
you do something to me i just cant explain

you think you are boring, ordinary, and plain

how could you be all of those things if you make me insane

its unbelievable, indescribable, miraculous really

you make me worry and my stomach constantly has this upset feeling

you make me question everything

all i do is sit around and ponder all the conversations i have had with you

its like you have stuck your self to my brain with gorilla glue

its super annoying like gum on the bottom of my shoe

but its a good thing..right?

its a good thing that i stay up so late every night

its a good thing i lie to my mom

i feel a bit unsure

until i feel your hand wrap around my palm

the other one placed gently in the small of my back

and now we are dancing and laughing

crying and singing

we are silly and serious

all this love is making me delirious

but i cant help but love you

because i can feel that you love me too



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