Solid Ground
My memory is marked by a beating of the heart
One beat stay alive, yet one beat to shut it down
When I think back, every memory is in blue
And black, like the color of my heart when you were through
The city, is like my childhood house
A box from which I find no escape
If i run out into the street, there is nothing but more concrete
For miles and miles, not a moment to breathe
My mind has become this prison,
My blood swims with a poisonous beliefs
At twenty years I struggle to envision
A better life, joyous relief
Then comes the rain, then comes the sunMarriage brings anewA grace that I've foundA beautiful face Out calls my love Some distant seeming humhanging on the glow of the sunThe face of God in a beloved one He calls me back to reasonBack to truth and to nowI come up from the deep waters Pulled out to solid ground From trauma to traumaMy developmnt was hinderedI pleaded for all help and only knew utter dependance But the wounds of a faithful friendAnd the patience of a husbandAt twenty three years begin to lift my headAnd those things I thought were ever dead unfurl like winter in the sun and I begin to know what it means to be a woman