Shake My Head
Shake My Head
What happened?
What happened to the King’s dream of the American people no matter the ethnic group or religion being FREE?
I used to believe in that dream fully!
Now that dream and the feelings it brought me have been tarnished!
Stand your ground law?!
No, It’s I am ABOVE the law!
I am free just like the many citizens of Florida are free to murder anyone I deem not worthy to live.
I am free to claim self-defense and destroy a family’s livelihood because I am NOT required to evade or retreat from a dangerous situation.
I could be put on trial and claim self-defense; it doesn’t even matter if I had intent!
I am immune to criminal charges and civil suits
I can act without consequence to my actions.
I have a malignant heart.
Today you see more and more deaths within the African-American community in Florida.
Stand your ground law?!
No, It’s I am ABOVE the law!
I have the best alibi possible.
I am a human being without a heart.
I am an executioner.