Can a love be forever binding?
To return when others cripple
As thought of extraneous suitors sour.
Relic of the time that has tick tocked,
Souvenir of the heart's gift shop,
A unique word planted in the dictionary.
Can justice always be chased?
To revenge the fallen and the victimized
As perpetrators have gone rogue.
Keepsake of motivation,
Target on the bulls eye,
The lock on of gun point.
Is disability the excuse to cease hunting?
To expunge the abundant resources
Once prosperous in a Psychic's foretold.
Suffocation of the ring leader,
Kryptonite of the warrior,
Justifying a peasant's escape.
Is a raindrop a weak hail stone?
Solidifies in the presence of snow
Notwithstanding cold deameanor
May severing bonds be beneficial?
To center a focus of self fulfillment
Yet with mock happiness ensuing.
The wrath of a dragon blade,
Monsoon of the shores,
Arrogant trek through greed.