The Justice
The school from which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. received his doctorate, Boston University, is, as its name implies, located in Boston, Massachusetts. This city is located in liberal New England.
Boston has been gentrified over the years.
It is the separation.
The invisible line drawn, then enforced.
Cotton gins are antiquated. Now,
it is a social phenomenon that more efficiently
separates desirable white fiber from black seed.
One could say that it tears at the fabric of our American nation
if that fabric itself were not derived from the tainted threads of our history.
We have no moral fiber. Let me to direct your attention to our exhibit today, located in Boston, Massachusetts--specifically, at Boston University,
where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. earned his doctorate.
and where I am currently studying:
Campus tours draw flocks of prospective students,
especially in the moderate
spring weather that makes the city appear
so inviting.
Today, one group tour, led by a white girl
is comprised entirely of black students.
As they proceed up
Commonwealth Avenue--the road that runs
through all campus, connecting East Campus' dorms
to West Campus' athletic facilities--
the university's common thread,
they are stopped by campus police.
Interrogated: why-you-are-hanging-around, what-you-are-doing-on-campus-kid-what-is-your-business-here, and what-sort-of-trouble-are-you-up-to.
Well? Only when the white tour guide waves to the officers and indicates that the kids are with her, do they stop.
Anyone can say that the times have changed since Dr. King's tougher 20th century. But when I ask them to show me justice, they are silent.
I'm pretty damn sure those no-longer-prospective students want to know where their justice is, so please: where the hell is the justice?