Where does it come from?
Does it come from the comforting good word in a lie?
What peace can we have
Knowledge kills and so does ignorance
How can we sleep when damnation is in our own living room?
On the television. On the news.
When the poison of the world even contaminates our food
Total seclusion could be a solution
But how can one live with the guilt of not helping free the people?
How can one help free the people if they don't want to be freed?
If they don't know how to be freed
If they don't know they need to be freed?
Is changing the world even possible
Who are we to say there is hope at all
Is peace plausible?
Or is it another comforting good word in an index of lies known as this world?
To be or not to be? That is the question
I guess the only true peace is the one you rest in