One Dream For All
To shine, save lives, conquer, and fly
Those were our dreams before trying to survive
Now it’s money, wealth, and superiority for what we’re forced to strive
But God bless the soul who wants otherwise
Nobody laughed when my dreams consisted of castles and crowns
But now I perceive chuckles when I declare I want justice for the black and the brown
See nobody understands when I say our country is in a drought
We run a kind of system we should not be proud
Together as one we must speak real loud
For the voices that go unheard, are diminished, and blurred
As for now I may not have much power
But with the right education I can conquer and devour
The injustices that occur right in our sight
For a better world we must all put up a fight
Sources for infographic:
Criminal Justice Fact Sheet. NAACP, n.d. Web. 25 April 2014.
(1) Incarceration Nation: America’s War On Drugs. Alpha Medic Incorporated, 19 August 2013. Web. 25 April 2014.
(2) Morse, Rob. No Racism in My Name. Wordpress, 8 April 2012. Web. 25 April 2014.
(3) Hauben, Ronda. Netizen Journalism, Libya and the UN. Global Research, 17 February 2012. Web. 25 April 2014.