Tyrannical Teachers(get your life in order)
Sh! t you can’t say to your teacher!
Dearest teacher,
Can you please learn to put in your grades on time?
I don’t care that you have a wife
Or a newborn baby at home
You shouldn’t have assigned us
Some many projects and homework
Then when we beg you to put in grades
You complain that it’s too much work
Or that you have a headache
Then you never teach us anything
You just make us write notes
On stuff that has nothing to do with the test
You plan to give us in two weeks
When we all fail the test you refuse to curve the grades
Saying that we should have studied
Can you stop giving us study guides?
With more than 50 questions
That are due a week before the test
Telling me not to cram and take my time
Doesn’t help the fact that you
Are stressing me out
with your many assignments
And penalizing me with an automatic
Fifty even if they are only day late
Again I don’t care about your excuses
As to why you can’t seem to grade
The many projects you
Decided to give us over the break
Every day we come in and ask you have you
Put in the assignments in yet?
Too many of my fellow classmates are failing your class
Because you just marked decided to mark a zero for work
YOU clearly lost and blamed the student for not turning it in
When the whole class saw
He or she hand you the assignment
Then when they redid it
You mark it as a late grade
You say rude things to my classmates and me
Calling us many hurtful names
Then when we retaliate
You send us to the office with a referral
Claiming that we disrespected you
And said things that hurt your feelings
When you start the agreement on
How we were all such failures
Dearest teacher please get your life together
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It's funny how we have to accept a teacher's excuse when our excuse is supposedly pathetic and useless. This reminds me of my Physics class A LOT!!
Jennifer Marilyn Orozco
i agree with this poem it is completely TRUE !!!! haha oh if only teachers knew that we have a million things going on in our heads too !
This perfectly desribes my science teacher, i'ts sad that so many of us have teaceres like this.