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We all saw it
We all heard it
We all read it
And smelled it.
Meanwhile Deedeepee is rotting in jail
For probably having committed a similar crime
Some do the crime and others don’t do the time
¡Oh! No, nunca deberían hablar de Puerto Rico
Borinquén, Porto Rico de una manera tan malvada
Puerto Rico nada en el mar Caribe y el Océano Atlántico
Con otras bellas islas como Cuba, Haití y Jamaica
When daybreak comes and I no longer care
to listen for the mourning doves first cry,
anticipate the sunrise in the sky
or smell the apple blossoms in the air
my passion to write poetry will die.
And just like before, everything started off fine,
And I decided to overlook everything and ignore all of the signs.
That just like everyone else you are batshit crazy,
Hunting down pictures of racial
divides the colors into flesh pantones
royalty free shots watermarked
with logos of the man whipping across
eyes and mouths of models making
Justice is a force that stands tall,
A beacon of hope for one and all,
It sees no color, no race, no creed,
And knows no boundaries or limits to heed.
Keine Ratte steht tatsächlich über dem Gesetz
Gerechtigkeit muss blind, fair, gleich und roh sein
Für alle, in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft
No racist rat is indeed above the law
Justice must be blind, fair, equal and raw
For all, in a democratic society
Sous le pont De Del Rio sont arrêtés, coincés, entassés
Amassés des milliers d'Haïtiens migrants, pas d'Ukrainiens
Sob a ponte Del Rio eles estão parados, presos, estacionados
Milhares de imigrantes Haitianos, não Ucranianos
Francamente, se fossem os últimos, não seriam penalizados
Hungry hue-mans were in caves driven to consume and feed a tribal network, we made weapons from stones because survival amongst common rivals for food was the need we set and met first.
Powerful words,Truthful words,Honest words,Brave words;This is exactly what the Doctor orders,For a nation, who's trying to fight the horrorsOf blatant racism,
We do not want only a piece
We aspire and want Peace
A mammoth piece of Freedom
For the north, south, west and east
Tell me more about democracy
Nobody is a fool
Tell me more about dichotomy
Go ahead! I am cool
Liberty has been taken hostage, abducted in many parts
Of the world
Freedom is often smothered, suffocated in many hearts
In this world
Kabul falls into sheer peace,
Now 'Islam' enters into Afghanistan.
Ignorance dies on the battlefield.
The peace blows in the morning breeze.
Block this, block that
Black this, black that
I am sick and tired
Of seeing the hatred
So many colored faces in a crowd
set in 1960s
There was beats and poets
that rang and sang
of being black.
The stars could burn your hair off.
looking up at the sky
seeing not rainwater, but the blood of my brother’s and sister’s.
I have no eyes,
i am in chains.
Here I present
a man
Myriads of Haitian-Americans will vote in the next US election
We are sending stern warnings to the current administration
We will vote for one party and we will rock the boat
So... Justice Is Served... ?!?
And Has Now Been Confirmed...
By Those Who’ve Convicted...
This Cop Who Inflicted...
To George Floyd His VICTIM... !!!
#Black Lives Matter
Its not enough.
Its not enough,
posting a black-out screen on instagram
Children grow up in fear around the world.
In fear of leaving their homes,
Bureaucratic liars hand out commands
Empty-headed sheep obey
Free-thinkers get shot by men in blue
The lights of the city glide within me
but do not pierce through me with their glitter
deep in me there still persists the black depths
of the black history i hear singing
When i was stumbling
in the dark,confused
and crying out for help,
this friendly fellow seemed amused:
And while i fought like anything
to keep the candle lit
he cheerfully reviewed
We once were not free.
Free as others could be.
Free to walk.
Free to talk.
While we were pickin’ and pluckin’,
they were watching like a hawk.
Young Black America.
Learn to abstain from the system before we become a chained victim.
Yearn to be alive when we grow up not to be below every news feed.
i don't belive in justice
as if the intangible thing you stole from me
could be replaced with an apology
and time
Able bodies broken
Songs of struggle and bonds
Release our hearts to humanity
Join in the teaming throngs
Together in commons
Multitudes in revolt
against unjust systems
Bring our dreams home
For You
If I tore apart my body
For you
And you examined my organs
Tested my blood
Ripped my skin
Piece by piece
I grew excited as they built me
Because the men, they would talk
Of the grand place I would be.
For the Land of the Free
And the Home of the Brave
They made me, Lady Liberty.
Sada Massey
The Aftermath? ( What happens next)
June 1/4/5, 2020
What happens next?
After the protesters have grown tired
Then gone
After the FIRES have been put out
Justice is not just about judgement against the oppressors.
Justice is righteousness for those who have been wronged.
While a judge’s ruling may put a killer behind bars for life,
Staple gun to my head
Pin it closed the gaps of dread
Leaving out the slips of blood
Creeping forward pools of red
Wash my hands are never clean
The bell sends its vibrations through the mountains
through the barley fields changing their sweep
shaking the gravel in prestigous old man's drive way
rippling the water in the marble fountain of knowledge.
We cry out for justice, we scream and we shout.
We cry out for justice, we cry very loud.
We cry for missng people that haven't been found, we cry for innocent people getting killed everyday.
Karma will come for those who are lost
Karma will come for those who have a cost
Everyone's done wrong, for justice there's mercy for none.
There's no point in hiding from the scales of judgement,
Today won’t you hold him tightTell him he is not aloneTell him he is man enough, he is handsome, he is strong
"Akonadi, the people’s activist."
Akonadi is an oracular goddess of justice and a guardian deity for
women. Inspired by a Ghananian goddess.
Read all about it!
Read all about it!
We must do something about this
But here I stand
My voice rings out
Freedom has yet to be given out
I Never Asked Why Me.
I Never Cursed The Names Of Those Who Bashed Me Thinking Their Words Meant Nothing
Through Tiny Screens In Their Hands.
I Didn't Consider Myself A Victim,
There once was a woman,
with skin like cream and features fair,
with eyes of emerald green;
with a robust body and fine gold hair.
All men are created equal
Unalienable rights
Repeated injuries
Voice of justice
Free and independent states
Protection of Divine Providence
Sacred honor
Because justice is just a word
slipping off the tongues of folks so surely
so carelessly only
Justice in terms of a meaning
is simply
man made,
It should come as no surprise
the injustice is a tale as old as time
haves and greater-thans ignore broken cries.
They take and take, and punch and climb-
Over poor, broken, helpless -- not leaving a dime
When I was younger, I would dream of sleeping
on cotton candy clouds
while the breeze kissed my hair and fulfilled its duty of safekeeping
Pain all over,
Yet I sustain.
So I got out the car,
It was a hot summer day.
Trying to help my mother,
She gives an ailing grin.
Being a southerner
I say ,” Hello”,
People talk, people stare,
that doesn't leave me to wallow in sorrow.
no excuse to let down a tear,
when there's a greater future in my tomorrow.
I'll cut you off. It'll be easy.
Like a wart from flesh, though not as fresh,
I relish the day that you confess,
As I step on stage, wearing the very same dress,
I wore that day when you professed,
When we kiss , i taste the bitterness of love from your lips ,
When we hug , i feel bondage and enslaved
But after the unbearable screaming and kicking and choking and pleading...
you say you are different .
Until we can live without fear of persecution
From the color of our skin
Or the accent with which we speak
Or what other country we’ve lived in
Until Social Justice is universal
And accepted by all
America, America. Oh, how thou great.
You're people have been washed and drowned in hatred.
They are decendents of a people who rejected what was.
We are the creation of multigenerational curses.
But I’ll never wake
Up black
With long limbs
And midnight skin
Because this hand is
Gripping blonde
I am an angry woman.
No, I don't have picket signs
propped up in my garage
or a coarse voice,
from screaming.
I've never marched
down a street with proud sisters,
In a stereotypical patriarchal society,
I would soon have wifely duties
and keep my mouth shut.
How boring.
"Your poor boyfriend," they say
because I remind him, in the future,
"Technological Habits."
Paid in part by the subliminal masses.
"We could start by listing all the reasons why we can't have this.
For instance,
I flick a cig and it lands on a leaf,
Burns to the ground and spins my beliefs,
Here is where I see a glimpse of hope,
A visual summary.
Time and time again,
I see this reflection,
Savior of oppressed people,
Maintainer of tranquility and peace;
A country’s epitome of power,
Justice, justice, justice!
There is a jerky employee
Who delves into a fantasy.
One day, with a smirk,
The person goes berserk.
Right now, he is stuck in China sea.
Our perceptions are irrelevant we are aware that they are not important
We are deceived that the world is making a change
But I feel like these officers practice with my face in the gun range
The United States is a free country.
People come to it for a better life.
Each immigrant comes with a family.
A husband settles in it with his wife.
Unlike illegals, he does not break laws.
I am a girl who cried out for a just world,
sitting with a scale in my hands,
weighing the lighter crimes,
This is either irony or self-awareness.
I’mma a caramel covered dream, bruised from within.
An educated girl, who speaks what she thinks.
Mama calls me beautiful, but my enemies call me weak.
at our core we are about love and relationship
we long to be fought for and protected
to never feel disregarded
but that has not been the truth
for many
for a long time
M other blesses the day I was born, why is it
Y ou spit upon it like a curse?
L ike the day God chose to paint me brown
Pardons are Unjust
Justified by a Claim
that Mercy is a Must
Pardons ignore the busted face of my wife
and silence the cries of my child's life
why would a God, servant of the lame
Too many lives lost,
Haunting, howling, crying, wailing...the voices of our ancestors.
Understand this, my brothers and sisters:
It’s a tragedy for those of us who stay the same
When time tries to heal, but we stand against the winds of change
Because you resist, you’ll make the same mistakes
Those are the choices of us living not in love but hate
He created me from the clay that He created you with
My heart chants your name
My eyes brim with unshed tears
All these issues in the world, don’t sugar coat it. I know you that you know this:
slavery was supposedly protected by the bible, I hope we grow from this! Separating families is legal only because of POTUS.
How come this universe exists,
When we have verily no unity?
How are we even humans,
If we don’t embrace humanity?
We live this life as a joke,
We’re not real in reality.
We consider ourselves divine,
Silence can kill a game.
Silence has much shame.
Silence rings with pain.
Silence does not end with change.
Silence keeps fears locked away.
Again and again and again and again.
Every two steps forward is one step back
People fight until they’re no longer standing,
And no one stops to help them up.
I didn’t ask for your approval.
I didn’t ask for you to be my mirror on the wall.
I didn’t ask for your comments as I crossed the street.
I didn’t ask for your filthy cat call.
I know that these chains will break.
But when I try to breathe I’m suffocated by your dishonesty.
Struggling to survive in bondage to the queen of Egypt. As slaves do we render unto her a taxation of our time, possessions and even our lives. Her vain satisfaction has caused pollution in our oxygen.
I take a knee
In solidarity
With my oppressed brothers and sisters
For I am not free
For The Land:
America: With all your beauty and grace, your Miss United States,
Your pride and stars and stripes and stunning monuments dedicated to (racist) presidents past
Call it what you must!
I dare you!
I dare you to use that tongue to dirty the air.
Let its smell spoil,your words
what you said has expired, in this persent.
My Daughter Dearest,
I hope your life has been different than mine
Without worry, misfortune, or grief
I hope love, joy, and you are entwined
Jesus Name is so Sweet.
He is Immanuel
That means God is with us, so all is Well
Let me say it again, Happily, I repeat:
Jesus Name is so Sweet.
The chains on my hands have cried for years.Wishing they could be unlocked like the others,outside running free like the others.These chains rub against the cold dark floor,dreading the horror routine.The horror routine of, being paralyzed by anot
Can you hear me now?
As I call out into the silence
shattering the illusion of peace
only to refill the space with
the weeping of the mourning,
and groaning of the dead,
the screaming of the innocent
Hurt and abusedLost and confusedFeeling accused, just by being you.The color of your skin does not define youThe length of your dreads does not disguise you. The way that you walk does not deprive youBut the way that your heart is will arise you.
Oh America America what have you done
Treating them like animals what have you become,
with no interest we have thought of them
With no feelings we have trial them
Guns, drugs, sex, and more.
These are the things that make you a whore.
At least that’s what society has taught me, of course,
about things I don’t deal with, things that seem Morse.
Eden was never a symbol of perfection
Aphrodite was never a symbol of love
Love to the Greeks meant madness, meant that someone had fallen too far
Knew he wasn't the one first time that I met him
Wondered how many girls he couldn't haunt
But if he's a jerk then I can be a beach
Killing his reputation for revenge
The Princess and the Peace
By Sophia de Castro
Once upon a time,
There was a princess
Who dreamt of the day she would sleep peacefully,
Unbothered by the peas underneath her mattress.
A woman who speaks her mind without hesitation.
A woman who follows her own path and dismisses the disapproving voices.
A woman who knows her limits and knows that we are lifelong learners.
This is War,
They said as they dropped drones onto villages and killed grandma who was picking vegetables from her garden,
This is War,
In a world built by the blood, sweat, and tears of people who look like meFrom the fields to front officesFrom the streets to street prophetsThey look at us and still see the whips and chainsThey owned us
For all the lives lost and the wars won you would think America would stand by its national anthem where we are all equal.
I come from the city that never sleeps,
city where gentrification stimulates broken dreams,
but evidently it's not as awful as it seems,
America the selfish
Who protects herself
America the mighty
Who fights too damn much
America the warrior
Who fightes not for peace
America the Dominant
The goal longed to reach
War hungry yet peace seeking.
Assault rifles for protection.
White privilege in a country built on immigrants.
Home of the brave but afraid of innocent Muslims.
In a world where children are obliteratedBy chemical weaponsWhere strikes rattle the brains and deafenThe sleeping innocent are threatenedA man faces ArmageddonYet, He claims tears of joy for his twins are in heaven
Red Green Gold Red White Blue, what is it in color what is it in you, what is it about me, my color makes you hate and doubt me, my color is my reality, my color seems to make you mad at me, my color is brown, not lay down on the ground and shut u
America! land of the free.
But why does the freedom in my hands look different than yours?
The equation does not equal.
One will never equal none.
I look in the mirror and see myself, just like you.
Set fire to the right tree, the whole forest will burn
Think. Not of a grim reality, but of the galvanizing truth
The one who ignites the right branch hopes to illuminate the right tree, the whole forest will burn
America? Known as a nation reborn,
Through war and tragedy we still uplift our hopes.
We take each other by the hand urging them to hold on,
There are the men that choose to face each other causing hate and struggle.
Each day you wake up
and each day the pledge is heard
some stand up and put their hand on their hearts
but others stay seated
For is it really true?
One nation under god with liberty and ¨Justice¨ for all
What we were then is not what we are now
For changes were made, that were good and bad.
What I don’t understand is exactly how
I’m not a coon or a savage
And I don’t live in the projects or eat chicken and watermelons for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
No, I don’t live on the “block” and sell dope.
America the Brave
America the tarnished
Amerca the ignorant
America the lost
Fight for freedom?
Fight for equality?
Fight for Love?
What were you doing the night of August 28, 1955?
How were you feeling on May 15, 1970?
Where were you on March 3, 1991?
What about on April 29, 1992?
October 9, 2005?
When I say BLACK LIVE MATTER, this is what I mean;
Imagine me before a wild uncontrollable fire with a fire
Extinguisher in my hand, it is all I have to beat back the
Flames that threaten to devour me. When I say,
Have you ever thought about what goes behind making your soap
Have you considered the methods of how its made
For animals, there is no hope
They just want someone to come to their aid
Our skin is not as white as snow
Does this make us worthless?
A lot of us grew up in single parent homes
Does this make us inadequate?
We commit the same crimes
But why do we only get the life sentences?
it's to be a time of rest and restart
yet all I know is how it tears apart
a family
a love
a being
it was night
that a young girl had her heart shattered
2016 a year with eyes wide open
To a world, where things are cloaked, covered, and unspoken.
This year, full of fear, where humans are bought and sold like meat
Whose eyes of compassion, we'll never see.
All my life,
I’ve kept silent.
Held my thoughts and opinions with strife,
Scared of the consequences.
But as I age, I’ve learned
Awareness is a word in which we tend to agree, something that inspires us to set the lost people free. We listen to the presentations, see the kids suffering from malnutrition, the hunger in their eyes, the bloated bellies.
The first time I heard the word rape was when I was 12 from my 11 year old niece.
She told me she had been raped by her neighbor a man she knew for years.
We say land of the free home of the brave,
but how is it so free if we are still living like slaves.
Not physically but mentally we are bound by a country that continues to kncok us down.
Golden age of mystery,
Creating great misery.
Repeated history,
Down to duplicity.
A golden gate of bronze,
Cherish a golden swan,
Into the middle of dawn,
To chance on.
As I toss and turn dreading my alarm sound, I think.
If these were my ancestors, they'll be up in a blink.
See they couldn't get an education or they'd end up dead.
I said, "How long will it take?"
I mean, we've seen the same mistakes
Ain't it crazy after all this
We're still waiting for change
And the faces are the same
The pain, it still remains
Here I am present,
the tiny infats who die,
from unfit "Parents".
Here I am the Light,
the Savior for the abused,
so many children.
Who am I, you ask?
When I was born
When I was a baby
I was the purest I could be
in the eyes of society
but now that I’m older
now that I’ve gained wisdom
You sleep in a bedI sleep in the streetsI'm your shadow You eat at restaurants I eat from garbage cansI'm your shadow You're treated with respect and careI'm left in the streets, helpless for others to stareI'm your shadow I'm human just like you,
I wake up every morning from a world of illusion.
I open my eyes to a world of pollution,
Mental disillusion
And emotional confusion.
I am that societal contusion of mental dilution.
I'm writing, I keep on writing
My mind is speeding through with so much rhyming.
I'm looking at the news seeing what it's protraying about August 9, 2014.
Listening closely, and catrefully about what they're saying.
In this garden aren't we all beautiful
Why should it matter if I am a tulip
Or a rose, a dandelion, sunflower
Why should landscapers be able to choose what flower to prune
Walk with me, Lord! Walk with me!Walk with me, Lord! Walk with me!While I’m on my pilgrim journey,I need You, Jesus, to walk with me.
Say it loud Im black and I’m proud
"Turning to a new page in my almost filled thought book for a topic that needs the room. This is only page 2016. Our world is ending.
do you see her?
a girl trying to survive
this world carrying opinions of
her race and gender
on her back?
do you see him?
We dye our hair crazy colors.
They call us “ghetto”.
They dye their hair crazy colors.
They call them “hipsters”.
We twerk.
They call us “ratchet”.
They twerk.
I gaze blankly into the sky and the
Tears are dry.
Maybe it’s just my uterus
Talking—the smooth,
Smug woman’s voice on the ad tells
America I used to feel your heart beat.
I don’t feel it anymore.
Has it been taken by the demons that now rule you?
Where has your heart gone?
Was it taken by the corrupt politicians?
Justice was blind
But they tried to cure her sight
They opened her eyes
And called it a blessing
But with new eyes, Justice began to change
“X Marked The Rocks”
The X in excellence seals your footsteps.
Stones trustworthy acts of strength.
The “King” was Our Shepard
Crown thee majesty honoring such grace.
Sometimes it is easier to smile,
To tell everyone lies,
Rather than the problems we hide.
I know 'cause I've been there,
In many ways I still am.
So then why on earth do I participate
The “racist” men in blue, known for committing hate crimes
But no worries, it’s fine
We live in a society where people blame the ones who put their lives on the line everyday
I was told that my friends were no good.
Single parent home, shattered family values,
This was no Leave It To Beaver production.
I was told that my friends were no good,
An inkblot
My mind seethes and grows
falling ever so
At night the watchman knows
he knows of the travels
What does it take to break a man?
A pool of questions
Hate, violence
Fires, Riots
Fights, Never stay quiet
All caused by two words, Not Guilty
It's fair, it's unfair
People asking how can this be ?!
The pain is unbearable for most
We're living in a world filled with injustice,
where we don't have to be doing anything and the cops think they can touch us,
another man down, now that really starts to touch us,
Ever wonder why your a spectator in your own life?
Every angle you observe reoccurs twice?
Still strolling backwards on that one way street, sweat thickening from that massive heat.
You see Sin is a hell of a drug,
She’s a person of color,
Who’s afraid to confront the police,
Asking herself why can’t there be peace.
Day and night she thinks about her brother,
What a year.
What a year it has been
At the start it looked promising, but then and only then
4 letters flipped the world upside down
I-S-I-S, what a horrible sound
I fall on my knees picking up my papers,
not wanting to lose another in case it’s important.
I am shoved back down this time hitting my head against the fountain.
Pitying myself and wondering what offense I made
Poetic Justice,Yeah Poetry Justifies,Even The Words Testifies,Its Sound Just Satisfies,Its Love , Like Water It Purifies,Just Open Your Eyes.
To be scared is to be alive.
It is the thing that stops us,
Prevents us from harming ourselves.
It’s why we don’t jump out of windows,
Why we don’t stab our eyes,
Why we leave spiders alone.
In China, hospitals skip the fourth
and the fourteenth floor
because four in Mandarin Chinese
iss hi,
the same pronunciation
as the word for death.
Spare me those tears
And grant me your ears
The day is no more young
The sun is threading home
Take off your dark lenses
And behold the beauty
The beauty of your dirt
I am Mike Brown. I am Tamir Rice. I am Eric Garner.
I am the fallen of my culture, my color, my characteristics.
I am the family of these victims, I am the friends.
I'd like to think my footsteps echo
off the white stone bridge
but such tranquil sounds overpowered
by the dull roar of the arriving crowd
what stone should gleam instead is pale
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I am the one who lurks in the corner at the school dances.
I am the one who struggles to keep my voice steady when presenting in class.
"Sticks and stones, may break your bones, but words can never hurt you."
I for one, would love to say that statement- is a load of bullshit.
As virtous men pass mildly away
And whisper to their souls to go
Whilist some of their sad friends do say
"The breath goes now," and some say"No"
My Brother and sisters, my friends my foes.
What did we do, why did the boss man close that 'doe' ...
is it the nap of my fro' or my southern accent.
Did you forget when my grandpa takes off
is awesome.
is accepting.
is civil.
is respecting.
is beneficial to the rights of others.
is now legal in all 50 states.
is Constitutionally protected.
is not evil.
is not immoral.
Self demarcation
Is self deprivation
After all it takes a dream
To build up a nation
Hesitation and contemplation
It’s great to analyze
but why are you waiting
Part 1
It sure would be great to solve the race debate,
But before you choose a side put down your pride and hesitate,
Good and evil is not for us to decide that is up to Heaven’s Gate,
No justice, no peace.
No justice
for the deceased.
The system continues to cheat
Latinos and Blacks.
It’s just like back
in the 50s.
The only difference,
you’re sitting with me.
Take, take, take,
All you do is take
Give, give, give,
You struggle to give
Feed your children
Feed your people
Allow your kind to thrive
To reach the sky
Allow them to shine bright
Who am I but a figment of my own imagination?
A lie.
An idea I’ve used to claim the land of four nations.
Who am I?
I put my feet to the street I've never felt a heat,like this,my souls(soles) melt with each step I take,I wanna make a break, and run for it,like Run Forest!but
Uncomfortable in that chairbut still no one seems to careI'm out here full of fearI'm bout ready to tearI know the truth is out therebut I just don't where
even within nature we are confined
in chains
from the depths we crawled
toward the sun
into the trees
wiping sweat from our brows
As the government cleans itself, it sees what is outside itself as more dirty.
Twisted lies and teary eyes
These news titles on the rise
Wrong perspectives, strong objectives
Activists are the real detectives
Police brutality? Our reality?
Families surviving on calamity
They will not silence my voice
Even as millions shout
to drown it out
Millions more will join in
All across the nation people are searching for retaliation.
A lovely day,
Dull yet gay,
For a peace
But all was gone
In the blink of an eye.
I've heard it said- is it true?
The heart of men is wicked.
But does that just include men?
Are women wicked?
Men are deceitful.
Are women not?
its time for a change
its time to be heard
real life problems
in teens things have gotten so absurd
the pain
these kids experience
every day
break the chain
stop the rain
Blank faces.
Hands over hearts.
We all know the drill.
I can't find myself able to say the words.
How can I pledge allegiance
to a nation
where liberty and justice
isn't for all?
We want to see these black boys fly
Cops rather see these black boys die
Unarmed, non voilent, minding theirs
The crack of a cackling bullet
Shattered the life and the sanctum of thought
Which held me up, assisted and created me
But left me when I needed it the most
The scream of a dying soul
What is happening to our country?
A false image of justice, freedom, and democracy
How can we be any better than Russia, China, or even slavery?
Racism, Hatred, manipulation
It's all still there
Oh you came to my house with a fire in your eyeI was 18 and you were 25But I couldn't love you even if I triedBecause you don't even know my nameBut I can't cry for her she didn't care
To K.
She started off a as normal girl
didn't know about the cruel sad world
Spent her time picking flowers
how could wearin a hoodie cost him his life
how could he kill that boy and get out the same night
Government officials have fallen into the chains of guilty corruption,
Our endowed right is no longer the Pursuit of Happiness.
This backfires on our economic production,
We the citizens have no wall of security.
There’s Suffering and crying, and a lot of people are still dying
World leaders getting richer while their peoples bodies are piling
Up to a mountainous top, corpses spewing like the steam from a boiling pot, of Genocide
A passion is a longing,
A deep down tug or sorts,
That pulls and guides you every day,
To new mountain tops and new ports.
My passion is very special,
It involves all of you,
Naivety is expressed in many minds
About many matters where ignorance is but a synonym,
Yet let those words scathe their ears and retorts
Will soon follow. "Not all men-!" Yes all men because,
Sweaty palms, the itchy insides of the smoky marsh pits,
discolored cloudy eyes with battered Fort Knox thighs,
No one held him
As life slipped away
He breathed in the last piece of this world
As a target surrounded by
Preconceived ideas
Of who he used to be
Who he was before
To shine, save lives, conquer, and fly
Those were our dreams before trying to survive
Now it’s money, wealth, and superiority for what we’re forced to strive
But God bless the soul who wants otherwise
She's in chains.
She's behind bars.
She's alone.
But she's innocent until proven guilty?
He trespassed.
He raped.
He murdered.
More than your clothes
More than your appearance
Start with yourself, and look deeply
More than yourself
More than what's expected
I have a dream that one day race, socio-economic status, gender, religion, ability, or sexual orientation will no longer serve as obstacles to justic
Suspicious, what a way to describe you.
I am suspicious, too.
I walk around black
and wear a hoodie so I "slang clack."
Why can't I wear this 'cause I'm cold?
Some of you might be afraid
By the way these people are portrayed
There’s no doubt they did an awful thing
But it is so intriguing what their minds bring
Criminals is what I mean
A kid walking down the street is suspected of mischief because his hood is up, but instead of a calm questioning there's a hold up.
"Where you going why are you out this late?" Must he really answer and state his case?
If I had the power to change only one thing
I would know the answer without having to think
I would stop all the innocent from being slaughtered
Their blood staining the world with red
The cold winter shiver trickles down my spine
Soft winds brush against my visage
A faint glow in the twilight as an obsidian darkness drapes over the world
My over-worked hands, calloused and frozen
Determined Warrior
Pelted by deadlines
Mauled by knowledge
Held accountable for so many
They’re ungrateful; they got themselves in that position; they’re just being lazy,One man I served at a soup kitchen even said-“you spend too much time helping us; you will become one of us”.
All he needed was a friend/ But he was different/ So he was invisible/ His life more than miserable/ He had nothing already/ Home life unsteady/ The girls never liked him/ The boys wouldn't let him fit in/ The pain was all there was/ Pain was all
I can't say one thing!
Not one damn thing, without you criticizing me!
Just shut up!
You ask what I mean,
I mean Im Fed Up!
You push me for my 'own good',
They say I'm young and black
Which means I'm going to be a threat
When we walk in the store they get straped
And the cops always on your back
Some do them like O-dog
Some do them like Treyvon
They say I'm young and black
Which means I'm going to be a threat
When we walk in the store they get straped
And the cops always on your back
Some do them like O-dog
Some do them like Treyvon
Please excuse my color...
White man that fears me,
excuse the color of the skin I was born in.
Im sorry that the dark pigmentation send shivers down your spine.
I was born this way, you see.
Satellites and lines
Stretching out that horizon sky
Searching for what?
Limbos and escapes, highs or holidays
Grasping for just a moment…what?
What people think when the see a white mom with kids
Oh she works so hard.
They're so cute!
They must be a handful
oh terriable two's!
What people think when they see a black mom with kids
Sh! t you can’t say to your teacher!
Dearest teacher,
Can you please learn to put in your grades on time?
I don’t care that you have a wife
I like shopping a lot! Jeans, khakis, shorts: booty or not, skirts: long or short. The tops! Shirts V-neck, T, crop top, one shoulder, strapless, just bra, no bra!
I am Treyvon MartinMy life is not to long startin' I work day in and day outFrom my mother did I sproutMy life is in God's handI am just human
Can a love be forever binding?
To return when others cripple
As thought of extraneous suitors sour.
Relic of the time that has tick tocked,
Souvenir of the heart's gift shop,
Why must my people cower in fear at the hands of our oppressors who long ago promised equality?
We have sweat, bled, and died for this country, yet our blood is not enough to wash away their hate.
I'm sorry for not being like you
I'm sorry for not looking the same as you
This is the way God made me
He made me in his image of perfection
But whydid youhate me?
You didn't know my name
I heard about a young man whose life was cut short
By an individual who categorized him into an unlawful sort
His judgment was merely predicated on appearance,
Where my brother?
Where were you when they took my brother?
Can you hear him? He is safe now, he has made it home,
But why did you let him take my brother!
We was not saint nor sinner but he was my brother.
He was just as innocent as you,
or maybe he was better,
His soft, calm personality, just as light as a feather,
walking home after a long day,
never intended to cross your way,
Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles California
Bring you back to the silver DeLorean, flux capacitor
We got that hover board under the seat.
I once did wield
a sword of light
and a crested shield,
these I carried into fight
society's worst nightmare.
I gained, after long, the upper hand
a simple trade it were,
Da Dom Da Dom Da Dom (heart beat)Before I knew of his mistake I’d already condemned himEven as he tried to explain I scolded him for action he never madeRazor held high I went in for the killHe’d never hurt another
So apparently being a “black young man” means that I am up to no good
And I should be watched when I roll up into your neighborhood
Being a “black young man” means I’m going sell drugs
Hopeless, voiceless, suffocating by our own ancestry. Muffled tones of freedom songs in sync with the stomps of our feet, our negro spirituals.
Children Of God Wake Up
This Is More Than An Act Of Murder
This Is More Than An Act Of Racism
This Is More Than An Act Of What’s Right And What’s Wrong
This Is More Than An Innocent Boy
I see it . I see it !
I see the blackhole of hate racing to my presence , then into my veins.
I hate it , but it consumes me every minute I am around it.
When a feeling becomes so warm
so warm I want to taste it
not a harsh slap of spicy flavors
By the time I matter, Will it be too late?
Will people debate my soul's resting place?
Will they predict who I could have been?
Will by deeds outweigh by sins?
Will they consider these circumstances?
why is life just sometimes just I don't know hope you know what I mean I don't know how to explain it it's just, just, you knowwhat's up with that thing that you normally feel sometimes
Justice for Trayvon
Their will be.
No more unfair inequality
Jury, judge all knew this was wrong.
What more evidence do you need
for the case of young Trey?
T is for the Trust he had, thinking he was walking safely in Sandford nights.
R is for Rage, the rage his parents feel to know their son is dead.
A is for Age, the age of innocense he was in, he was only a kid.
Home of the brave, Land of the free.
But it seems we hide behind the walls of our homes every day.
Yet our homes were built from the ground that’s supposed to let us be,
If he wanted the arizona tea and skittles... he could've asked,
a life pressed rewind from the first breath to the last,
Man's world unfolds fool's gold
and wild vanities untold
The sake of being pious is valued at minus
Ruthless is cherished as highness
Brandished guns and sharpening knives
This is a Public Service Announcement:
It doesn't matter if you die
If I am important, and you aren't
No one cares if I lie
You're only one person you can't stop me
What does it mean to be free? Free is when you're allowed to do as you please.You are given the privilege to be who you decide you want to be.But are we really free?
How did the jurors decide? It seems like they didn't really open their eyes.
It doesn't seem like they realized what Zimmerman did. He shot and killed an innocent kid.
Seventeen, young and dead
From one man's gun he bled
Court, Trial, and Verdict
Zimmerman was the one the jury picked
He would leave a free man
Defense was the reason at hand
When I see you in my dreams,
You have no power over me.
Time has done its part and I’ve grown up;
You are just a monster under some
Other child’s bed.
You do not frighten me from the other side.
Young and innocent at 17 years old
His life and fate stands in the hands of a man so cold
Mis judgment of character and based upon looks
Zimmerman took it upon hisself for the life he took.
I am the blood that leaked into the pavement,my body still as night, as eyes of hatred beam down upon me. The cooling pavement only confirms my fear, for I know I'll be under it soon. I am only a child for heavens sake!
When a murderer walks free,
Are you still proud to be an American?
And when an innocent teen is killed,
Why does the killer walk free?
When a man is shot,
Do you blame the victim?
Skittles In one hand ice tea in the other
There came a night when
A boy walks with skittles in one hand and Ice tea in the other
This boy did not know this would be his last walk
Three out of four was the turn out.
Growing up in a single parent household,
College Park, Ga 30349 was my hood until my mother found a way out.
Moved us quite a few times, then we hit Henry County.
The upper hand,they reprimand us.
Doubting our Christianity,they call upon “god”to enlighten us.
I am not Trayvon Martin....
but I know what it feels like to wear my
favorite hoodie that's a little too dark for
those who were taught to fear darker things
Here I Walk Alone On This Street,Not Knowing My Life Would Innocently Be Taken From Me,Why Do Us Children Have To Be So Shattered, Hard times And Hard Struggles Is What Happens In Life But,Sometimes It's Just Too Much To Continue, Trayvon Isnt A I
In Sanford,Florida 2012
Trayvon Martin was shot but who's going to jail
Word says that Zimmerman shot him and pleaded self-defense
But who really knows the truth without real evidence
Policeman left to right
When it's cold in the night we shall fight for our rightWe want shame to be goneFrom the land of the lightThe queen of the night is afraid of our might She teaches us the Qur'an Indeed an evil sprite
I'd like to know your favorite color.
Maybe you have more than one, but it's okay.
We all taste the rainbow one day
So tell me its red.....like the dark crimson slowly seeping slowly from your soul.
I pledge allegiance to the flag,Of the United Sates of AmericaAnd to the republic for which it standsOne nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.Liberty and justice for all...
Strangers and unknown people,
I feel your stare,
No matter where you are.
Poking your nose too far into extremity,
Searching for secrets that don’t even exist;
Go look elsewhere because we do not respond,
Let me tell you about an unrequited love in me
It is everything but quiet
it is demanding and begs for my time, day and night
Sometimes we are sleepless, dancing in between sheets of
Far in the distance
A war rages
Staining crimson upon the ground
Battle cries of victors and the fallen
With every slash and stab
A soldier thinks of his family
The ones he may never see again
I am a voice of the shadows,
Forgive my hushed tone,
Because I am unknown,
Unable to waste away
But I am a voice unheard
Day to day.
No one can hear me,
But I can hear everyone,
Oh so clearly.
Jostling presumption.
Underestimation of humans caused by
systematic corruption.
Thinning thoughts, thinning minds—
indebted to continuous lies.
At age seven the boy's heart beats, at age twenty his heart bleeds. Died in peril, not in vein, the young man's heart feels no pain.
I choose my words because of their freedom
the freedom they fought for
they fought for me.
I, too, am a warrior
my weapons are my words.
They are sharp and shocking, smooth and soothing.
There is no peace left on this woeful, wistful world;
There is no wonder we worry about wages and wars—
Wars to be waged.
Darkness and violence lurk at every intersection,
Waiting patiently to strike—
I can't deal with this anymore.
The stress alone,
The one way thinking.
It's frustrating, overwhelming, too much...
the lights go dim
i hear the whispers around me
the eyes that stare
the laughter filled in the room
i look around and all i see are unfamiliar faces
insecurity rushes in my body
they point and mock
She walks in hand shakin’ against the door
Eyes roamin’ ‘cause she hadn’t been in a court before.
To the left she can see the main suspect,
Her husband on trial for a crime he didn’t commit.
In one minute
many things can happen
choices are made
deals are done
decisions are reached
and life changes irreparably
Where does it come from?
Does it come from the comforting good word in a lie?
What peace can we have
Knowledge kills and so does ignorance
How can we sleep when damnation is in our own living room?
"with liberty and justice for all"
Reciting this line everyday
Do we even understand the meaning?
Is our country based on a sham?
Why make these declarations if they aren't even true.
You pay women to dance, while your love is at home.
Two Viking babies asking when daddy is coming home.
How familiar is my name,
For daddy’s the one to blame...
Your ice cold look is really just a new flame.
Tell me a story, friend,
in the empty watches of the night
where only you and I exist on this perilous edge.
But don’t, don’t tell me about the tears in my eyes
or the bruises on your lips
I’ve got a noose around my neck,
And a fire outside my door.
I’m about to dangle in my distress
I’m on the 107th floor.
They say:
Stay there, we’re coming.
We’ll be there soon and,
The school from which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. received his doctorate, Boston University, is, as its name implies, located in Boston, Massachusetts. This city is located in liberal New England.
There is little that makes sense in this world,
But justice is something I understand.
The equality of all men,
And the celebration of each other.
Please explain to me the meaning of color
The black and the white when mixed is no other
For you have to place the people in boxes
Why should you have the right to look us in our faces
Peace is acceptance. Peace is understanding. Peace is having the ability to see great beauty and purposeful life in all that exists.
It isn't fair.
It shouldn't matter what color
your skin or hair.
It's a type of insanity,
a crime against humanity.
Can you hear them?
Can you see them?
Can you feel them?
Those chains
That everlasting bondage that keeps us unchanged
Look at all these presidents,
They're all the same kind of gentlemen.
Wearing their suits and ties.
I wonder where are their wives.
Sitting at home?
Perhaps, I don't know
Because they can't tag along.
Equal people, same in hand and face,
but outcast quickly when not the chosen race.
Die for beliefs that should self explain,
that treatment you beg for, hope to gain.
Scream and battle with tooth and fist,
It's like this
so quickly we miss
what things we try to remember
the things we have forgotten
and so I look on over the lives of those age has forgotten
If there was no sight,
No skin would be seen;
No eye colour found;
No hair observed;
No height measured.
Blindness would a boon.
Love would be heard.
Affection felt.
The country rolls on to its Republic Day,
Its youth feels the pinch, the pain,
Screams, cries, shouts and the anger,
Everything has been forgotten,
Guess, everything went in vain…
The one with a calling,
how can we call it justice when lives are taken and people are acquitted
how can we call it justice when latinos and blacks are randomly being stop and frisk