Two flightless birds huddle together in the distance
The snow rips through their feathers They fight it; they will not be taken from the thing the guard most precious A perfect white sphere They have waited for this moment for what seems like forever They look down at the gift they have been guarding for nearly two months Soon it should hatch Around them others’ gifts come to life First a small twitch It slowly becomes stronger The strength of new life Then a small hammering on the shell It soon begins to break Piece by piece the shell falls to the ground Then it emerges A puff of gray down Beady black eyes that teem with life, love, and kindness The couple look back at their egg, will theirs hatch? Will they be able to enjoy this great gift? They begin to lose hope They look down at the lifeless egg Then the miracle happens Their egg starts to show signs of life They watch it closely As if they take their eyes off of it it would disappear Out of the shell comes a small gray ball of down The couple huddles closer together The love they have for each other emanates They turn their attention back to the new life they created She begins to stand on two little dark gray webbed feet She wobbles and falls down, but gets right back up She begins to walk but her parents make sure she doesn't wander off too far Her sharp black beak glistens in the sun Her eyes are a warm black She comes back to her parents and they embrace her They are whole A family