Who Will Listen?
Read all about it!
Read all about it!
We must do something about this
But here I stand
My voice rings out
Freedom has yet to be given out
I know my rights
I know them to be true
But still
I stand with fear
If what I say shall get me hanged
Who will speak on my name?
Read all about it!
Blood has run
Of those with a mind, spirit, and heart
Of those who spoke out
Of those who wanted their voices heard
But where will this end?
Lives have been lost
Founding Fathers had fought
Marked the path
Carved out a way
Gave us our right
Gave us the light
Made our laws
Made our life
Backed our voices
Can you hear them?
Can our children?
Can their children?
But will there be a limit?
How far can I go?
Will I be prosecuted if I spew hate?
Will I be rewarded if I gush love?
Where will it begin?
Where will it end?
But here I stand
Voice ringing out
Heart clenched
Tears in my eyes
No breath left
No words left
Heart aching
Tears spilled
Ink and blood mixed
Cannot tell which is which
I pray
I beg
I might as well yell
Is it worth it?
Freedom of speech
Freedom of press
Freedom of society
Will my children raise their head and cry out?
Will their children preach my words?
Freedom will be given
The law will be served
Justice at my side
Pen in hand
Ink smeared
Blood spilt
For me
For my children
For America