The man who saved me
The man who saved me If your world is darkIf your eyes are weary and your heart heavy If you feel alone and forgotten If you feel like your mind is an enemy and it attacks you with more ferosity than a starved man whom you've stolen his last penny from If you've lost who you are and you're not sure you ever really knew yourself You've been washed of every feelingAll hope is lost and you'd rather drown in water than drown in this misery If you say you're alive but not livingYour heart beats dry and your mind paces anxiously on regret when the night draws nearIf these words strike you like a sudden storm flooding the dam you thought kept you safe then keep listening This was me tooYou are not alone...Listen as I tell you about the man who changed my life Who can also change yoursHis light shined through all that was dark No longer did I stumble blind trying to turn the light on myself He refreshed my eyes each morning and lightened my heart so I felt for the first time like a child When I cried out to him he came to me and rested me in his embrace Never once has he let me feel as if I walk alone He has banished the enemies within my mind that were like clouds blocking the sunWith a clear mind I have conviction in who I am I feel I am myself always, and I feel the greatest joy I am truly alive because of this man My heart beats life and my mind rests easy at nightThis man saved my lifeThis man is Jesus