39 Strikes: How Could I Give Up?
39 Strikes of paint on a canvas telling me to,
Never Give Up
Never Give Enough
Never Give Up
Never Give Enough
Never Good Enoug-
Im Never Good Enough . . .
The devil attacks me on daily whspering lies into my ears,
telling me I'm Never Good Enough until the lies become clear
Rolling down my cheeks are tears,
causing me to lock God's gifts in fear.
I've never sold a peice of my art
this is one of the first times I've told a peice of my heart.
See Ersilla took my voice away,
and that was the end of my singing days,
but when God said "Let there be light"
That began his quest to let me speak Life.
1 Peter 4: 10
"Each of you should use whatever gifts you have recived as faithful stewards of God's grace in it's various forms"
I believe God has a gift for us all,
but when comparison creeps in that's what makes us fall.
I watched my sisters sing and counted my gift small.
Told myself I was the victim and blamed it on God's system
Truth is God's ways are so fine,
so divine,
the word "system" can't began to define
So when God gave me a sign, then YES immediatley I was driven
Then YES immediatley I was given a heart to do what I love!
When Scott said the stone was rolled away so we could get in,
I realized I had to let my voice out!
I prayed my mind would not stop my praise,
I prayed God would bind Satan's embrace,
I knew in this I'd find God's grace
No I'm Not Good Enough, but with God on my side,
How could I Give Up?