Love Isn't
Love isn’t a rose
but love is the thorns
love isn’t a white picket fence
but love is the nails
love isn’t red
love is clear, colorless and pure
love isn’t rings and earthly things
love is the pain endured in hell
love is the thorn’s he wore in his crown
love is the nails that pierced his palm
love is the water that flowed from his sides
when all his blood had drained
love is the spirit that he left behind
when he went to prepare our next home
love is the sacrifice he made for us
when he was crucified, died, and was buried
love is the voice that cried up from the cross
when he said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”
love is not a simple, fickle, and imperfect feeling in the heart of man
no, true love is the compassion of our Savior, Jesus Christ.