Why must my people cower in fear at the hands of our oppressors who long ago promised equality?
We have sweat, bled, and died for this country, yet our blood is not enough to wash away their hate.
God's love is steadfast, strong, and true, it knows not race nor gender nor age; yet the sons of man continue to treat this fact with such frivolity.
Why are we unable to wipe away this resentment from the unknown and strange, why are we unable to create a new, clean slate?
The Negro once spoke of Rivers, but now his pain filled tears fill the rivers.
How far the mighty have fall: from the majesty of Sheba down to the merciless fields of the Carolinas.
Will none rise up against this injustice? Will no one be the one who delivers?
Why is it that a people of such rich lineage is disgraced? Our history rivals the most precious china
in the world; we should recognize this and rejoice in our God given blessings.
So why hasn't anything changed?
Instead, our youth is being gunned down, or elderly are losing their rights, and no one is confessing!
We cannot look to the majority for the solution.
We must look to God and BE the solution.