That Feeling of....
That feelining of...the cool waters, light blue wave, a tall glass filled with water, the clarity of the water, the warmth of the water, jumping into the water, the coolness on your body, the burning on your body,the water moving around you, the strong current pulling you down the shore line... walking to the waters edge, the waves slightly touching your newly painted coral toes, ACQUA, shuffling through the water, INDIGO, GOOSBUMPS, birds swooping down to catch their meal, that plunge, immerse yourself completely, a high dive, the splash, the water splashing painfully on your back, floating, breathing, resting, going faster and faster, shells under your feet, seeing the deepest part of the ocean floor, the pressure on your chest, your hair flowing limitless, your hands and feet being shriveled from swimming too long, a new bathing suit, the smell of the salt air, sand being stuck in your hair, swimming into the waves...The waters of the ocean are magical!
Pure bliss when the moment is just right....