Through Jesus
I climb but can't reach
Jump but can't touch
I try all I can,
But alas
I can't go where I want to go,
Do what I want to do, and
Reach what I want to reach.
But is what I want to do want I need?
I climb for a house,
But is that house the home for me?
I jump for a man,
But is that man the man for me?
I do want I think is neccessary,
But is what I think I need what I really need?
And how can I know that what I want is for me?
When I climb, I must reach for the will of God.
When I jump, I must touch the heart of God.
Only then will I know if what I think I need is what I really need.
God calls all to surrender, seek, and follow after him.
"Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through him."
So through him alone will I know exceptly what I need.