My grandfather was a carpenter
he worked his hands his whole life.
Made use of the 29 bones
given to him
he created universes
out of
wood and sand paper.
Using Skin and bones
every joint and ligament
with precision to craft
life out of fire and brimstone.
He lived with those hands.
When men built the Tower of Babel
God descended from his throne to confuse them.
He realized men, had found out the power hidden
In the crevices of their hands
He said:
Because he realized they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them "
God knows that these
hands make create, take, break
they shake.
Our hands have been given to us
as our greatest tools.
These hands have built sky scrapers
that scratch the Floor boards of
cities have been built as outreached hands to God.
Buildings and skyscrapers I find interesting,
Interesting because these
structures when stripped
down are similar to the
anatomy of our hands.
Made with concrete like skin
bones made of rebar
ropes as ligaments and
joints of iron.
Using these 123 ligaments,
Leo created the Mona Lisa,
Every brush, every stroke
in increments
a witness to his genius.
48 nerves allow A young mother
To feel the heartbeat of
her infant daughter.
A witness of her life.
30 Arteries pumped the blood
That was spilled on Calvary's cross.
9 inch nails pierced the hands of the savior.
Hands which raised nations
and beaconed sailors.
Hands which healed the sick, and the
afflicted. The poor and the meek,
Those too weak,
To provide a witness-
I find it unfair that a carpenter turn king
would give his life for a
commoner like me.
Someone who isn't worthy to sing or
utter his name.
So you can imagine the shame a
youngster like me could muster.
Let this be a call to action,
how will you use the two hands given to you?
Will you love with these hands?
Will you help with these hands?
Will you withstand with these hands?
Stand like a champ with these hands?
I willing object, to use these hands to
pull the trigger. I will do everything in my being,
no matter the rigger. I will not be the killer,
Who drives the nails into His hands.
I hope one day my hands will be holding the flashlight
Which guides those lost in the dark.
I hope this light can glorify
His good works so that they can see
What he has created with
His hands.
Thank You.