Born with a Purpose ( from the book of Judges)
The Lord spoke to me in a dream
He was showing me that I was born with a purpose
I didn't know at the time
what was my purpose
I thought my purpose was to be a survior
I asked if surviving meant to kill somebody
that is what Samson did when he was feeling threaten and in danger.
The way The Lord showed me in the dream
has some of its similiarities
The setting took place in the Bronx
at the bodega
where the phillistines were the drug dealers and pushers of my generation
the israelites were the people of my neighborhood frighten like the spread of coronavirus
that's injecting fear in their hearts and souls
the isrealites are the people of my era were living life in hysteria
because of the phillistine's lifestyle that included:
the drugs, the women, the money & reputation of being a killer
I was surrounded by the phillistines at the bodega
I can hear My Lord telling me
your duty is to drive the phillistines out
The Lord transform me to Samson
I yelled out
you can scare the Israelites, but you don't scare me in the name of Jesus
I pounded the main phillistine drug kingpin
to where he was decapitated
the pushers got it too
interestingly, there wasn't a jawbone of a donkey
where it broken in half to continue in combat
The Lord showed me why there was no jawbone
He didn't want me to be a killer
for My Lord didn't want me to be a man of blood
but a man after His Heart
Instead, Jesus showed me to drive the phillistines out, and unite the isrealites
The Lord showed me why I was born with a purpose
I know my purpose
what is your puupose?
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Annette M Velasquez
Interesting comparisons and the use of metaphors and allegory between the Biblical account and your dream. There is a lot of action, description, and images here, they all heighten the poem. But the most important thing is the message- which is very powerful. It is all about purpose- which I believe, for you, is using your poetry for good, as a vehicle for change and to highlight God's Word. For me, too, I believe that is why God gave me the gift of poetry.