Reaching Hand
See a hand reaching out to save me and draw me to the light ,
I cry as it hold me tight,Its say come near for I care ,please do not fear ,My love for I am here,
For I will never leave ,can't you see, for I am here and I know all your fears, and all your cares,
Come draw near my love for you are my beloved ,do you remember when you fell ,I was there my dear ,I care,
Do you remember when you Cried? you cried out to me ,I heared you cry ,For you have nothing to fear ,I am here and I will catch all your tears,
Don't run from me my child , Stop running in that dead end ,I am here ,there has never been a single day you have walked alone ,I was there all along,
All you have to do is grab hold of me ,for I will always be waiting,
I know every pain you feel ,I see all your scars ,Don't hide from me ,I will always find you,
I love you My child ,For draw near to my Light and you will shine Bright.