my scars tell me
you're too much
you'll never be enough
you're not pretty enough
you're never going to be good enough
and for awhile I let my scars define me
I let them become me
I become a whirlwind of too much, all the time
my life was my testament
me trying to say I'm not, but just proving I was
letting my life be too much and never enough
letting it show I was afraid of not being good enough
but good enough for what
for the people around me, letting their lives spiral like mine
for the people I would meet, who had no business defining me
for myself, a whirlwind trying to cover up my faults and declare my worth
but my worth is not in actions
my worth is actually not mine at all
there is a hand on my shoulder
steering me to truth
showing me who I am
I am not actions, I am not deeds
I am not my scars
I am not the lies they have inscribed on my heart.
I am enough and I am worthy
because a man died on a cross for me
so that I didn't have to be condemned by my actions
but so I was set free when he rose from His grave 3 days later
I had value two thousand years ago
my sin was paid for before I even fell into the enemy's trap
a man came and shared his message
of love of redemption of salvation
and he thought of me
a whirlwind spinning crazily trying to cover up my faults
trying to hide that I wasn't enough
He died on the cross and rose again proclaiming to me you are enough
His message is this:
let me rescue you
let me bring you home
let me show you the truth and erase the scars and the lies
let me guide you to where you are supposed to be
oh whirlwind stop spinning and find peace in Me alone
and so I stop and rest in Him
and in his definition of me
I let Him speak life into me
and guide me where He wants me
for I am his beautiful daughter wonderfully made
to do His will
because I am enough for the Savior of the world
I am enough for the people of this world