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God loves you
Jesus did not just die on the cross for sins; he gave his life so we may live in his righteous blood.
O God, hear my prayers and never be silent
for ignorant people speak blasphemous deceit against me
whether they know me or not
they encircle me with words of hate, and stupidity
attacking me for my walk with You
The word of God conveys in Jeremiah 1:5
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you
and before you were born, I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations"
I have a question
And do answer this
With the truth,
The whole truth,
And nothing but the
How big are
The tassles you
Are the tassles
You knew what
Was coming
You heard the
Smoke signals
Shooting from
Your heard their
Voices yell for
You to turn around
My sins
Are so great,
They pile up
And reach
The highest of
The heavens
It's only a
Matter of time
Before God
Shows up in
The form of
A cloud, and
How can you love me so when all I do is turn away
and turn my back unto your ways when I should really just be
living like you do? But how do I do
what you call me to?
In these last days
God is exposing people chasing money rather than Him, hence will smith
what does a man profit if he gains everything of the world, but loses his soul
In these last days
I get this vision,
I’m walking everywhere in the world
And it’s just God and I
A friend like like Christ who stuck closer like no other
You aren't born to please anyone, neither accepted by everybody.
But your purpose is to make sure you live good making better thangs, making thangs better.
Christ in a manger was laid,regally known but lowly.His royal identitywas to three wise men revealed,but from his kinsmen concealed.
Christmas is not only about joyIt is also about getting new toysIt is about enjoying lifeThough not solely about nice gifts.
When I was a child,
much too young to understand,
I had a friend,
He said His name was, "Jesus."
He followed me
wherever I went.
He protected me
It is Good Friday
Remember, remember
When, for Jesus, everything was nasty and sour
Greatness. In stride. As I ride. For show. Glistening with pride. Joy ride. So young, so fun riding with my gun. Blasting music, smoking lit firing my gun. Lots of fun. Lots of hun' speedometer run.
In the past I felt like I had nothing left to fight for. It wasn’t enough. I held on to the numbing‘s and told myself you can stop when you find that one thing that will call you back to reality like before.
I have forgiven those girls for what they said and did to me, as I do respect, love and appreciate their existence I wouldn’t change what had happened under those circumstances because they opened a new pathway for me to see.
The sky stained dark
The ground bulky and black
The place where all regrets hit their mark
Where the memory meets the dark
It’s a place you never want to see
So you hide it away
Unable to find the term: Christian witch
a contridiction
story of my life
I am both
and for beleving in my God I feel other witches have a harrd time teaching me
My days are the yearning kind
Desiring for what only God can provide
Looking elsewhere for what can only be found inside
Luke 17:21 set of mind
You command faithfulness
You command leadership
You command peculiarness
You command preparedness
You give friendship
You give love
You give forgiveness
You give endurance
I wasn’t there in the Garden
Didn’t see when He died for my pardon
Wasn’t there when he sweated drops of blood
Oh how His heart must have been tugged
I didn't see the disciples dismay
The Media is headlining COVID-19 to strike fear
I'm here to headline COVID-19 to strike Faith
with a different acronym
Christ Over Virus and Infectious Disease
the number 19 will be change to 66
i'm going to tell you what i think about social distancing
it's a bunch of crap
stop living life on fear
Faith over fear
it's about Faith that will 4ever supercedes fear
The Lord spoke to me in a dream
He was showing me that I was born with a purpose
I didn't know at the time
what was my purpose
I thought my purpose was to be a survior
Everyone's in motion What's the commotion I shop to avoid my emotions I could use a companion Friendship, what an interesting notion It's like they all say Feelings get in the way
A Melody on the Strings of Life
Dicey strings loom ahead on that enormous stage,
I tremble, terrified of onlooking eyes.
Piscine pissed upon, I think to myself,
The taste of wine reminds me of a man who died to redeem me thousands of years ago.
I have never met him.
He doesn't know me.
Back up, take this cracker from between my lips,
I don't need you to save me.
People can be the ones who inspire
Others, but that would, of course, require
A certain, overwhelming, perfect desire
To put helping others above yourself.
That would be the simple reason
To be vulnerable
with a childlike
to this day
there is a certain
for such purity
an absence of guile
of wickedness...
Deep down, we know
Pray for the impossible,
Preach for those before
Learn to find what’s possible
And make a future to live for
As a daughter of the King,
I know I am more than
a number that magically knows my
flaws, imperfections, strengths, desires
and dreams.
I know I am more than
the sterotypical,
Christmas just around the corner.
Holidays both near and far.
Celebrations everywhere now,
So why do I feel so left out?
Don't have anywhere to go,
Feeling lost and all alone,
Oh what can I do,
It was foretold that He would be
The one who man kind would need.
The one who crushed the head
Of the the serpent of deceit.
He would be despised and not esteemed.
Saturday morning
The Lord spoke to me in my dream
In that dream, I was preaching the sermon
challenging the congregation
if we don’t love each other
how can we go out in the community to love others
Blood drips down the hands
of the Savior who is filled in body brands
He, who died for You
Is the one that is stoned until turned black and blue
Blood drips down the hands
of the Savior who is filled in body brands
He, who died for You
Is the one that is stoned until turned black and blue
Sometimes it helps to pause a sec
To bow my head and genuflect
To slow my breath and just reflect
On the sins of mortal men
Sometimes I laugh until I cry
We’re doomed to cry until we die
“More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through
My memory is marked by a beating of the heart
One beat stay alive, yet one beat to shut it down
When I think back, every memory is in blue
Put bullets in the heads
Of all you hope to acheive.
Your life, is futile.
It is the most meaningless
Of all vanity,
And I suppose I can not
Describe it.
Death to self
I grew up not knowing much, I only learned about God and such.
See I felt above because I only knew of God’s touch.
I didn’t know about depression, anxiety, drugs, these things that I saw as odd.
As a born again christian man
who is chasing after Jesus's greatness
here to convey that T.H.U.G life is real
many will perceive me as hypocrite.
Once again, you're wrong
Even if I'm not happy, Jesus will still be here.
God will still hold my hand when I'm filled with fear.
They still think I'm beautiful when I think I'm ugly.
To belong,
To be loved,
To be heard,
Each desire fights.
Cast aside.
Tears drop,
I wasn't quite sure how to outwit life's clever twist,Which, like most things, can't be solved with my fists,There's no technique to speak or tweak it out of me,
I climb but can't reach
Jump but can't touch
I try all I can,
But alas
I can't go where I want to go,
Do what I want to do, and
Reach what I want to reach.
This is not a war story
but one of victory.
I can hear the freedom bells ring
and my heart sings
because once I was a captive now liberated by the King.
But that’s just the thing
I wasn’t always free.
Sitting outisde watching the leaves change colors
I contemplate and think about my righteous Savior
How He has always been present ready to guide me
Mom and dad,
are totally rad.
Teachers and friends,
make me see through a lens.
But I must say,
that at the end of the day,
Jesus influences me most.
He has lead me far,
I watch the water fall and I hear your call coming in.
I knew you as a friend and you taught lessons that'll last 'til the end of my sin.
We met in high school as young lost souls.
Allow me to express my deepest gratitude
In words deep from in my soul
You are always there when I wake up
And the first one to answer when I call
You taught me how to open my heart
I'm not even sure at this moment where to start
I feel as though I should probably just come straight from my heart
pour it out like the storm brewing in the dark
Search high and low,
no matter where I go,
there will never be another.
I run,
You pursue,
I cannot escape a love so true.
I do not believe in me,
Who can see the Lord?
Our creator invisible.
Like the winds only heard
This is a question with expectations
from different expressions
to the direction of impression
for extension so as to know
about Jesus in the education
of this generation
He is the Author of all Creation
Though I was a sinner
but now a believer
Jesus my Redeemer and
my only baptizer.
It’s not by my righteousness
I received forgiveness
because He was selfless and though blameless
Share with me this moment.
As we lock hands, we take flight.
As we lock hands, we take control.
If only for this moment we share a fate.
If only for this moment we share a fate.
A predetermined gathering
One in heaven, the other earth
Many voices answering
Great noises call forth
He is there in both places
I'm an atheist,
But that doesn't make me rude.
Keep on trucking, theists,
By all means, you do you.
But I don't appreciate
Being painted as the villain.
I'm not broken nor filled with hate;
Before I start this, I want to let you know, I don't want no Glory, I just want you to hear my story
Dear God,
I love You. Very Very Much
I love You because You first loved me
There’s no Love greater than Yours, I’ve never heard of such
Does Heaven have a stage?
Does God have a microphone?
Will I sing for Jesus when Heaven takes me back home?
Does Heaven have a stage?
A drum set and some guitars?
I may be lonely, but I'm not alone
I may not be liked, but I'm loved
I may not be remembered, but I am not forgotten
I may be sad, but I have joy
I may not have any friends, but I got Friends
Black man,
I see the sulk in your eyes,
The wrinkles, the bags of countless years of work,
Trying to race ahead through the obstacles,
I pray that everyone will be at peace
I pray that hate will decrease and love will increase
I pray that there will be peace and that everyone will get a piece
I pray that war and crime may cease
Jesus, please guide my way
Show me how to live Godly day by day
Please show me how to love my friends and family
And for all my wrongs, please forgive me
You're my Friend, so I’m glad to hold Your Hand
Man, her smile is so big, why is she so happy?
Why is she always smiling?
She sits alone, always looking in her phone
But what they didn't know is that there is a battle going on
Jesus Name is so Sweet.
He is Immanuel
That means God is with us, so all is Well
Let me say it again, Happily, I repeat:
Jesus Name is so Sweet.
We are children of God
Yes! God is our Dad
We are siblings of Jesus
From our sins, He frees us
We are loved and cared for by God
God is so Good, I lift Him on High
Way Way High, way above the sky
He is so Good, He will forever be Glorified
When battles came I was scared and horrified
What a sad life it was when sin tore us and God apart
What could we do to be saved from His Wrath?
Nothing, because God had a plan to save us from the start
What is Great Love?
Great love is this:
Someone who lays down His life for his friend
Someone who will love you till the end
Someone who will never pretend
Dear future me,
I wonder who you turned out to be…
You were always an anxious one
The type who’s too scared to have too much fun
Dear Lord, I'm higly stressed,
Please help me on this test
Amma do my best and let you handle the rest
Dear Lord, please help me on this test
Because if I don't pass, I'll be a mess
Lord, feel my chest
New life, new me.
That’s how it’s gonna be,
I was a sinner, lost at sea
I screamed for help, and God heard my plea
He reached down in the waters, and rescued me
Dear me,
You can do this.
You can write this application
this essay
this poem.
You can make it to college.
You can achieve the scholarships.
the sweetest Man i have ever known
called me by name and called me His own.
the gentlest strength from the highest place
reached to my lowest brokenness with His grace.
The universe,An unequivocal mess of chaotic understandingLanguage, by which, no other comparesAnd the One who authors itBy no other name than what isThe very essence of existence, language
He’s been called DeadHe’s been called a mythIt’s been askedCan He make a rock even he can’t lift?
Changing yourself, just to better yourself, just to destroy yourself in the end.
Now, your strugging to find the beginning.
But, where did you begin?
Small babe crying,
Father's denying
Her very existence
While Mother is sighing
Is this love?
She develops in uncertainty
Basking in apathy
The result of a broken home.
you and me, should we be healthy
should we share love, you and me.
Love. It is Love that makes us. But oh, oh what is it that makes love?
Because i love you i, your significant other, must
In the entire history of humanitythere was but One Manwho practiced love and anmityas perfect as one can.He is better than any otherand no one could come close.He cared for me like a brother
Come here, and lend your ear.
For there is a word
That you really must hear.
If not, life would be unassured.
So listen, please, I ask a favor.
Pain, gaping hole in my chest, torture,
All consuming, obtaining me
Screaming, dying, depressed unchecked
With my clenched fist, white knuckles
Look up towards the sky
You who are weary,
Look up towards the sky
You who whisper softly
My father in heaven has told me,
Because I love you, I created you so beautifully in your mother's womb.
From one step to the next I watched you, and now look how grown up you are.
Ours & His - Word, Actions and Love
Our Words
Are thought expressed
Within the contacts
Of our heart's intent
I once saw a star
In the midnight air
shining straight towards me
Though it was lovely,
it was manipulative
Though it was manipulative,
I kept wishing
Wishing to the star,
Because I love You,
I abandon my own glorification
Because I love You,
I bow myself down in humble submission
Because I love You,
Pass me the mic so i can tell you about eternal life in Jesus Christ
The night is dark but He is the light that shines so bright
The flame that sparks and ignites the fire in my soul
When my heart turns cold
Right and wrong is no longer definedBy a divided line Morality no longer exists in the human mindTruth has been overcome by compromise and lies
We do not have to plead our case For he took our place Tracing back-to Genesis When we were molded by His grace
He hurt and bled to save all souls.
You can bleed to save lives.
Endure brief pain for an awesome gain,
One pint and many survive.
The LORD's Word
Creates ocean waves
They surf right through my brain
The love of the Father
Is what keeps me brave
If you're interested and bothered
To know my inner flame
Then Salvation
Oh lord,
Shatter my heart through
The barbed wire fence
That embodies my logic
And philosophy.
Let my heart be an open wound,
Let it feel the laceration
That is the result of your truths.
We cannot mix God and the world
Light and darkness
Nor the flesh and Spirit
It is ridicules
God would spit you and me
From the shortest to the smallestFrom the biggest, tallest and GiantsLet's stop the violence's The average, smartest and brightest
Holy God, Sovereign, Faithful, Righteous and True
I pray everyday that I may be reduced
Death to the flesh, alive in You
This is hard to do
Covered from head to toes, in this sinful mud
Weighs more than a thousand tons
Seeking for help, in wrong directions we run
There is only a two-way street
For a human being
It is seen
With our ability
Of Decision-making
Humanity is lost and afraidAs I sit here todayI see our world enragedOur soldiers are far awayPolicemen are dying and going to their gravesI look up at the stars and I hear a voice within my heart say
Dots in the sky
To connect our sins
So that we see them
The unforgiven ones
Will be green
The forgiven ones
Will be white
I’ve been here before. I’ve fought this war, but here I am once more.
I feel crushed under the weightof it all.Feeling so small. Feeling like my back is against the wall.
Did I even exist?
Did my light skin
and curly hair even have a face on this protruding earth?
I was the blood.
The blood of broken hearted mothers ripped away from their children.
My childhood's full of stories--
Happy endings and of kings:
Of fairy-tales where love prevails
And princes give me wings...
I knew that prince was coming,
But I couldn't stand the wait;
What does my soul want?
You see if my soul wants something...
The very thing that makes me, me...
If it's crying out for something…
Tick tock, Clock, Your face faces mine
As if by some sinister design
I'm inclined to sit and watch your hand.
Placing bets like “I dare it to move”
The woman on the left
Lives like Proverbs' thirty-one.
She bakes her bread each day
With the rising of the sun.
She knows what her tasks are,
And how to get them done.
She never is too serious,
"More, more." They say,
"More, more."
These voices won't stop
This emptiness won't be filled enough
"More, more." These voices continue to say,
"More, more."
More of what?
More friends.
When you look at me
You don’t see the reflection I see
These rugged hands no one holds
No one bold enough to make a move
To love like you do
These reflections are mere contemplations
Born into you,
Cant escape you,
There's no use running
I cant even hide from you;
Who convinces me
that I'm not worthy,
Who tells me
I can't do anything,
Who's love toward me
My little ice statue.Shaped like me,Can you see?When she wiggles and dances the fractures are there,Thin lines and shattered chunks made from dispair,As she moves, she breaks, but continues to dance.
America; America the great | The New World stands with open gates | Open arms to the shambled freights | Heavy laden with the poor and the desperate | Th
How does one word have so much meaning?
It makes everything surreal and feel like I'm dreaming
Love appears in the bible over five-hundred times
It has drastic effects on our own paradigms.
We don't want to walk with GodWe want God to walk with Us.Like He hasn't given so many reasonsFor us to give in and give up- Our sense of controlBut in reality, by not surrendering,
The spirit of an earthly man is effortless.
Buried in flesh and the ways of this world.
Though living each day in his master’s indulgence, he is without internal conflict.
You are on the Road, the Road gets you to where you need to be.
It does not matter how many potholes you hit.
It does not matter how narrow the Road appears.
I am a Man of God.
I ask myself, "Are you living like a Man of God?"
Something is just not right...
Why are these things happening to me?
Why am I hearing these voices?
Get away fear!
The clock is set back and time is rewound
As I look behind myself and contemplate
I see a girl, chiding - so afraid to be found
Lying beneath an oak in a cowering state
Dirt and shame were my middle names
Only saw brown in the reflection
Couldn’t stop the streams from falling
A broken heart all I felt
i'm from the united states of america
i live in the divided states of america
where we are under one nation of God
but yet, people don't know him
when folks get exasperated, they yell god dammit
The Baptism of Jesus was a great experience and because of it, you and I are moved.When Jesus was baptized, God said "This is my son, the beloved, whom I have approved".
A being we can never fully grasp without His help.
One who brings us joy and emotion.
He who first felt pain and sorrow
Master, Savior, Jesus
By Alexandra R. Felder
I was dragged here in chains to be your companion, not your plaything
Sold on the block as a child
Bought by your father as a gift
hot pink stripes falling from the sky.
deep brown waves and pale fingers falling from my head.
kneeling in a field behind a church with a razor to the back of my neck
Don't shoot the messenger
Unless she's a woman
Don't shoot the mesenger
Unless her skin has become an invitation
They scream at her
She knows they're just words
That couldn't be possibly understood
When you're tempted to commit a sin, remember God's son.When you're tempted, ask yourself what Jesus would've done.Jesus Christ has never sinned, he was a perfect human being.
Waking up every day
I know that I am saved from yesterdays sins
that might have carried my heart away.
He keeps me going,
my energy flowing,
and happiness He keeps on showing.
Sometimes I want to feel sad
I rather enjoy the feeling of bad
But then some sense gets knocked into me
And I know that it’s Jesus I need
There is a friend that makes me rise each day
A friend who helps me face the day
A friend who laughs and rejoices in my strengths
A friend who cheers me through my darkest days
The Soft Whisper
Stranded, alone and terrified I remain
Day after day it seems like I will go insane.
I do not know why I woke up today,
What awakens my eyes?
What seemingly invisible something
Sparks my passion, without wrinkling my soul
I grow older
Quivers overtake me.
My mind can’t seem to slow down -
Shut down, after a loaded day of
A load of mess
A pile of heaviness
I tried talking to Mary
Jane, because She was slow- paced.
It was said. , I'm square as a block
But a block head I'm not
I turn away from the way of that's not right
And walk towards Wisdom & HIS insight
In HIM I am made strong
No longer do I want to do wrong
There are those who know
But refuse to grow
They had a taste of the truth
And walking around not showing any proof
For they are corrupted and want the way of wrong
And choose to follow those that are gone
I bought a picture of Jesus and it's hanging on my wall.When a man walks with Jesus, he has it all.Jesus lived on Earth and died t pay for our sins.Without him and his father, manind can not win.
Their noses are higher than their IQ's
they step on sweet innocents as if they roses.
When will they relize?
We fumble around as if we've been shotten ,
but in reality we are all just rotten.
His Love
It envelops me in happiness
It makes my heart sing a song
It pulls back the curtain of confusion
It teaches me right from wrong
It shows me the purpose of life
in the beginning , God created the heavens and the earth
God created mankind to be a perfect image to Him
in His image, He created male and female
in that same creation, He made us
In this world, there are numerous paths to take.
Some involve truth, while others are all about being fake.
The hardest to walk is that which involves Faith.
But you've got nothing to lose, and a whole lot to gain.
A cloud of Turmoil
Stress can just soil
Positive Hopes Left Unsurfaced
All the Dark Weather is
Just of Satan's Teather
To Pull you in the
Sand that quicks the
Despair of life that Creaks
I read a pamphlet that asked if religion is dying, it's almost dead.Religion may be gone forever in just a couple of decades ahead.Religion is important to me because it's what America needs.
Life without love is lifeless. Love without life is bitter. Everyone knows I'm a sinner, and they keep posting it on twitter.
Music is the poetry to my heart.
The melody and the beat are what resonate within me.
When I write my own poetry
This day in particular
Was really quite gray
The guy next to me sighed
Hey, you okay?
I replied that I was fine
I gesured him to go away
Yet, he wiped the tears from my eyes
Some days, it feels as though I have an identity
And others, it feels like I’m faking.
I am not a fake or a liar
Am I? What does it mean, the word identity?
I have always struggled to find the meaning
I wonder why I woke up this morning
It must be because you sustain me
I question my religion daily
I find the world around me amazing
The peace that I found is a mystory
My old self is long gone it's history
Jesus cured a blind man who had been blind since the day of his birth.Jesus put clay on his eyes that he made when he spat and mixed the spittle with Earth.
I remember the day
When I had a lot to say
Not yet knowing Jesus as the Way
So my first thought wasn’t to pray
I didn’t know God was real
And He could help me with the way I feel
too confused to know the truth
but what was lost, was it you?
who I don't recognize
when did I lose you
was it when you shouted?
or when you laughed?
Dear True Love,
Will my feet touch the ground?
Or will I fall into Your arms?
Or be in Your heart?
Or be perfect in Your eyes as the Son still shines?
When we thought we were blest,
HE sent us tests.
When we couldn't stay close,
HE arose.
When we were slaves,
HE came to save.
We tried to survie,
He's not a secret to hide
Some will shame me for following him
Even some who will read this poem
I will shout out my faith
Not quietly but boldly
I will not let others influence my decision
A midnight sky that dwells within is one without a moon or stars,
It knows no light.
So my dear don't dream of dark nights for it is only street lights that make the night more beautiful than daylight.
God of mercy,
sweet love of mine, your love is like a radiant diamond.
Such love I cannot contain, like a blazing wild fire.
On the cross you shed your blood
for a sinner like me.
I cannot live without you.
He wakes up the sun
to shine on the morning
He raises up the moon
to shine through the night
He keeps me safe and he holds me close
and with his love all things are right
That familiar question
I’ve seen it before
What would you do?
If there was nothing else left,
No one to rely on,
Why were You there? Why were You on the ground in Gethsemane? Why did Your brow sweat blood while praying in agony?
Darkness...that is what I see.
Silence...that is what I hear.
Emptiness...that is what I feel.
All around me, there is nothing: no light, no sound, no objects. I am alone, with nothing, except...
I believe in the Father
The Holy One that is
I never seemed to bother
With expressing all of this
Though if there was one thing
That which I couldn't live without
It would be the One we praise
Without you I am lost
Without you I have no peace
Without you I am weighed down by the darkness of the world
Without you I am condemned to death
Never to see the light
He laid his life down for me.
Never in my life have I loved someone to this extent!
His kindness, graciousness and endearment lives within me.
A child of God I might say.
My Lord My savior
My breath the marrow of my bones
the thing i can't live without
He's worth more than gold, persuasive words, & status
My comforter in midst of unbearable pain, broken promises and shame
He's the one who saved me,
who took my sin,
and made me kin,
who gave me a new heart,
He took the stone within me,
and made me feel again,
no longer just me, but us,
If I was stranded on an island, all I need is the Holy Bible.
Just God's word, is all I need.
His advice, is all I need.
God's ways, is all I need.
To read how great he is, is all I need,
Faith, its the only thing I need To stay safe and sane Knowing God is with me calms me Through storms & rain I know he's the only one The only one who won't leave Leave me stranded or wondering
If I continue in wickedness, I’ll blow away: ChaffWhat a gaff am I might as well stop and laugh and realizeAll I need is your rod and staff to comfort me.But don’t let me fall into complacency.
I feel like I've beenSitting on a swingWaiting for someone to push meBut sunset comes
The man who saved me If your world is darkIf your eyes are weary and your heart heavy If you feel alone and forgotten If you feel like your mind is an enemy and it attacks you with more ferosity than a starved man whom you've stolen his last penny
they asked me, what's the one thing that i need?
my intuition said tuition -- but my soul said "im free"
i call it emancipation, cuz my cup is full of seeds
because i reap what i sow but no reaper reachin me
To live without the love of God
Is not to live at all.
It is no life to be alone
And alone to fall.
I know I have a freind in Christ
And that is all I ask.
With grace and love to help the world
I guess you could say that I have a lot of friends
I've never met a stranger and
My friendships have no end and
I say that not to brag but to say they don't depend
Restless days have accumulated from the regression of my knees.
Parasites are sinking in, remembering the days I turned away from you.
This mistake devastated your heart, but God the heart is elastic.
There’s something about bold font
That stands out from the normal lettering
subconsciously hollering within one’s head
Because it all started with a young boy entering junior high,
Consider Judas Iscariot, son
Of Simon, follower of Christ the Lord.
Their souls were knit, and became as if one,
His heart's best brother, above all adored.
Consider this; a favor, asked by a friend,
My grandfather was a carpenter
he worked his hands his whole life.
Made use of the 29 bones
given to him
he created universes
out of
wood and sand paper.
Using Skin and bones
Jesus, He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings,Jesus, He is the Son of God and God's Word is the truth of all things,Jesus, He is God
I met an important person who turned my life around,please listen to this amazing discovery I have found. He has educated me in the truth I needed to know,Daily I am guided beside the paths I ought to go.No matter the circumstances for me He find
I can live without food, for he nourishes me.
I need not any money, for to him I do not owe.
I shan’t require a majestic domain, for one already awaits.
Soldier of Christ
I tend to see too many people going through their relationship with Christ like it's a job.
Being a part-time Christian,
but expecting a full time God.
I’m from frozen dinners,
From doing things just to say I did it,
From war stories by grandpa,
And hospital stories from grandma.
I’m from first minute drama,
And last minute projects,
My alarm clock rings
Little does it know i don't dream
Nor do I sleep
I'm way too busy
Attempting to escape my misery
I'm trapped
The only way out is dismay
Between school and home
The meaning of identity
is having a close similarity
identifying oneself
to another
To be
or not
is no the same
you see
to be
My beloved,
Here we are, my lips to your ears.
May the sound of truth echo a melody in your chest.
I have given all I had just to reach you,
There will be world peace but only when Jesus Christ returns.We will be resurrected whether we are buried in the ground or are ashes in urns.Everybody will be friendly to each other, racism will be a thing of the past.
When Jesus resurrects us in the future, we will live in paradise.There will be no sickness and no deaths, it will be very nice.Everybody will be best friends, we will all get along.
I've always been a believer..
I used to believe I needed to be inhebriated
to appreciate the things that he's created.
When people do us wrong, Jesus doesn't want us to retaliate.He is the son of God so his words are something we should contemplate.
Jesus was known as the Great Teacher.Performing miracles was his best feature.He taught us how to enter God's kingdom and live in paradise.If we love Jehovah God and live by his rules, that will suffice.
Jehovah and Jesus Christ are father and son.I'm in awe because of the miracles they've done.It was a sad and tragic day when Christ was nailed to the cross and took his final breath.
Amazing Awesome Adonai
Author of my life
Author of Eternal Salvation
And one with Jesus Christ
Creator and consuming fire
Spirit of love and peace
Who does not faint and does not tire
I surrender.
I am a winner.
I have won Your love. I have won Your approval. I surrender myself to You.
I am a writer because You made me a writer, I write for You.
So I run back towards the one waiting,
Making me fall to my knees crying,
As every human being leaves me,
I can only cry out "Lord save me!"
When my trust for them gets trampled to the ground,
who am I?
I am a surviver
because I have seen the gates of hell
open up before me to hold me and keep me near
the needle in my arm was just a temporry fix of how I felt
where my mind drifts off too at the wrong times never
seems to happen at the right times.
I close my eyes and I see my self cry
I wear a Jesus bracelet and a cross around my neck
I go to church on sundays
I guess I have been saved
I wore long sleeves to church about a year ago
I smiled and sang for Jesus
We are but little children weak
None born in any high estate
What can we do for jesus sake
Who is so high, and good and great?
Some people think that Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in Jesus but we do.They think that we believe that Jesus doesn't exist but that is not true.We believe in Jesus and we believe in his father, the almighty Jehovah too.
LIght Shines
Dark Places
once useen
is now revealed
in the Lord's
They call Him "Our Savior".
Lord Jesus! Our Savior!
You, the one who died for all of us.
The one who gladly gave up His own life
for us to be forgiven.
You, a so called "myth" to most people,
Jesus is great and awesome;
I'll tell you how and why.
He lived a perfect life,
Making himself low after being so high.
He died an awful death;
He died for you and I.
We need a hero.
Not just an ordinary hero.
We are fighting everyday just to get our way.
But we are losing our own battles.
We need a hero.
We need someone with a desire to lead like Hitler and Stalin.
With ease I walk
in the confidence of my Lord.
His peace I stalk,
for alone I cannot afford.
I see His beauty
in all of His creations.
As Christians it's our duty
Jesus Christ was the greatest Jewish man who has been on the Earth.The world became a far greater place on the day of his birth.When Jesus was nailed to the cross, he died for people's sins.
It’s up to us to make it workbut how can weif death holds sway?And yet I still say:no, waitone minute now, shut your eyessee it therein your mind’s eyeshining from afar
Miracles happen every single day, in every single way.
I am no stranger to these miracles, that I have received along the way.
I am proud to be strong, passionate, and Pure.
To worship you, God
I live to worship you
In spirit and in truth
I live to lift you high
In love and adoration
I live to love you fully
Convinced of your love for me
Eternally encompassed
O' how you are beatiful, O' how you are miraculous;
O' how you are majestic, O' how you are mysterious.
You are deeper than the Ocean and closer than the sun
O' how some love you, O' how some hate you.
Always fight with all your might
Be the difference, be the light
Count your blessings every day
Deliver God's message in your own way
Find the diamond in the rough
Give Him your life
He gave up His
What is my mission?
How can I inspire?
I want to make a difference, but I’m just so tired.
Who care's he snarls,
All alone with your face in the corner nowhere to run,
My World's ice'd over covered in snow,
Then I hear a vioce it say's I care,
Jesus Christ you heard my prayer's,
They say He is not allowed in my life
They say He is not real
He is not worthy
He is not gracious
He is not kind
The unknown strikes no fear within me
The power found only in You flows through my spirit,
Like blood in veins
Abba, gaze upon me
Abba, You are light
Illuminating the darkest crevices of my path
It's not Rod Serling's Twilight Zone; that's not it. It's not the Kardashian's reality show; that's not it.
Every day I make mistakes.
There are many rules I break.
And I wish I wouldn’t sin.
But I often do, and then,
I reflect on Jesus grace.
On how He took my place,
On the cross He died for me,
I may not be what you envisioned
That perfect porcelian doll.
It wasn't my decision
The voices in my head
Laughs and stalks
Mocking their way to my heart
My heart has a door
The key Jesus
He is who opens and locks.
The voices in my head
Laughed and stalked
God is the only way
I wish people see that some day
Because we live in such a atrocitie
Hating each other with such animosity
To not reconize him is a mockery
A four letter word
Shown to us by the only Son
We love because He first loved us
What a great thing He did for me
He did it for you
If Jesus can die for us...
Why can't we live for Him?
1/2 decade back thinking
this next year'd be a short one
That's When
27 meant lewd poses for crowds of horny nubiles
5 minutes is all it takes for a stranger to see what a wonderful human being you are, to become captivated by every part of you and they've only begun to scratch the surface, wh
I'm sure most of us are familiar with the term 'Ladies First'. Eve took some and ate, ladies first huh?
I may fall some times but I get back up.
I may stumble but I want go down.
You think Im perfect, oh no im far from it.
Theres only one, The Only Begotten Son.
You flawed up, they’d say
You a mess up, they shout
Hair a mess, tears were more, they were cruel
They couldn’t care less how I was hurting to the core, they were cruel.
No filter?
I can deal with that
Of course
Jesus is my Savior
He is my Hero
Mr. Superman and so much more
Music is my passion
I don't know what I'd do without it
Typically, my policy is practicing self-censorshipActing like I'm masterful, with unsurpassable intelligenceIn actuality, some elements exist which aren't usually seen
Am I a black male?
do you judge me by my skin?
or am I a male who is black?
do you acknowledge my dark skin?
Ignorance will tell you alot about me
I am from the hood
always up to no good
Judgement and speculations
Have always been passed over me
Always been placed on me
By family
By friends
By people I don't even know
Why is this?
Justice for all?
Damn near justice for none!
People die everyday,
Because the world can't control their guns
Innocent people die in vain.
If the police do a crime,
Is it ok?
You are made beautiful in this.
You are made beautiful in this.
My crown of thorns, my hands red with blood.
You are made beautiful in this.
My wounds, my pain, my death.
All this to set you free.
It's ok Grace
even though the race
came in a fast pace
Tracy's gone
long gone away
far beyond the clouds
long beyond the stars
even though she still rocks
the little Tracy now talks
It isn't just a word we use
For when things will be fine
It isn't just said to amuse
Or recite a religious line
It isn't just a simple lyric
In a hymnal song
Have you ever just stopped and looked at your life?
Wondered what you’ll do; where you’ll live or if you’ll ever have a wife?
Have you ever once wondered what the heck you’re doing?
The Lord gave me a heart for the hurting
Allowed me to enjoy opportunities of which I wasn’t always deserving
Endowed me with the power of spiritual discernment
Enabled confidence to generate a lyrical disturbance
Life has its ups and downs as you know
Things can make me sad and they can make me happy
I want to be uplifted.
Perfect euphoria is within my reach when:
I stand in the clearing of a snow-cloaked forest
I am lifted by the Lord.
Craving GOD'S Holy Word.
Wherein my thoughts often linger.
Searching Scriptures pages,
Quelling this world's rages,
Finding Christ, Salvation's bringer.
Things that decribe me.
I live for him.
He died for me.
In desprate times, He is there.
When no one is around, I know He comforts me.
We learn from His word and teachings.
Wherever I am,
As long as I’m out,
Over the blue waters I go
To catch some trout.
But never after a full moon.
That’s when they have their feasts.
With the moonlight shining over the water,
The shepherd has always told me that I was a black sheep…or…
Maybe that white lamb existing among a pasture of black sheep,
And that coat weight is more valuable than body weight.
The shepherd has always told me that I was a black sheep…or…
Maybe that white lamb existing among a pasture of black sheep,
And that coat weight is more valuable than body weight.
39 Strikes of paint on a canvas telling me to,
Never Give Up
Never Give Enough
Never Give Up
Never Give Enough
Never Good Enoug-
Im Never Good Enough . . .
You began your life with a simple dream...freedom!
A desire to live as you please!
The day you said no to your creator
No! To the very hands that formed you!
You denied your master!
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
He saw that it was good so he continued his creation
He created Adam and Eve and gave them all of their worth
God's HeavenWritten by Adam M. SnowA vision splendid of the Heavenly scene,filled my mind with an image so clean:
This Lost LambWritten by Adam M. SnowOh by the morning strike of dayand by the calm obscure of night,
A four letter word that we say to one another.
We make it, give it, or take it from one another.
God's greatest commandment was Love.
So why do we abuse it?
Why are you so down on yourself? Do you not know what greatness you have?
How do you deal with the negativity in life? Don’t you know what you are made of?
So I've created a mission
To spread my decision
To talk about my beliefs about the topic of religion.
A touchy subject, people get defensive,
But it's a result of the way it gets presented.
Lord, do not forsake me.
Take away my homeland.
Take away my pride.
Lord, test me.
Leave me no place to hide.
Remove me of my sins.
Blind my eyes from hatred.
Leave me behind
I am weary; I am weak.
No strength is left in me.
Sustain me; remain in me.
Save me from myself.
Take my transgressions away.
Make a cut; let my sins bleed out.
Take me to a place full of peace.
Who am I and who do I want to be?
Maybe a teacher, lawyer, or simply just me.
I want to be a person who chooses to do right.
No matter who laughs and mocks me all night.
The world is mean and cruel.
Verse 1 Only:
Sleepin while we're walkin but now we ain't stoppin/
Culture be always changing but God stays solid/
People be croppin the picture they dissolvin/
Forget about absolute we want our own option/
Sometimes all you can do is stand.
All you can do is keep on working, pushing towards brighter days.
I inhale
lately the oxygen is accompanied
by a dart in my spine
a prick in my mind
The things that make me tick...
Some you'l understand
others you'll get a kick
One thing is double standards:
Girl gets layed - she's a sex hazard
Guy gets layed - he's got swagger
We're so young,
In a world so old.
We think we know what we want,
And what we need.
We form dreams,
And run after them.
Sometimes while we're running,
I feel helpless to save them
they are helpless to save themselves
People always question how I live my life
They say I'm missing out from what I do with my time
But I've never seen it that way, although the feeling comes and goes
I will hold onto His promise because I know
-I walk into the restaurant tightly holding onto my Father's hand. All around, I see other guys.
There are many moments in a persons life, but the first moment is birth when one is born into a world that we know nothing about some say it is a beautiful world I say it is
Have you ever woke up one day
And looked in the mirror
But this day is different than any other day
From looking in the mirror
Because you see something that wasn't there yesterday
You see potential
Born with a story,
that includes all my woman ancestor's strength
that co-habits with my own.
I stand by what i believe is worth crying over
and fight until bloody knuckles are stinging.
You are an innocent, rare hummingbird;
Constantly fluttering delicate wings-
Not flying, but floating softly unheard,
Taking what you please from what nature brings.
While a man aint answering his phone
Or at 3 in the morning, he still ain't home
His "Christian Woman" is all alone
Asking God "What did I do wrong?"
****I am not bashing other religions but rather providing my reasoning behind choosing the Christian faith. I respect all religions and faiths and believe that everyone should believe in something. This is why I believe in Jesus Christ.
The one and Only God of gods, who gave his only begotten son
That whom so ever believes in him
Shall not perish but live everlasting, Amen.
God isn’t real you say?
Yet he surely is,
Was there ever more a morning in July,
Were a pair embraced
A kiss upon ones cheek, set the boy to fly
M'lord was that love,
Send a sign to assure ones tattered mind,
If so be it
I love thee
If I could,
Spit lyrical scipture in the form of a crossover
Break ankles and mend hearts
Travel the world
And write spirit inspired art
Oh the dream
Through God, that world change is a reality
My passion isn't like any other
My passion is the kind of passion
that doesn't point its finger but its palm
It is the air I breathe; it keeps me calm
therefore I'm not a tick...BOMB
Dreams and Clock Work By Devinn LoVette
Consciously defying my sub-cognitive count down to catatonic, back-breaking autonomy
Sweat silently streaking to the hardwood floor
Lord I love you
Lord i need you
"My blood has redeemed you"
That is all i can hear You say
But why save me when i continue to stray?
My very conception was Heavenly made
It's not healthy, I know
Like I'm just putting on a show
Writing rhymes to forget
That I am very sick.
Maybe something's not right
This worsening plight
Gentle whispers
Breezy nights
Cute whiskers
Soft moonlight
Delicate roses
Brilliant stars
My struggle? What Struggle?
It's been nailed to the cross
by giving my life
I gained from the loss
My shame? What shame?
I'm washed by the blood
I'll never be the same
Society seems in a mess
Mothers cry, while Fathers stress
to be polite is a disgrace
as children mock you to your face
drugs and sex aren't hard to find
it seems as if the worlds gone blind
In society people pin themselves in categories
Ones that they aspire to be apart of
Ones they are apart of
And ones that they want people to think they're apart of
This causes shame
my scars tell me
you're too much
you'll never be enough
you're not pretty enough
you're never going to be good enough
and for awhile I let my scars define me
I'm weak in the flesh.Though my spirit is so willing Jesus!Sanctify me, this total depravity.
My life is in JesusYeah, a love that can't be comprehendedSharing truth, Jesus Christ's coming!
God is NOT dead
Evil is on the rise...some argue
Immorality is at the greatest...others yell
Prove it...screech others
If God created all, why is there bad?
Funny how we used to be so in loveand the sky's the limit was a frequent term...usedthen abused! My hair ripped from the rootBeaten for just an opinion... bitten for just a word spoken
We are made of star stuff
Sagan told me that.
He taught me that I’m ancient
And am new.
God taught me magic lived
And breathed and died.
He taught me that the sky
Sword bent
Heart damned
Salvation all but spent
Spirit slammed
God has left and went
What is to spare
Alone and never blameless
My soul wont dare
Walk on in disgrace
He lifts me up even when I deserve to have fallen
I constantly seek this faith and he guides me to my calling
He is an awesome God with plans for my better
He is my shelter in stormy weather
Jesus Christ is the One in whom I delight. I will not fight for vengeance is His and He will repay. He won't delay so I shall not fear. I grin from ear to ear. Hes my knight in shining armor. My warrior who can do anything! Hes amazing!
Steady trying to feel in this void. I find myself clenching the sheets, feeling it's texture. Smooth you would've thought... but, it's been layed in so long there's a change. Not one too noticable, but one only the owner knows of.
Roses are red. Violets are blue. Jesus gave His life to save me and you. Accept and believe this to be true and eternity with Jesus awaits for you!
Time the biggest enemy of mine
You can never find enough
Always looking to rewind
Well that's tough
If life were perfect there would be nothing to change
Then on second thought, that makes no sense because "perfect" doesn't mean "the same"
But if that were in fact the case we'd make each moment last
The Ocean and Its Sand
The Pelican was there, I believe, though now long gone.
Still, the heart beats and the mind wanders on.
The early fog has disappeared; feather clouds take its place.
Change starts in the soul,it starts in the heart.You can’t change the worldwithout noticing each part.One life, one human, one person at a timeYou can’t change the world
The Seeing Man,
A chaste man displaced,
Saunters through life
Without a single expression
On his pallor white face.
The Seeing Man
Never utters a cross word
He feeds the hungry
They Offer No Absolution
If we’re born sick
But we love it,
Will we ever change?
If we wanted to confess our sins
Without fear
Of them sharpening knives
To cause pain
Y.O.W.O--You only write once.
For this life is like the footsteps in the sand and time is fleeting,
so you must live with the rhythm of your heart’s beating.
O, Jesus, not in vein but with respect
Wine appearing out of such basics
What a miracle they must have witnessed
Did it come with a side of swine
Peace on earth
No matter how much we search for it,
It is no where
We grow weary
Our world is surrounded by evil and emptiness
Lies and suicides
Murders and disasters
My Refuge is in the stars,
where pain lasts as a faint scar;
my past, only folklore,
a long un-opened door.
The rocks cry your name
The ground shakes
The skies in flames
I'm on my knees
I see you through the fire
Arms up, just longing
And what am I? Just a liar
But you reach down for me
Crying to You was not what I wanted to do
For You to see me laying on the ground
face down caused sweet shame so I refrained
I give my all
My dreams are my youth
Take them away from me
I’m a T-shirt, shorts, and shoes.
And you know damn well that I’m gonna fight,
Because when it comes to my dreams
When it comes to my life,
Some say that the world is a wonderful place
Liars, all of them, the world is a disgrace
A place more tragic and treacherous than its ever been
A world full hate, violence , murder, and much greater sin
I open the window
and my hairs stand on end.
The clouds hang low
and the tree branches bend.
Triumphantly the wind sings;
WHOOSH! comes its longing tune.
This is one of my favorite things,
I wrote this poem because of a journal entry I wrote entitled--"Entries from an agnostic." T
I met a guy on Janurary 21, 2011.
Now he wasn't just any guy!
He didn't use me
or break my heart.
In fact He found me,
during the hardest time of my life.
He didn't care how broken I was,
The Child of Darkness
The Child of The Night
Searching though Darkness
Searching through The Night
Hunting for Brightness
Love is not cantankerous, nor aloofness
It is not easily provoked nor angered
Love is not pugnacious, nor stubbornness
It is not self-seeking, nor self-centered
From Genesis to Revelation
He’s held me at high elevation.
From listening to the Word and going to church
I’ve read my Bible and did my research.
God is my strength to him I belong.
He will never leave me nor forsake me,
Therefore I will never be alone.
He will always be there, just call on his name
Christmas Poem
Thinking on what to say about Christmas
I realized I was no expert, I do confess.
It’s just always been a bedtime story,
Of our savior born in Glory.
I’ve lost some of the wonder
I’m sorry, dear
so sorry,
for what you’ve lost
for what you’ve seen
for what’s been broken.
Love comes at a cost,
and you have paid too high a price, and, forgetting,
have let hope destroy you
I feel as if I'm stuck in a cage, knowing my potential I bring myself to burst out in rage, this stage of trials is rough, as I lay under the rubble it is tough to see light, in spurts I try to raise with all my might but through the dust it's
“Not in Vain”
Another mistake, love gone casted to flames
The good went wrong, am I the one to blame?
This train keeps moving along, wait stop this is wilderness
My Father is the greatest
My Father is the greatest because of him I have been created
The difference in me is great, the becoming of my life will bring me to my fate, the mysterious I have for myself brin
Dear God, give me guidance
Please just take this walk with me
For I've lost sight of you, and the Devil is all I see.
Lord, I'd rather be blind
Than witness nothing other than lies.
Stuck under the microscope
Pins through wrists and feet
Dried lips once muttered how to cope
And conquered Death’s compete
Teaching her that if she doesn’t love Jesus-Live Jesus, She’ll burn in hellAnd that if it’s not your way, It’s no way. That you don’t want her if she messes upIt ain’t gonna help her when she’s pregnant
He's on every wall of every room,
Around our necks and in our heads,
In our hearts, in what we said.
He hangs on the cross,
Head bowed in shame
'Cause you can't do one thing.
Dark, unsure where I was going
scared from not knowing
which way up the stream of life I was rowing
constantly mowning from sickness, my mom is a witness
no money to buy food but plenty to get drunk with
Your out of line
And God said to get out of line.
Are you too blind?
You are no longer bound
Bound by material things!
Yet tears come to your eyes,
Cause your soul is dyed.
Are we stuck in a lie
Between one love and much hate?
Suppose we give rules a change, maybe then they'll be straight.
Over time we will grow to hate the rules we have changed, but
In a street he waits and staresWondering who will strike todayHe whispers secret, silent prayersHoping they will be at bayThey hate him for his beliefsThat religious men should lead
The choice was swift and all my own,
Desire neglect’d, still apparent.
Mist at once shrouded my judgement,
My bearings vanished, sight was gone.
I wanna be close to yoy every single day
I wanna follow you every step of the way.
Your ways are ways are stright and narrow
help me discern these confusing arrows.
For it is not I that speaks of love,
It is not I that vocalizes the words in a praise or hums to a song.
The creation of this earth was not by my hands or the living creatures scattered on this planet.
Time ran outI stood stillFelt full of doubtLooked out of the windowsill
And as I thoughtA little moreI heard a knockingAt my door
I feel the gazes
All the sages in the world couldn't take away the problems
The lie they tell
Is only a part of the pie they say sell
When we all fell
We were told that it was what we were all sold into
I read your note
the one you haven’t wrote
only a plan in your head
to become forgotten and dead
I am trying my best.
Life’s demands are kicking me around as I reach toward His plan.
I tell myself to breathe.
Anxiety plagues my being as I am looking for a break.
Will relief ever come?
I think so.
He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, turned water into wine
Resurrected the dead, expelled evil spirits
Giving undeserved grace for those that didn’t believe
He died on the cross making the ultimately sacrifice
I'm lost in these rivers of peace, Hope swelling and gushing through every pore within me, Love dragging me down in the currents. When His grace oh the unfailing grace sends me drifting up to the shore, And who awaits me there?
I feel like I’ve tarnished your name
But I am not a disgrace.
For so long I felt shame
But now I receive your grace.
You lavish it upon me,
See past all my faults.
You told me who I could be
I search for you.
Stumbling, crawling, in the unforgiving dark,
With no map, no light to guide me home,
I am simply a fool refusing to admit she’s alone,
Eventually I stop and just sit,
I used to believe in 11:11 wishes,
Used to dream of midnight kisses,
I believed in these things and much more,
But all that was in a time long, long, before,
Before the boy ripped at my chest,
This hospital bed’s so lonely
And even the bed sheets are cold
I know things would be different
If I had your little hand to hold
When I looked I couldn't believe just what I saw I saw a man Sitting on his throne With my mind blown I fall to my knees Screaming out "LORD HELP ME PLEASE" He says "Son what you're looking for isn't on this EarthBut if you can trust me you wil
I wish I had the metaphors tolend description to the love of God.“A father throws his own son in front of a train…”What an inadequate thought. You threwhim from heaven to earth – no.More, he jumped.
I want to sleep...I really do. He's calling just beyond the avenue. Tight curb, love in the low life suburbs. Patiently waiting for me.Sich schminken to hide a brutally gentle tide.
I am not who you say I am.
I am who, I am, says I am.
You say you know me, but in reality you don’t even know yourself.
So wrapped up in that bottle, you forgot to ask for Jesus help.
So desperate for happiness, are you small child. Weak child, with your hands cuffed behind you.So desperate for joy, are you my child. Weak babe, with your feet caught beneath you. So tired, you are without a companion.All alone, are you who do n
Rest In Peace (RIP) is a term for the deceased that I will no longer useNow I know at first the way this sounds may leave you confusedBut If you knew Jesus then you truly have nothing to loose.
Wanted: new children to adopt!
Can be addicts, murderers, locked
Up in prison, I doesn’t matter to me.
Come as you are and I’ll be pleased.
Please listen to me as I speak, I speak truth, I speak wisdom to you, hear me now as I say you are more
to God than anyone today. Look up in the night sky, do you see those stars? God loves you more than each
My Love,
You are my heart, my joy, and my bride.
For you, I took the nails and the wound in my side.
For you, I was beaten beyond recognition.
For you, I lived knowing I’d endure crucifixion.
I saw Saint Mark in her room, my mother told me,
beside Bible verses, embroidered pillows,
a picture of Jesus holding her in his arms, all 89 pounds.
Miriam was 15, my mother began, before she melt into a coma,
Here’s a little poem I wrote
I think you should take careful note-
Don’t worry, be prayerful
If you ever find yourself in trouble,
The story's growing more intense,
the characters confused and vexed,
you've come to know the protagonist,
the nails they drove into his wrists,
a book that jumps right off the page,
The story's growing more intense,
the characters confused and vexed,
you've come to know the protagonist,
the nails they drove into his wrists,
a book that jumps right off the page,
So I woke up one day and wondered where I was headed
because I can't look back my past it has been embeded
No time for regrets so I gotta keep moving
but ironically I can't move because my past wasen't soothing
Walking along the shore, the sand sticks to my feet.
But then the waves come to greet my feet
And wash the particles into the ocean.
A man came from His throne to give life to those who should've been left alone
The Light of the World that some had never even known
A Father giving up His only child to a planet so lost
See a hand reaching out to save me and draw me to the light ,
I cry as it hold me tight,Its say come near for I care ,please do not fear ,My love for I am here,
They tell me it’s because I’m young
They say “Someday, you’ll no longer feel this way.”
“Things you never meant to say will brush your tongue.”
It started out like any other day, I woke up to see the smile of my mother as usual.she looked as if the rays of the sunshione bounced off of her face in instant geaming to see her daughter. I got dressed like a normal day.
As tears fall, we let our emotions hold is captive.
This is massive!
We must allow His spirit to become ACTIVE,
in our lives.
We are down and we wonder who will be there
I'm here,
(poems go here)
Why I write…
I write to get my feeling out
So that when people read my poems
They’ll say,
Set a melody in my heart
To sing only for You
Let the harmonies of all nations arise
Just for You, Lord.
He who holds the universe in its place
Holds my heart tonight.
He who makes the heart beat
The roads are dark, lost in direction.
No way to turn, my path is lost--
I can’t see, where is the Light?
Turn right, turn left, I do not know?
Wherever I go, I cannot see.
My heart pounds, it’s so dark!
Fighting the weeps of sin,
The devil has stolen from me.
Scars from self inflicted injuries,
Break the devil from my actuality.
My flaws are seen so pronounced,
But GOD believes i'm worth it.
Watcha gonna do with all that junk
All that junk inside your trunk?
I’m gonna get, get, get rid of my junk.
Let Jesus put it in His trunk.
Who am I to you
When the thunder crashes down?
Cold wind fills your heart
And no one is around?
Who am I to you
When the light begins to fade?
Shadows fall in line
Writing is like carving.Carving out pieces.
Pieces ofThe heart of Jesus.
Love in the face ofpain-filled hatred,hurt breeding hurt in the heart.
One, two, three are the lights
in a dark dark place they dared to go.
Go, stop.
Yes, no.
Which voice to listen to
they're so confused.
Prepare for the worst
they decided to go.
I follow my fathers footprints
In the sand on the beach
To walk like Him is difficult
His prints are just out of reach
I leap to the left and right
Like a skier on a slope
He asked me who I was.
So I told Him:
"I don't know who I am...
All I know is that I'm a sinner.
I am the scum of the earth.
I've messed up too many times to count.
I'm broken.
Alone in a world, & silent,Void of voice and speech intent.Wanting to let out and say,But no thoughts to come what may.Having tongue,But no heart to speak…Leaves one in a circumstance, bleak.
Your picture is on my dresser,
You're staring back at me.
I don'know who you are,
But I know you know me.
You were there when I fell,
You picked me up back to my feet,
To hold me in youre arms,
It’s really sad when someone feels that death is the only to finally find peace.
It felt like I had hit a brick wall when I found out that you had taken your life.
My God, Will never leave me, He will never forsake me. He loves me like no other, He is my Bestfriend, My Father, My World, My Everything.
If I could have a pepsi with Jesus.....
What in the world would I say
If I could talk with Him today?
Well...I’d have a few things to ask.
I walked inside the shadows
Hiding my face and who I was
I had no voice
I could not speak
Choking on the breaths I could not breathe
I wandered quickly
I fell deeper into the dark
I sing because He gave me strings. I breathe because He gave me wind. I wish it was Him when the telephone rings. He is real, He's not just a facebook trend. He is always there even when you can't feel Him.
Birthed by the Earth,
God planted me here.
I've grown not much
throughout these long years.
Roots settled in,
My stalk began to rise.
As a fragile bud, though,
I turned from sunrise.
Nowadays, it’s hard to know what the truth is.
We have tampered with so much as seen
Our environment, plants, animals and even our bodies that
We are oblivious to what is real, what is true
I prayed and studied and found the key
I shouted and rejoiced in my victory
The enemy has been defeated you see
Christ shed his blood at Calvary
No more worries, No more chains
I serve a mighty King, so enemies beware!
I’ve never seen Him anywhere
So how do you know He’s there?
He has performed miracles
Forsaken was our Savior, for
Our selfish and sinful behavior.
Recieving grace and mercy from Him, and
Going on the cross for our sin
Is what He has done,
My bible tells me Love is kind, patient, unselfish, and hopeful
That it keeps no records of wrongs, never gives up and never loses faith
As sons and daughter of the most high God
We have standards to uphold, as we are representing Zion
And as we live in a dark and hateful world
I'm learning to trust in you,
Never giving up,
Life may bring unfortunate circumstances,
But you are always there for me,
I didn't know what love was,
Until I met you I saw that reality,
I think the Earth was crying,
Because I woke up and there was rain.
I think the world is dying,
Because we cause it constant pain.
What are we doing to God’s creation?
-Hang our heads in shame.
Take a stroll to my world, to another place
To a new dimension, similar to outer space
Tell me do you smell the taste or maybe taste the smell
Prospects so complex like a microscopic cell
I will wait, I'll set the example
I will do what it takes to be with you
I will find myself lost in your atmosphere
I will do the unthinkable in my wait
I will be patient, I will run
I will over your law
I know where there's hate, there is love more abundant. So, even though I hear so much of this hate, I know where there's bitter, there also is sweet. It's lasting twice as long, so when there's much wrong, I'll choose the right!
I know where there's hate, there is love more abundant. So, even though I hear so much of this hate, I know where there's bitter, there also is sweet. It's lasting twice as long, so when there's much wrong, I'll choose the right!
I admit I have misbehaved,
Yet your unfailing love is there for me,
True repentance is what you are searching,
Repenting before you is tough,
It is worth it though,
I tell you of your sin
The anguish of your Eyes
Its the thing God hates
That No good girls go to Heaven
Because no good girls exist.
The sweet, gentle flow of words,
The roaring message or meaning,
The imagination and motivation,
The pure release of writing.
A ship was caught on the sea one night,
Caught in a massive storm.
It was as if it were fighting a big fight.
Almost no one could cease to mourn.
When told “do or die”
When the fight to stay alive
When the gun is at my head
I will not deny the Lord.
I become blue as I think of you, but as I get to know You I fall deeper in Love. My sky is no longer blue because each day as the sun rises so do I.
When I look at my reflection
I see a strangers face in shame
this image doesn't help my pain.
My shattered heart can beat no more.
I must keep in these bitter tears.
Where is the light in this darkness?
The Lord is with me during all seasons of life
He is there during life’s spring season,
When my faith is flourishing and growing to something more
He is there during life’s summer season
As I walk the shadows oppress me,
I fight, but if I give in could the shadows ever comfort me?
The light, though blinding, warms me,
But pains sting can startle in unwary warmth,
Lord I exalt You!
How great are Your works all around me!
How is it that a thousand fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but I am untouched?
Who am I to be protected so?
Am I so significant in Your eyes??
Lord I am troubled.
But In my shame I won’t lift my eyes up,
Contemptible thoughts run rampant through my mind,
I think, how can I come before him in this state?
I sometimes wish I could see my approaching sin fast enough to say “Get thee behind me satan!”,
But I always miss the chance,
Because by the time I see the sin, satan does his dance from two steps ahead.
You first loved me Lord,
When I was lost and choking in sin, scoffing at the very idea of a savior,
You first loved me,
When I cursed You and shut my eyes to the light,
You first loved me,
Father, You are great and calmed my distraught soul,
I blindly lost sight of You and gave in to an unrighteous righteous anger oh God.
I let satan get the best of me,
Lord I know I was honest in my utterings,
I trust in You oh Lord,
For through You I am more than a conqueror.
I trust in You because every one of Your words is pure,
And You are a shield to all who put their trust in You,
Lord who am I to be sought out by the highest?
I am unable to comprehend Your everlasting love.
What do You have to gain?
You who commands angel armies,
You who is above all else,
God Your word is an all-consuming fire which cannot quelled.
It convicts me and I cannot hold it in.
I must praise You,
I must spread Your word that others may praise You as well,
Lord do we only call to You in our distress?
Do we only long for Your salvation on the brink of destruction?
And when in the midst of our suffering,
And at the height of our tribulation,
You take us under Your wing,
How do you knit a broken heart?
Cause you got me thinking.
That you’re the only reason.
I’m willing to give up my whole world,
Just for the chance to be next to you.
Cause when it’s warm, I’m reminded,
Jesus said it best when He said
“It is finished!”
Pain, Sin, and Strife have all been
He carried the cross for our sin and
He held up our burden so we didn’t
Have to pay
Nobody knows and nobody understands sometimes the way you feel.
Sometimes it feels like you can't talk to anybody.
You don't want the pity but answers and a hand to reach and pull you out of the deep muck you got yourself in..
If the pain wasn’t too much to bear…I would tell the world how much I don’t care
My hair’s a joke my job is non-existent… maybe I should go get extensions
Oh Gentle Whisper
Your child weeps for his hope has died
His sky falls
An unheralded fate upon his shoulders
Inveigled by his desires
To sacrifice the little bit of freedom he has left
Hope is gone
It has run it's course
As my dreams run farther
And nothing seems to work
But I look up and scream
Help me please
My savior comes
And suffices me
Everything is so screwed up...
but, my mind's made up.
You're not real.
I'm callin' demons a disease but I know one when I see one.
I had one. It filled me.
I possessed one. It killed me.
Could it be? This man beside me -
Battered, bleeding, dying?
Could it be? Amid the rising jeers
This mocking crowd is crying?
Could it be? Though wails surround
Of those recanting in regret?
My Christ,
lord and savior,
reign down on me.
I just wish everyone could see ya!
And the truth to be seen!
How can I show my God,
when all i do is sin.
Ball my life up in a wad,
I hope to dance in a wide open field
And spin around waiting for the rain to fall;
No wish for an umbrella as a shield;
Waiting for my lover's enchanted call.
I hope to perform In a coffee shop,
He’s with you when you’re living your own Paradise,
Your life driven by your own will and having God’s plan on Paralyze,
Don’t seem to realize your Paradise is really a Pair of Lies,
Jesus is my hero,
My hope,
My Heavenly Father.
Jesus is my love,
My life,
My Living Water.
Jesus is my passion,
My patience,
My Prince of Peace.
He’s going for glory.
She brought glory to her name.
Is our definition of glory becoming fame?
We use the term so loosely, like it’s another conjunction,
Yes it’s a noun, it’s a verb, and sometimes and interjection.
Compared to eternity, our life is but a blink.
A day is but a second, although it's hard to think.
So love without judgement, and be zealous in life.
Because tomorrow is not promised, and today you are alive.
The Beautiful Torment
Why is our Lord beaten, bruised, and dying,
A whip from death and a whip from heaven
Through the twilight, the crack of the whip rings.
Tears of his children and laughter of men
Jesus said in Matthew 7:14, “Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only few find it”
Life, many of you may ask what is life?
Is it life to live as you please and follow all of your earthly desires?
Lord how can I last through this tribulation
I’m hurt,
My soul trembles,
My very foundations are shook.
I find my only solace in You oh Lord,
Yet You deign to grant me abundant joy and peace,
They call me "Churchy"
I believe in God
The glorious facade
how easy my life must be
because when things get tough,
I get down on one knee,
I have problems like everyone else
When you think of Jesus what do you see?
A man, a son, a human?
To me he is more then a person
A savior more like
A preacher a teacher a friend
But most of all a sacrifice
You are there for me when I am crying,
And in you I console.
You support me in my time of need,
When I require reassurance.
You comfort me in my tragedies,
When I can’t find another friend.
When I go meet God,
I'm gonna have to give myself up to you.
Lose my life,
lose my heart,
lose my soul!
I have been dirty
and broken
and don't deserve your love.
When al is lost, and hope it seems,
has left me here deserted.
When friendship's cost, of life and dreams,
have proved too much to pay.
When solitude, and loneliness,
are not enough to comfort.
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference...
(poems go here)
This is a song of my heart, a letter of my soul
The stress of perfection showed upon my face as I gazed at my reflection, but I wasn't perfect. I had become a master of deception, writing lies in the book of life all to create a false perception.
I've got this friend
His name is Jesus
He gave me a brand new life
All because He loves me
Ive got this friend
His name is Jesus
He died on a cross because
All because He loves me
You gave me life,
my first breath taken was yours first.
You loved me before I knew who I was.
You watched over me while I slept,
Letting peaceful dreams take me to a world not my own.
Now let me start out by saying this…
God made Minute Made...- because in less than a minute, a minute was made..
I got a little bit relaxed with myself when I, weaved only a little bit of his will with a whole lot of my will.
There was a man, like you and me, who born at birth could not see.
His clothes were worn, his hair a mess, laid on the dirt when time to rest.
His food came from a coin plate that he would beg with night and day.
The Words Hit You Like Endless Bullets.
Face Them Head On, Never Give Way To It.
Heard It Once, Heard It Twice.
The Words They Through Out Are Meant For Your Demise.
My conclusion, revolution, only solution
Government pollution, prostitution, no given restiution
Conisistent years of slavery, soliders die from bravery
Veterans don't get the respect for what they get paid to see
What will quench this thirst?
I long for something that will sustain.
The springs that flow love but not hate.
Can my soul be satisfied?
I find comfort in this world.
Restless I am.
As I sit and think I don't know what to think about
Should I think about the day, the sun, the moon, the night?
Should I think about music, it's flats, sharps, and it's lines?
I'm too young to have a stressed mind
If money wasn't real we would have less crime
Cause of banks we got bodies full of hollow clips
Put the money in the bag and run like a politic
Life ain’t soft I pray in the rough
My never ending love
To stand by the challenges of your life
The attachment I give to you
The strength I see in you
We're afraid to recognize the faults
So life goes on with its deadly assaults
Getting harder and harder everyday, but suddenly it halts
Because sooner or later we unlock all the vaults
Then sense pours out
I come from love and holy words
I've memorized many lines
I am welcomed by the sound of singing
The songs I've grown-up to know
I'm going through the motions
And I don't know why.
This whole feeling is atrocious
But I can't even hide.
I'm smiling in the physical
But crying all day.
Must be something spiritual
I am free from these chains that held me.
I am free from my past defining me.
I am free to be the new me,
the one I was meant to be.
I am free because of a love so great.
I like the way things are now:
How I can stand at the edge
The sidewalk stopping
Cars flying by, missing everything
Without feeling so tempted to run
To get away
Because where I am now is fine.
When I am sad
When I am scared
When I am Lonely Lord, your always right there
When I'm weak, you make me feel strong
Your right beside me Lord, I'm never alone
And that's why I cry this out
As the days go by, God continues to be my teacher...
displaying the strongest of challenges to my eye, like cheering fans on the bleachers...
Red Blood;
Purifies Me,
Cleanses Me,
He's No Longer Dead.
Now I'm;
White As Snow!
What if the harmony of saints and sinners /
Broke in moments o’er passing of bread? /
Temporal and shallow, this generation envisage /
Martyrdom, not white but red /
Sometimes I feel blind, like I cannot see
But the world sees him, and also sees her
The world ignores me, and never sees me
But the world shields them, while I remain blurred.
You say you get beauty, but do you know what it means?
The thousands of lies coming from the big screens and magazines?
Beauty is on the outside they say…
So you cake on the makeup trying to get through the day.
This world gives me a feeling of starkness
So many places growing with darkness
Setting that place on fire
Cause Lord need for you is dire
It's so dark they're becoming blind
I was once lost,
Unnoticed in the crowd,
Never knew who I was,
But now I am found.
I was floating through the days
Wondering where I would go,
My soul was in a haze
But you brought me home.
What will be revealed?
What will you convey?
Will you proclaim I have followed you and your words,
Both by speaking and by action?
Will you proclaim I have broken your laws,
Used you for self-glory?
I am only human,
I have love that longs to be given
I have pain that longs to be taken
I have courage, but not enough
I have strength, but again not enough
Jesus died on that cross for me
He holds my heart within his hands
Bending, Molding, all to plan
Sometimes it hurts, but he always works.
The black is now out of my heart, leaving a hole for a new start
I feel all empty, sad and alone
This world I live in causes chaos to my soul
I am so thankful Lord, for I know You're someone I can hold.
They shut me down and say He's dead,
But why should I go off of what one man has said.
Went before the judge and left
with the guilty verdict of worshiping
with moist lips but a chap heart.
Classic is just past it
its as real as it gets no plastic
when the sky cracks it all comes down collapesin'
Misconception conception
to get a certain impression
the hard fact the admitting your wrong confession
They say i'm way too young
To find the man that is the one
If i dont find him i'm going to burst
That is why i put my God first
Your love for me is everlasting, second chances only you are casting
Seeking for love all I got was lust, as time past my heart will rust
Despite my past you are still grasping, unto me while I was still dancing
My strength is gone, so i call upon the name;
The name of He who did healings for the lame.
I think of my life, its worth, it has none;
And if it wasn't for His Blood, I would be undone.
Your love never fails me.
It is everlasting.
It is so wonderful that it fills me
with hope and love that's so fulfilling.
You caress me like a mother that's so caring.
Uncontrollably over analyzing the situation that was in front of me
Only thoughts that was in my mind was about the person that I used to be
Thee ultimate love triangle
They're three in one
We've gat the Father the Spirit and the Son
The book of Life, the crucifixion story, all written before we even begun.
Both ironic and congruent in how the black mans hands bled in the same manner Jesus' did. Broken skin, a result, not of barabaric acts, but of the extended handshake with peace. Peeling along the life line, good-bye my brother.
With a new school year, a new start, but friends depart.
And we’ve led our whole lives together, but suddenly we’re taking different paths from each other.
A book of an aunt
Who no longer is here
Turn the pages
Do you hear them cry?
Torn and worn down but still prized most
This book that is broken
It tells a tale of sleeping beauty and her prince
There is something inside of
each of our
this desire
for the things
that will destroy
We crave to
in ways that leave
I am so torn
Like aborted babies that aren’t born
Separated and thrown into a furnace
To be burned up because of people’s purpose
To reign as kings,
Though he called them gods
Little g’s
I wrote this a few years back before my confirmation of my faith. Hope you like it!:
Wondering, thinking if I'm ever going to be someone
A ghost in the mirror, a stranger I've become
Drowning my sorrow down the drain
Hiding, covering, trying to disguise the pain
Feeling stuck, abandoned, lost at sea
Lord of the nations
and the power of creation.
With lifted hands we honor thou,
for you swept the sins off our brow.
I get so close,
Then drift away,
I'm only scared of what they'll say,
But in this world,
It matters not,
In a few years,
I'll be forgot,
But in Heaven,
I'll surely be known,
Is it giving you the promotion you wanted?
Is it Him letting you see the game on Sunday?
Is it Him giving you a dollar to find?
Perhaps you eating lunch, and not having to pay?
God help me in my walk,
For my steps are stunted by my pain.
I know in You I have true joy,
Even though the world makes me feel shame,
My stunted steps are short,
But You give me strength.
The battle for life, is like this:
Friend against friend until all are lifeless
They never see how they hurt, or whom
Rather, they only See at their doom
Where destruction laughs
And they scream
In the dark, alone, scared.
Can't find anything, any where, no light.
"Where am I, Am I home."
As I speak the words real slow,
Frost fogs up an appearing window.
I look out it and see myself chained up.