but i promise i wont forget the tough times
staying up late to finish homeowrk
Is a four letter word
love shouldn't be taken for granted
But mean so much to someone that means so much to you
Don't let love slip away
Hold it forever in your heart
Cherish each day
Live life
Love life
Live happy.
Be happy
Stay happy
Live a life of happiness and always be alive.
Today is a big day for a little bird,
like me
No one knows i'm coming
Even though i'm not born yet
I have traveled back into time
Three simple words,
Is all I have to say
To tell you how I feel,
And there's no other way.
The first time I laid eyes on you
Met you for the first time
I Knew.
It was something about the way you smiled
But I hesitated, unsure
It couldn’t be, my mind is playing tricks.
We’ll be friends.
Maybe I became what I said I never would,
But maybe change is bound to those who only wish they could.
And my life is spurred by the moments rooting from the past,
Get whisked away and forget the time,
I love to have fun
Whether it's playing in the shade or the sun
I like to be with friends
Because they will make me happy to the end
My family makes me so gracious
Our love is never ending and spacious
To you I give my only heart,
For if we ever drift apart.
To have me with you forever,
So I must forget you never.
It’s a nice hot summer day
You’re going on a family trip
That is two hundred miles away
You don’t want you mom to flip
So you chose to not say a word
You thirst, but do you dare take a sip?
I start as the girl I'm supposed to be
Always nice and kind and happy
With a boyfriend who cares, and a sister to run to
Everyone says "your family truly loves you"
No one can see the yells and screams
I want to be your co-pilot
I want to write in our booklet
Forever and always
I want to be the reason you are never lonely
I want to be your one and only
Forever and always
Just one kiss upon your lips,
is enough to make me dream.
The sweet taste of loves desire,
the soft and tender one I admire.
Baby theres so many things id like to say, and no money can pay, for all the happiness you bring me, so in my heart please tell me you'll stay.
No gain without a loss.
No love with out a cost.
Simplicity won't ever be reality.
Reality will never be realistic.
dreams, that's where I come from.
Dreaming, that's what I'm doing.
My faith is corrupt, it's nothing but doubt.
Everything you promised became a lie; a way out.
Dreams are for those who can believe no doubt.
I can't say I'm one, belief was something I never could retrieve; a way out.
Everytime I go to tell you what's on my mind I lose control.
I feel so much emotions in my heart, mind, body and soul.
But for some reason I don't know how to let the truth unfold.
You've never seen me wear my tears.
You've never seen me consumed in fear.
You'll never understand what you haven't been through, it's just that clear.
I look you right into the eyes and disregard all of the lies.
I swear I'm lookin into heavens skies.
I look you right into the eyes and time starts to fly.
I never bothered to question why.
Perfection unknown
It yells at me
Tells me
Scorns me
Bothers me
Never lets me free.
What does it mean to be any of this?
This little piece of me;
My heart
My wishes
I am you. I am the person you see, the person you watch.
I am one of you.
We walk the halls, we walk the earth, we walk the journey together.
I am you, I am here for you.
The cat, with a stern face walks alone.
With shoulders back and head held high
Taking in what little love given and always looking forward.
All my life - I've been trying to find
Such a beautiful place,
Like the one in my mind.
Somewhere that no one else can trace.
Now here I am
Standing in front of it,
Not giving a damn,
Not liking the first I start a new page
Realizing that life only sucks when
You are no longer playing center stage
I think maybe we should try this again
I drink from my cup. I lift it right up. I drink water, juice, and milk. They all go down smooth like silk. Oh, how I love my cup.
As I walk through the door,
nothing but childhood memories hit the floor,
calling me back to where I once stood,
happy and understood.
I don’t need your flowers or jewelry,
You never offered it anyway.
I offered you hugs and kisses,
You rejected them all with a shrug.
I wanted to be happy, therefore I wanted your love.
I can finally see.
Yesterday finding a suitor seemed doubtful
even though millions of fish live in the sea.
No one could spark my life, it continued to remain dull.
Just as I began to lose hope, you found me.
Happy is all she ever wanted to be.
She finds it hard to be happy with everything going on
School, peers, keeping up with family and friends, not to mention all the struggles at home.
"...Hearts are best fixed and re-run than left broken, hurting, and struggling to function
And though it may be as fragile as glass
Or if you are never completely healed from the last
Always keep your heart open
The day she is not with me
is the day that I die
following her always,
with no frown or no sigh.
My life would not be complete
without my very best friend
I know she'll always be here,
The day I get to see you,
is the day the sun rises.
The day I get to see you,
is the day the flowers bloom
True friends are hard to find,
Ones that are true and kind.
That's what I found in you,
Something I have only found in so few.
Remember the light remember the world?
Remember the precious little girl?
Do you remember the peace we had?
Do you remember when we wearn't sad?
Do you remember the beautiful blue skys?
Pitter, Patter
Scitter, Scatter
Mice on the floor
Bump, Thump
Rock, Knock
Who’s at the door?
I bet she’s bleeding
Cleaning is such a chore
Bright smiles,
Dream eyes,
Wind blown hair,
Stomach butterflies;
Intertwined hands,
Never-let-go hugs,
Warmth of a kiss,
Oh, the effects of Love.
Don't worry of it
The end will not come
These theories of lies
Will root to the ground
So stop making these lies
Be happy to be around
Live another year for you