The Story of Love
My Love,
You are my heart, my joy, and my bride.
For you, I took the nails and the wound in my side.
For you, I was beaten beyond recognition.
For you, I lived knowing I’d endure crucifixion.
I took from you sin, sickness, and shame
For only the hope that you’d call on my name.
I traded my throne and glory above
For wood, nails, and blood…
The story of Love.
From the beginning of time I knew your name,
I knew your joy, I knew your shame.
I knew you sin and the weight you’d bare,
I knew your dreams, your hopes, your cares.
I know it’s seemed you were sometimes alone
But from the beginning, I’ve been there,
I’ve known.
I knit you together. I made you for me,
I made you to soar and forever be free!
But slowly and surely came the distractions
Of pleasure and greed and other infractions.
So, you flew hard after you desires
And left me behind with my heart’s fires.
I watched in tears, I saw you fall
When you realized that “everything” was nothing at all.
Loudly, you screamed to the heavens above
And I left my throne running and calling, “My Love!”
I ran through the filth, the muck, and the mire.
To save you, Oh Love, was my only desire.
I came to a bank and not far away,
I saw you sink down in the miry clay.
Then the one of distractions, himself appeared and said,
“For her transgressions, I’ll be sure that she’s dead!
You heard him and for your life you pled
So, to him I said, ” Take me, instead!”
He took me and slew me, on a tree my blood was spilled…
But he didn’t know that Love could not be killed!
From the ground I arose and uprooted that tree
And laid it as a bridge across that black sea.
On it I ran and as you took one last breath
I pulled you up and out,
Salvation from death!
My Love,
You are my heart, my joy, and my bride.
For you, I took the nails and the wound in my side.
For you, I was beaten beyond recognition.
For you, I lived knowing I’d endure crucifixion.
I took from you sin, sickness, and shame
For only the hope that you’d call on my name.
I traded my throne and glory above
For wood, nails, and blood…
The story of Love.