Free Love
You flawed up, they’d say
You a mess up, they shout
Hair a mess, tears were more, they were cruel
They couldn’t care less how I was hurting to the core, they were cruel.
I the girl they taunted and haunted with words that
Were like cords because they fell like swords
Cutting me to shards, but no matter how hard
Their words hit, I got up and buttoned up
My strength because Jesus told me, “Two wrongs don’t make a right”
I thought ‘aight!
You flawed up, you’re not black enough
You flawed up, you’re a white girl stuck in a black girl’s body!
Hair a big mess, tears strumming across my cheek because they were cruel!
Now I’m flawless, I am not that that flawed up girl, I never was.
In God’s eyes, I am beautiful, I am worthy, and I am his daughter
In their eye’s, who cares about their eyes? Because they are not I!
In God’s eyes, I am his creation and his work of art that he loves dearly
He shed his blood for my life, their lives, and all of our lives just so we can live!
God asks me, don’t make attachments there, get rid of distractions, focus your mind up in Heaven, go to the light, steer clear of the dark, and be bold as a follower of Christ.
He speaks, I listen! His voice is of reason, clarity, love, hope, peace, and truth and he asks me, please mute out the voice of confusion, anxiety, doubt, and darkness because it leads you astray. I am flawless because when God made me in my mother’s womb, he saw a perfect being in his like. He knew me before I knew me, he knew us all, and he knows where my life is headed and if my encounters are with the less than flawless in attitude, I will pray for them and show them kindness because I mind you, that might be all they have ever seen!
It takes love to cast out evil and you can’t spell love without reading it backwards as EVOL.
Let me fly like a dove to show you love!
Let me fly like a dove to show you free love!