Thank You
I open the window
and my hairs stand on end.
The clouds hang low
and the tree branches bend.
Triumphantly the wind sings;
WHOOSH! comes its longing tune.
This is one of my favorite things,
knowing a storm will come soon.
I lean against the sill,
my palms face the sky.
I stay perfectly still
as the heavens start to cry.
First, it's the sound
of the delicate drops that feed
the thirsty, dry ground,
so desperately in need.
And I can't help but wonder,
As Noah sat in his ark,
If he did not, amongst the thunder,
come to see the storm's great perk.
I'm talking of the clean,
crisp scent of rain-washed air.
It's the smell of all that's green
rejoicing in loud prayer.
Now my hands I outstretch,
fingers slightly shaking,
hoping to catch
a second chance in the making.
Each cool little drop
splatters softly on my skin,
and will not stop
until it washes away my sin.
I know that this was already
done, long before I was born.
But rain serves to remind me
of the love I've been shown.
Rain, put simply, is grace.
It's an undeserved gift
that, in this case,
heals an insuperable rift.
The rain helps renew
the aching earth,
just as God makes us new
in our rebirth.
I call out to all storms,
or rather, to Him,
and say thanks to the forms
in which he decides to forgive.