Memories That Will Never Fade
You will never know the feeling of freedom that surges down my spine,
The shiver that cascades through my veins,
As we race against time to make memories.
Blood rushes to my cheeks at the endless amounts of trouble we get in.
Climbing through windows,
Flying past familiar faces,
Singing horrible just because we want to, when we know everyone cam hear...
I love the smiles,
The screeching,
The bass in my ears,
And the hot skin pressed tightly together as seven people try to fit in a four person car.
Walking through the trees,
And looking for tranquility,
Having deep conversations as we sit underneath the stars of our galaxy,
or carving our names where all eyes can see.
We are making our mark on this town,
and that makes me happy.
Lost in this world with an eye for the unknown,
Lets go on an adventure,
Lets do things we'll regret,
We'll go to places with names we've still not been able to pronounce,
And have thousands of stories to converse about.
I'll write poetry to the sun as the moon watches over me,
and smile because of all these memories.
There is more to come,
More to do,
and that is a perfect excuse for feelin' good.