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If you want to go to Heaven, Jesus is the only way.If you haven't accepted Jesus, you should do it today.If you want to go to Heaven, accept Jesus Christ as your savior.
If her love was transportation, no hesitation I'm on a mission, her company heads to the rightful destination. State of elation. A thought of her equivalent to paradise, BLESSING haven. She's beautiful like heaven.
The living shall worship š thy Lord as the Angels adore Him on the throne. Off their faces with their golden crowns š+ bowing down. Their songs is hallelujah, š glory, giving holiness, admiring the everlasting living being.
" MOON LIGHT" š„š„
We living as stars . āØ But only we don't fall, all night ball, like stars āØ we own all night under the moon š
light, charging my Star light. I wanna shine bright .
Te ofrezco mi dulce corazĆ³n todos los dĆas
En lugar del cielo y pasteles de miel
Te ofrezco ramos de flores bonitas
I am dreaming of a beautiful black Noel night
Tonight, where the jolly stars can easily be seenIn the sky. From afar, the moon is clear and brightAnd the clouds create a wonderfully divine scene.
Je pensais que je t'aimais
Mais je commence Ć t'aimer plus
Et plus
Je commence Ć penser Ć toi plus
Et plus
Will there be butterflies in heaven
I should like to see them there
With all their gorgeous colors
I keep it sublimely real not living in a rush. Cos future belongs to me. I live to make better thangs and make thangs better. Reality the only place I go. Nothang had my prudent pen, but to poured out some naked truth. I live 4 all I am.
If you need
peace I'd
give you to
don't touch
the die hell is
a home of
chaos! Heaven
or hell
choice is yours."
Dissolving in your blues, alloying affection, nice luster of cream
Tongues part paths, eyes see seas through
At 12 Oclock the day was darkly dark, the seafloor lifted itself in a loud cry, suddenly, a star fell like strings of light on a man.
Art is the portal to heaven or hell
A colorful perception of bliss or horror
Waiting to be narrated or manifested
I see the Sky clasp cymbals of the Sun,
I see the Sky clasp tambourine of the Moon,
The heads of the Stars, as states and nations
Sweet romance
Running in fantastic lines
Agreeing with magical future
In embrace of miraculous now
We dream to heal
Shocks made pulses of her beauty
Each throb tenderly sweet from Earthās syrupy bosom
Around Earth's Loins of infinite fruity bloom
The devil starts now,
Set loose, bound by its vow,
Heaven will come down, like aliens bow,
We in the low, to safety, they will tow,
I remember how heaven was
With no worry or war
I took heaven by its word
With no will or choice to veil my gift or hoard.
Days joy charmed her to merry
Never have I found curves and curls spin to glory
Every course of aura sailed to eternity
Ancient Values
Many seasons trickle
Angels guide Heaven's bride
Inks of glossy stories
Nous venons
Nous errons
Et nous allons
C'est tout ce que nous savons.
Nous venons sur terre
Nine years ago today, you ceased to be a member of the human race.You died from an abdominal aneurysm and you went to a better place.You're in Heaven and life up there is a nonstop party every day.
It is another spring
It is a brand new season
Another day of light rain falling
Another semi-sunny day again
I hope Iām 17 in Heaven
Rockān Van Halen, sneaking into bars
Living for the night and hanging in the sun.
Sure hope Iām 17 in Heaven when my breathinā days are done.
With Such Profound Thoughts
Ive Felt You Before
As You Guided My Hand
When You're Near
Yet Not Around.....
I See The Connection
While Others Just See
Their Time And Their Space
One Can Only Imagine
This Place I Cannot Describe.....
In Between This Darkness Of Time
Trespassing Through
This Light Into Life
It Was You, Guiding My Way.....
I Became A Spectator Of My Own Life
Nobody wants to be blocked
In front of the gate of Heaven
Even the worst criminals, on the block
For a pass, cringe, mourn and yearn.
Through the window of life I glanced
And ayond the skies at which I gaze
I know there's a city called heaven where my home is,
For life continues after death.
Beyond the skies I see the pearly gate
Breathe: breathe sweet love from your heart it's all I wanna smelt.
It feels like heaven even if is hell as long you're with me all I see is paradise haven.
_Stick unto God and believe in yourself. *It'd be bright after the dark.* There most be a black *time dark starry night before an open heaven* of a brighter sunny day._
Like smoke, we were dispersed after the poison of our fun
Went in and out, left cancer's promise on a pair of lungs
Atrophy at your heavenly side is worth all the waste
You may be
getting little
or even none
today, but
belie'e me,
you soon
gonna be
getting plenty
that way if you
ain't quit
Oh Lord
mine God
locate me with an immense mercy that'll shake the world. That thy
name be excellently praised 2ru me. Send unto your servant
mercy and let thy light shine upon thy servant to the glorification
It's my first attemt at an acrostic poem-
And the body is made to die, a
Very fine specimen, crafted with precision
Arranged into an organism, a
If this world is holographic, then the afterlife is real.
Heaven is eternal.
Hell a temporary abode.
And the life inbetween.
All completely real.
They always say hellfire
like hell is the only place where chaos
but when i looked at you
i knew
that angels were devious
because the light in your eyes
wasn't heavens glow
Here and now
A day may affect the week.But the week also the day.
An hour can create your day.But the day also the hour.
Materialism of heaven
After many years I am finally ready.I feel; my time is coming now.Nothing can hold me here any longer,nothing will split my mind again.
Ya Know I Quite Enjoyed ... " Drag Me To Hell " ... !!!
That Flicks' Quite SICK ... !!!
In How It Toys With Thoughts That Dwell ...
Inside Us All About PITFALLS ... !!!
I trace the bark of every tree,And feel the life in every leaf.I eat foods of abundant flavor,And taste fruits of wondrous savor. My sight is sharper than a hawk,
From blacking out on tipsy nights,
To never feeling quite alright.
It took some time to actually realize,
What's been happening before my eyes.
Why am I sleeping in every night?
Snow lightly coats the top of the river,
Sides of houses covered in icicles,
Christmas lights shine so bright
Headlights look too similar.
I danced in the riverbanks and couldn't help
By my bed, at night, there are three windows
Sometimes the moon travels from the first to the third
Sometimes the moon stays on the second
I wanted so badly to be the sun,
to bring warmth and light
to be the life.
But after so many battles
of fighting the night,
She was like no other.
Her spirit alone, had enemies love one another.
The words she spoke were very charismatic.
You would be drawn in without a literal magnet.
Wisdom was one of her great powers.
And it was after you I realized why the lord made angels in heaven far away from humans.
I fell to my knees aching to touch those fluttering wings on your back
when you fell from heaven you were screaming
knowing that you were damned to hell for the sins you committed
I got a lot of potential, but I just can't seem to break the seam,
Greatness gleams as I step on the scene, a prodigy,
Prolly mean that the product of me is God in me times a part of me,
We will have peace,
Whether we are in Eden,
Or Gethsemane.
For we will rise with the sun,
And we will eat sweet fruit,
From His vineyards.
We will go to the water,
Iām constantly reminded of you when I look at my daughters face,
I picture you in heaven, a different world, a better place,
Your personality is reborn through the innocence of my children,
A cold June morning,
Shivering in a choir loft,
Full of song, laughing.
A warm autumn night,
Packed into an upper roomā
Old tales are made new.
A gathāring of friends,
What comes after death?
What lies beyond the final breath?
Is the body just a mere shell?
Do we really go to heaven or hell?
Or the murky fields of Asphodel?
Or are we all under a spell?
is a topic of controversy that dwells amongst great populations -
from a young age, I was exposed to such trauma of Death in circumstances that a young princess should not have withstood.
Iāve been face to face with the Devil.
I have braved darkness, deep and shallows.
Above and beneath the bowls.
O! The howls!
I came a long way on this hell road, with my eyes closed,
I was faithful, I was good.
Constant in prayer with my
Lord and Savior I knew
Without a doubt that I
Was safe in my Lord's arms.
But then that blessed day came.
The sky was bright and brilliant
Slowly and sweetly arises my soul with a comforting, soothing fear.
A place, not a place, a man, not a man: Heaven! I'm finally here.
The guilt's gone away, tears flit to my eyes. Why do I cry in such bliss?
If I were to die today,
Would you, darling, be okay?
The love I feel
For you is real
And does not need a breath to stay.
If the heavens were to shake,
The earth beneath my feet to quake,
Thank thee, Lord, for living.
Thank thee, Lord, for death.
Thank thee for the ashy air
That fills my bony chest.
Thank thee for misfortune,
It took me by surprise,
As Heaven and Hell,
I have no wealth.
My soul is rich, dear,
Take my self.
In place of thrones,
I offer bones
Superior to
Precious stones.
Gems and wreaths of gold,
Does Heaven have a stage?
Does God have a microphone?
Will I sing for Jesus when Heaven takes me back home?
Does Heaven have a stage?
A drum set and some guitars?
A minuscule moment in a gargantuan globe,
Not significant at all,
But the day my baby passed away,
I swear I saw the heavens fall.
Hast thou been to Paradise?
He asked me as I rolled the dice
In a small game of chance.
That word does not suit my fanc'.
Nothing is certain, I say,
Nor Heaven, nor Hell, nor Purgatory.
Grandfather, I love you
Even though you left me.
You served in World War two,
Oh Grandfather, your spirit will never desert me.
Beautiful deity of the sky and clouds above,
Sparkling with the night stars and glistening in the morning sun.
The human eye could never absorb your grace,
for it would be overwhelmed by the light.
One peron's Heaven
Can be another's Hell
And truthfully I say I hurt
I shudder
I weep
Is something wrong with me?
How unfair must it be
That I am unhappy
My dearest little one:
What words are there to say?
To pass between strangers,
Stranger, my very flesh and blood
Between an expectant older sister
And Heaven's smallest saint?
I view thine eyne as scorching flames of hell,
Yet hell itself is sweet in fiery well;
I pray the worldly pleasures to provide
Me with thy presence, and thou be my bride.
They say ālife is like a box of chocolatesā
I couldn't agree more
Of course, it all depends on the eyes of the beholder
Some like dark chocolate, sea chocolate, white chocolateā¦
On the 22nd of January, we lost you to cancer
The family and I could never quite find answers
Why did you have to leave so soon?
How could this possibly have happened to you?
I remember every piece and every bit like it was yesterday
Hurt me to my soul hearing bullets cought you 'round the way
Stayed on my toes for some hours, yeah I had to pray
Driving home.
Went straight instead of left and
ended up at the dock
facing that water
running under and out from me to the foot of the colossal mountain
Atlas fades on stormy days
A tortured burden he must bear
But now the birds of song are gone
Descending the depths of despair
Bring me Heaven, bring me HellYour love has gotten me trapped in a spellI am indeed the angel who fellThe Devil in my veins, the blood marks on my nailsIf I try to catch you, Iāll always fail.
The horn calls
The sky falls
The wind blows
With the sun aglow
The soldiers toiled in their plight
The bird on the trees took head and took flight
Violence for ages, sun up till sundown
I was a man of industry
Wrought iron bars towards the distance
Eden was promising company
Reapers mowed through the gardens
Heavenly light begged for shadows
Peter sang out, "efficiency"
this is a poem, just to say
i am in the place where
today is tomorrow already
the ground sways only
when i wish it to
the blood still rushes
through my temples
Look up towards the sky
You who are weary,
Look up towards the sky
You who whisper softly
A Soul so pure
Clearer than any crystal,
Brighter than any Sun.
In a place upon Heaven,
Next to God's own throne,
Side by side.
Waves crash with each other
Right and wrong is no longer definedBy a divided line Morality no longer exists in the human mindTruth has been overcome by compromise and lies
From college to knowledge
Do I really wanna graduate anyway?
I mean, I have one year left if I build up stress
And take 18 hours by 2 the next
I could just stay in school forever
A bright hazy gleamBoth solemn and giddyTrapped inside a dazzling dreamIs this magnificent city
The music will play and they will call me up front
I'll exit my seat and wobble and shake my way
The pictures will flash on the screen
And I'll search the families for mine
I'll hear them before I see them
Why am I hiding from God?
Unlike Adam and Eve,
I put on a "Hello brethren, happy Sabbath" facade, instead of a fig leaf.
Angel in the gardenI see your golden wingssense the sweetness of your gazeas it envelopes me todayNight has clearly left usthe stars and moon set downthe sun has cllimved her ladder
Death is the separation of body and soul,
But wherever you go,
the angels will still sing.
Because God gave angels free will.
And once upon a time
an angel was captured by a demon inside,
i'm from
the top of the mountain
close to the sky
where the men donāt yell
and the kids donāt cry
where the clouds taste sweet
Death is kind. Death is quick. Death is colorblind. Death is a warm embrace.
Death is something I once yearned for in an unholy matter.
Death is an incident I do not try to fight or reason with.
A young fox travels throughout the woods. " have you seen my mother? "There is silence in the trees. Only the wind rushes through. " no. " They say. The fox continues on.. He comes across a river.
It was said. , I'm square as a block
But a block head I'm not
I turn away from the way of that's not right
And walk towards Wisdom & HIS insight
In HIM I am made strong
No longer do I want to do wrong
When the lights start to dim and the curtains cloes. Where are you going to stand?
When that time comes. Will you see fire or clouds?
When you reach your final destination. Will you feel hot or feel comfortable?
Some people believe in a heaven and a hell. The place where the people with good souls live in eternal paradise. The place where those of evil are condemned to eternal punishment. But hell is empty. The devil lives among us. Sometimes you can
Do you think I forgot about you?...Never...You are my baby...I will always be your mami, baby. I will always continue to sing you lullabies from my heart into the wind.
Everything in our life is a part of our story.
It is continuously being written.
There is an angel watching our every move.
With a pen in its hand.
Oh yes georganne I know that feeling too well
That terrible treacherous feeling to live in hell.
Oh yes georganne I know that feeling too well
That terrible treacherous feeling to live in hell.
Whatās the use of lacrimating hallow tearsthat spill over past and future worries?Past and Future have gone astray,despite your dismayhave you forgotten? Past never was and future will never be,
Her skin: soft as the edge of her sword
And her hair: carved from the volcanic ashes.
Her heart: away from advancing toward
His hardline lips; and her faint eyelashes:
Disguising keys to his grave, shallow as--
Heaven's soft rain dusts my soul
Tinting my skin a rosy gold
I'm swamped by tears inside this skin
How long to bring outside what's in?
Halfway between the Earth and sky
. . . so hush, little baby
Baby, don't you cry. . .
Hey, Hey, now, Mr. Harvey!
Lookin' all sharp and sweet, you do, sir!
Yes, Sir!
O o o h. . .
The crimson petals of the past,
remind me of the colour of your lips,
the rain of your weeping.
Never did you listen,
when the angels warned you of my curse,
all I touched went toxic,
Little, brown curls that flow softly down
The brightest, bluest eyes
Fair skin
Gentle touch
Innocent smile
She's beautiful
Like a little, glass doll
She's fragile too
Looking up I see you there;A star shining in the sky.Like a dimond hovering,There above the place I lie,
When we die,
We donāt need anything.
We walk to our deaths as we are,
With nothing to hold us down but a
Small chain of memory wrapped around our minds.
I am weary.
I am tired and I need to rest.
Lay me down by the river stream and do not weep.
I am only going home.
I am going to rest.
I am going to have peace.
Now child don't you weep for me.
On Einstein's General Relativity :)
Time unbroken,
pushes it's eternal expanse.
A dimensionless space
gone with every fleeting glance.
Men of the experiment,
She clutched the broken objects,
Held them to her chest.
They constantly mocked her life,
Called it a mess.
But they couldnāt see the tears,
It baffles me daily: how we insist
That we sustain on food, water, and air.
Birds have as much; yet from us they desist.
Money's our answer, if there's plenty spared.
And he dipped his hand
In her dying sea
And filled it with a galaxy
Straight from his heart
Undying, overflowing-ly
Dear Kiersten,
I hope heaven isn't just full of angels.
I hope there are abundant ladybugs, majestic horses, and cuddly dogs.
I pray heaven is filled with beauty and song!
I love that you
stand taller than me
your soul
is the closest thing to heaven
I've ever felt
God knew that
so he built you
In the midst of chaos
stands a lone rock.
This rock doesn't waver
nor does it speak.
It just sits there,
before the fray and
Everything around the
rock, leans forward
"Called upun this story
But was it fear or fate?
Not in it for the glory
Don't want to feel their hate
But my life is not so boring
As for me? I'm no saint
Though now I know who the Lord is
Shame me
Break me
Blame me
Hate me
Hurt me
Stay silent, I tell myself
While you tell me I'm not worth it
I don't call out for help
Because I don't deserve it
but you don't realize
Heavens' gates open wide
as a new soul approaches slowly.
Crisp air frightens the new arrival,
yet there is freedom.
Freedom in knowing the choice was his.
The green of the grass, the color of the flowers; what can compare to the vividness of nature's powers?
Even through stone the weeds and the moss grow; the wind and sun engulf all that man knows.
He can never be predicted
He even brings the mighty king's
down from their Thrones
He is never impressed
by their Titles the king's get
or for the Status these earthly kingās hold.
I wonder what happens to us
When the blood no longer courses through our veins,
When we eternally close our eyes to the light and color and beauty of this world
Tears stream down my faceIt's just me and you in this lonely placeYou are so stiff and so coldMy baby, its the last time you'll be in my holdMy darling, I dread to say, "I'm sorry you cannot stay.
It Ain't Heaven till you get here
The stars are not as bright nor the moonlight as sweet
It is not the same until I find you in my arms
The air is damp and musty without you
I stood at the edge of the Heaven with my angel wings spread wide
And as I looked down upon Earth I wondered how I died.
I don't remember who I was, who I wanted to be or who I am now,
The sun goes back down
Days turn a bit longer
Time passes much slower
Grey tinge fills the air
I'm stuck and defeated
Downthrodded and beaten
Torn and split on emotions
Lord I'm coming home
I've wandered far away from you
The paths of sin too long I've trod
I've wasted many precious years
I now repent with bitter tears
I'm tired of sin and straying lord
A little girl with big blue eyes
Running through a field of flowārs
Her long blonde hair done up in curls
Dancing out in April showārs
Peaceful in Heaven
Exciting on Earth
Angels watching over you
Candles flaming
Endless time coming
Full of dreams
Under the stars
Love all around
I know I might get bashed for believing in my religion but honestly I don't care. I have a voice and I'm gonna use it. I've been through alot and surprisingly I'm stillmstanding but I wouldn't be without god and my family standing beside me.
I don't need to be baptized to be able to love and serve the Lord.I love our creator and I know that one day Heaven will be my reward.Being baptized is a good thing but to get into Heaven, I don't think it's required.
With ease I walk
in the confidence of my Lord.
His peace I stalk,
for alone I cannot afford.
I see His beauty
in all of His creations.
As Christians it's our duty
Mama, don't cry.I'm sorry I'm gone.I didn't mean to die,I tried my best, you see,To stay alive.Mama, don't cry.The others, they were too strong,Had too good of weapons.I couldn't survive,
Grandfather I wonder why you passed so quickly
I miss you ever day but you died from being sickly
Sometimes I wonder what heaven is like
Are you with angels taking a high flight?
People always wonder why the greatest & most loved people leave us. We are all flowers in a beautiful a garden. Some of us more beautiful than others, whether it be because of our actions, or simply our hearts of gold.
My War with Heaven- Stella DāVine
You are the fallen angel that has casted a spell upon me.
I am the mere peasant that is awed by your beauty
Your skin so smooth and flawless and a rich chocolate color
Right here
Right now
We'll jump and fly
The birds will cry
And time will die
As you and I
Will fly all night
To make things right
And find the light
Right here
Right now
History repeats itself
it's why we're here again.
Black versus white
but this time it's times ten.
We need to be aware
that this gon' get us nowhere.
No! It's not him, her, or them;
Maybe at times i did things that hurt, but i tried so hard that you will always see
That having you was a blessing for you and me.
Go on to be with the LordTo be in His holy presence forever moreWelcome homeYou good and faithful servant.
I am quiet and quite emotional,
many used to say I was really antisocial.
I have limped, kicked and crawled from the at school threats,
nobody knows my darkest secrets.
Singing Bells
Heaven or Hell
To live or die
To sin or to lie
To forgive or to be forgiven
How are some people afraid of liven
A heart beats
The new air it greets
My heart pumps
Why does suffering exist
If God loves us so much?
Isn't he all-powerful?
Then why can't he
make traffic go faster,
get rid of my flu,
heal my daughter's cancer,
bring back my husband?
She isn't hopeless
She isn't worthless
She isn't mediocre
She isn't ugly
She isn't alone
She knows this.
She feels hate
She feels shame
She feels guilt
She feels regret
May 15th
Nothing can change my love for you.
Everything just happened so fast.
I wonder, what if I knew,
before you became our past
just who you were?
Once again I am afraid to face this day
The day you left without returning
She stands looking in the mirror
and what does she see ?
what she appears
to be
a young woman of faith
filled with promises from above
Her flaws run deep
yet she is washed clean
All is one in the universe, son.
You need not fear, we all end up dying young.
Remarkable fortune will surely appease
Your preoccupied mind and your failure to see
That salvation is in front of your eyes.
You awaken my ungratified soul,
Lest I lay in the snare of my skin and bones,
You resemble an angels grace and a sense of hope,
Take my spirit and don't let go.
Call me in and let the light rush forth,
It's ok Grace
even though the race
came in a fast pace
Tracy's gone
long gone away
far beyond the clouds
long beyond the stars
even though she still rocks
the little Tracy now talks
Heaven is there. But do we even recognize it?
Do we keep our heads lifted to notice what keeps the skies lit?
If we don't, then what's the point of each footstep?
The sun leaves us,
Mother natureās call
Beauty surrounds us,
All the leaves fall
Football fans cheer,
Trips to the pumpkin patch
Spooky stories you will hear,
When I used to look in the mirror, I would see
A girl who struggled, but yet was sometimes pretty.
I struggled with my relationship with my family.
Although they clothed, fed, housed, and spoiled me,
Give me hope,
I'm livin' in a nightmare.
Praying for better dreams;
Jesus weeps
As he hears the
Screams of the
The holy shouts.
I canāt see you, but maybe
you can see me.
Even if our eyes canāt reach
through this thinly veiled reality that I live in,
I know youāre watching
and waiting patiently for me anyway.
From innocent birth
to a peaceful death,
the wheels of a hearse
become our last breath.
For those who believe,
and for those who dismay;
there is such a place,
to where all may stay.
I could erase that lonely feeling
Of you leaving me that day
I could take all of the pictures
Of you and me out of my photo album
And throw them all away
But no matter what I do
And then I cried
Lost in an air of vague and blind
Found at the bottom of a beer can
Only drunken minds seem to make sense
Expressioning emotion oppose to logic
The rendition of the vision
The path under the break
The voice grating in my ear
The ways I always shake
Your hands all over my body
The words you sat are praise
The actions that delower me
What heavy burdens a heart must carry
From the times of love to the times of sorrow
But all will be good and new by tomorrow
Your skin flaunted that of the moon
A few bumps here and there
But smooth and glowing
Don't you remember when grandma took that picture
The one with our cousin steph?
Don't you remember all the good times we had
Together before you left
God's HeavenWritten by Adam M. SnowA vision splendid of the Heavenly scene,filled my mind with an image so clean:
This Lost LambWritten by Adam M. SnowOh by the morning strike of dayand by the calm obscure of night,
Snickety diddle I am I am I am the devil
I dig ditch-deep drilling holes in souls
They say I'm sour but this simply isn't true
I'm sweeter than sugar from the cane
I plant cavities in their hearts
I write to the Little Girl in the Future.
In case you have forgotten...
In case you have forgotten the beauty of the swirling passions of the primitive past
Those minisculed waves resemble my resentful, wrinkled handsAs we descend this goddamned surfaceInto the oblivion called sky and the heavens.
Anyone I have ever loved is a ghost I keep alive in my notebookBy feeding them the ink from my ball point pen,And let them sleep between the college ruled lines likeSome sort ofInhumane bunk bed.
See the butterflies fly at dawn,
Catch them all before they're gone.
Some fly in shadows,
Some fly in light.
Some fly with ease,
And some fly with might.
today's your birthday and Fathers Day
with everything that's happened i know you'd be speechless
it's hard to think of what to say
I feel like since you've been gone our family has been a mess
The world brought me whatever I needed,
A friend,
A mother,
A father,
A brother-
Yet, it took away something valuable.
Someone I loved,
Someone I adored-
She was my sister,
The Logic Of Todays Youth
Many Young People Today are in great disposition
Simply because we refuse to defer from sin
You see its not that we don't know any better
And I'll be kneeling on the floor
Saying let me in too
For all I've done
Was try to mirror you
You told me to love
And that I did do
I didn't think you specified to who
Pulsating through my body is a dark light -
A light darker than any night.
My eyes look like liquid fire-
I spread my black wings, and fly higher and higher.
We were driving back from a long night that consisted of frosted lips, too much eyeliner, beeping car alarms, and ran-thru stop lights
are we the glistening flakes of snow that fall
between trees?
the sum of every analogy
could not describe what I believe;
what being
means to me.
and if my god is out there,
It's bleeding time
The lost soldier
Burried in the midst of the fight
Death among the living
Damned when we are young
Stung by what we hold so dear
Where will you go when you die?
The light grows dim;
Darkness surrounds me.
I gasp for breath.
This desperate feeling overwhelms me.
I sing a song to my Savior;
I sing it long and sweet.
The more days that pass,
The sooner we shall meet.
The lush meadow grass,
A bright sunny day.
Palm clasped in yours
Through the fields we'll play.
We can sing and talk,
I'll ask you how you are.
There once was a girl who had the world wrapped around her finger tips.
She was a beauty, a goddess in fact.
Earth was her thrown. She had opportunities all around her
I walk alone, Or so it would seem; But there is One Who is always with me. I hear His voice in the wind; I can hear Him calling, And I hear His footsteps In the leaves falling.
Leave me alone, And go away; For no matter how you beg, I will not stay. All things go. All things die. All have done so, And so shall I. Bury me here. Bury me there. Wherever you like, I will not care.
I heard the grass is greener on the other side
Only if you abide
By the rules they preach to sinners
Only those who reach it are truly winners
And the everlasting pulsing is gone
Iām coming home
Seek out the meadows
Upon this day
Into the night
Come out upon my sight
As silent as a ghost
The ominous shudder of the dark
The time of night when Death should mark
Those who will not pull through their strife
He will come and take their life
The angels sing as you arrive
The weight of the world is heavier now.
Dayās drive by and cars fly high.
God has come and now every knee bows.
Always thought itād be in the sky.
The impossible takes place.
Here's the the girl who held her head high,
While she suffered at home,
Now she looks down from the sky,
She didn't leave the world while she was alone,
But surrounded by family,
There are moments where we might wonder about our after-life,
As we may see some of our experiences of life fly by.
Everything is so detailed to have a simple end.
Just look at the night sky and how it extends.
Where do we go when we die
Do we go to sleep
Or do we go towards the sky
in a slumber thats very deep
Or do i go by gods side
Does heaven exist
or is it just a myth
will i feel love
You are my woman, my dream, my desire
You are my crown, my diamond, my jewel of inestimable value.
Your emergence into my life brought me sunshine on a cloudy day
I want the breeze in my hair
To look up and see the outstretched arms of the wood and oak
I want to see the little puffs of white outlining the sky
I want to look to my side a see pushing through the cracks
What is loss?
Loss is always difficult to manage
While all who grieve
Are at a Disadvantage
We must not misconceive
Many of us have doubt when we see that God is taking too long to answer, many of us do not seek the kingdom first and wonder why all the other good things aren't coming we tend to lean on our own understanding which means not Trusting in the Lord
If there could ever be a moment where I believed the love songs
It would be now
Because you're walking down the sidewalk
a sight as beautiful as heavens doors
Ever wonder what itās like to stare into the eyes of someone and get lost?
Like youāre in a jungle on a dark winter night?
Or how about when youāre drowning, and you canāt save yourself;
One... Two...
I love you and I don't know what to do
Three... Four...
Fear is at my very core and you can't escape this hot war
Five... Six...
I don't have a bag of tricks and I'm sorry, there is no fix
I chased a god I'm not sure existed.
I cried alone at night and thought,
"Where are you god?
Why am I so alone?"
I've been told that heaven
is a blinding white light at first,
What is Heaven?
Is it a place with no end;
Where birds fly without a care?
What is Heaven?
Perpetual blue sky with endless clouds;
A place of no death; no tears.
What is Heaven?
She thought she was invincible
19 and young
Invincible to the cops
Invincible to the shots
Invincible to a drive
That took her down a road late one night
She ran from the cops,
A dream divineIs only a nightmareIf a thought is to blind beyondMeasures I often question such a beautifulCurse of a dreamIs it only a reality that we often wonder?
You never understand it
Even as you feel it
It's your saving grace
And your damnation to hell
The light in the darkness
And the darkness itself
Consuming you
Trapping you
I feel as if I'm stuck in a cage, knowing my potential I bring myself to burst out in rage, this stage of trials is rough, as I lay under the rubble it is tough to see light, in spurts I try to raise with all my might but through the dust it's
My Father is the greatest
My Father is the greatest because of him I have been created
Put down the knife
Let down your hair
Abandon those thoughts
You're no longer there
I was there
Watching from above
Answering your prayers
Sending my love
So what if this is the end?
What if this is goodbye?
What if fire starts to ravagely roar from the sky?
This is it for our memories we've made in our lives.
So stop thinking about the future, and listen to me now.
Dear God, give me guidance
Please just take this walk with me
For I've lost sight of you, and the Devil is all I see.
Lord, I'd rather be blind
Than witness nothing other than lies.
After everything we've been through
Everything we've seen
Our cries, battles, and wars
Our wins and our losses
This can't be the end, it can't be over.
The darkness consumed us and tore us apart
I was their, but at the time, wasn't
Looking upon my cold, pale body of the open casket.
My blonde hair was straightened
Cascading down my back
Eyes shut, and lips glossy
Shot twice in the chest
I have lived a thousand different lives,
My first one came when I was born,
The next when I learned the lesson of death,
After that was the life of a nomad,
Many others have followed,
But I live one life now,
I seek no safeguard or heaven,
Nor purgatory or hell for crime,
I do not search for god or demon,
I care not for the religious sublime.
I do not want an eternal soul,
No matter how much I express myself
and people sympathize to understand,
there's still that part of me that's
never really known.
All alone.
It craves to have light shed upon it,
A woman of Black gold, gave birth to an olive child,
Strong and mighty was she to stand by a father who stood to just pretend.
Made sure her little peice of hope in this world was warm, fed, and fast asleep everynight
Your out of line
And God said to get out of line.
Are you too blind?
You are no longer bound
Bound by material things!
Yet tears come to your eyes,
Cause your soul is dyed.
I want to scream, scream, scream at the top of my lungs in anguish because I need to know that everything's okay. I'm afraid. I'm so afraid of something. I can't craft words around it. I just need your approval.
It is sheā¦.The quiet one who isnāt necessarily muteHer mind is loud, and I wonder how she does it.How does she maintain such a typical face?Yet her mind is circulating with all of these negative thoughtsā¦. It is sheā¦.That girl who is self-deprecat
Seeing Angels passing by,
I know you're safe with them.
Even though I cry,
my only feeling is Zen.
Walking through the door,
of your eternal homecoming,
you have found so much more,
Never has my apology
Been so deep
As the dusk my heart was
Seen for its true self
In my eyes and those of my Creator
When I lay myself to sleep
I would always wonder what I'd dream of
Inspired to plunge into that process by the twinkling of the stars above
As I ponder, sleeping slowly creeps
Time rewind my past tracks,
As I hurtle towards the future.
I feel the need to fix the beat,
When I cannot refuse it.
Limitations are a key confliction,
Being quiet restricting,
I woke up on the wrong side of heaven
where the ocean raged and roiled
a flaming sea a broil
and I wonder how I fell
into these deep fiery pits of hell
Ashes fall down; coating the battlefield.
Injuries were inflicted here; never to be healed.
Tears descend like rain; illustrating endless sorrow.
So many lost; some today, more tomorrow.
Cancer is nothing but a thief.
Steals from children, adults, and animals alike
but has given to me much grief
When I was but a child at the age of seven
cancer that thief turned my life upside down
With grace and power she stands there
Light soothing hands with a maternal touch
Gentle eyes that cut through glass and fair hair that falls upon her shoulders
Dependable, she is everyone's crutch
Momma always used to say, āGod laughs at the plans you make.ā
But that was just a chance I had to be willing to take.
Empathetic, kind-hearted, containing the true values of life
I once met love at the front door!
And, when I glaced it's direction
Love, beautifully, smiled back at me.
That was love. My first sight!
I became instantly drawn to love.
If home is where the heart is, In a home they teach you things,
Then I am out of place, You taught me some things,
The sun above me sings a lullaby,
The rain mimics the tune,
Roses dance,
Glitter strikes from each and every beat,
Words cannot explain
how much you mean to me
nothing could ever compare
or even ever be
You're my Dad, my one and only
you're my leaning post
although I love my family
This hospital bedās so lonely
And even the bed sheets are cold
I know things would be different
If I had your little hand to hold
when the Sun is alive
so am I
the unimaginable dream is mine
fog will remain in my path
but fire in my eyes, boldly.
there is a dawn that rises
unshakeable and endless
like the core of soul
Iām waiting:waiting for freedom, for a spectacular burst.Iāll know its appearing, though all I know now is the thirst.Just a distant echo now, but how could not the symphony be grand?
I want to sleep...I really do. He's calling just beyond the avenue. Tight curb, love in the low life suburbs. Patiently waiting for me.Sich schminken to hide a brutally gentle tide.
The smell of spruce
The glistening fir
The cloudy cool
I know for sure
The gentle rain
It fills the air
It cleans the earth
It damps my hair
The mountains sigh
With refreshing need
the forgetfulness of tomorrow
around come the stars
heavenās forgotten
in a launch past mars
whoever foretold
the fortune of the future
was sure of the truth
only to be fooled
Rest In Peace (RIP) is a term for the deceased that I will no longer useNow I know at first the way this sounds may leave you confusedBut If you knew Jesus then you truly have nothing to loose.
If I had known this would be the last time I heard you laugh
If I had know this was the last time I talked with you
I know Iām nowhere near your model image
For what a good human is
I come here with nowhere left to turn
Exiled from my home
A little girl used to sit and ask,
āDaddy why do people have to leave so fastā
What do you mean? He questioned with some fear,
Thinking to himself, she only has one year.
Nothing was simple, not even before.
Unanswered questions appeared at the door.
For months nothing seemed to make sense anymore.
But we sang about peace, just like children.
What am I gonna do when youāre gone?
Because you couldnāt let anybody in to hear the cries of your sad song.
So tell me what am I gonna do when youāre gone?
Im slamming through these rhymes like it means nothing,
Some say its a crime, yet im not doing the time.
Some say its intense, but I see it as common sence.
Some say it comes from the heart, yet they dont know the start.
Why I write? I write because you told me to
Because you encountered history and literature but never met a pen or page
Why did you have to love me?
I can promise you that itās nothing against you. But, I turn away because I keep love close, maybe too close, and I think that I will only remember and love you.
I wondered how
Someone so angelic as you
Could have turned out to be
The demon that broke my heart
And then I remembered
That Lucifer too
Was once an angel.
Fallen into the deep Abyss of my dreams.I stand in a valley filled with Different hues of green.An ever flowing river Runs nearby.The sun shines downUpon me.A figure more luminous
So let me tell you, it started with this girl,
you already heard alll the shawty stories but yo son let me tell you about this one girl.
Shawty tall like model, didnt know why she aint go on ANTM
A girl to begin my poetry,
a girl to hold my heart,
a girl to talk with me,
and never be apart.
She inspires the words,
she creates the lines,
if it not for her,
I would have never shined.
There is nothing like nothing like a mothers love.
Always there, always worrying, she always cares.
Putting you before herself and anyone else.
She wonāt eat until you eat, wonāt sleep until youāre safe and sound.
Love, What Is It?
What Should Be A Simple Question?
But Yet Is Asked By Many
Do You Have To First Lust To Love
If You Ask Me You'll Receive A Shrug
Said Often Only Out Of Curiosity
Entitled: Najarri Samuel Whitehead
But that's all you read.
Skipped past the prologue, and examined the pictures.
So in reality you only saw the happiness, the joy.
Never walking the heartache and pain.
My biggest fear will never visit me
Never will I allow myself to fall in
To cave in, to wither, to fall.
For I will stand as strong as a weeping willow.
In the darkness he lurks, always behind me.
Far away from this place,
Trees dance to gusts of wind
Kings have rein under grace
Itās too far from this place.
Over the peachy dawn,
Solid castles donāt fall,
The lion rests with a fawn
I once was lost,
I felt alone in this world and empty,
I felt like life was not worth the cost,
My insides were hollow,
And my heart feeling hefty,
Why to live?
What do I have to give?
There's this pretty girl I know,
Who told me how she loved me so,
And I don't know what to do.
There's this tiny little complication,
That's built up my frustrations,
Long ago in the old folkās place
A boy with innocence on his face
Came to knock on the gated door
The man behind it saw a child there
With blue eyes and mussed blonde hair
I chose to write today
Having been gifted with literacy
Gifted with the words I say
Have power, the authority
To bear truth, God-given knees
Bent in prayer, wholly broken
Pride and Glory
The most prized possession
The most pure and unique
It has its own worth
Pride is your own love
You value yourself
You do your best in everything
You look down on others
(poems go here)
Wish Heaven had a phone so I could hear your voice again.
I thought of you today,
but that is absolutely nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday,
and day before that too.
I'm missing you everyday,
You are always on my heart and mind,
I try to see your face but I fear it is fading away,
Im longing to hear your voice,
I'd love to hear your laugh,
Entering into the longest line I had ever seen,
I tried to decipher what it all means.
To my left, there is a lake of fire.
To my right is what my heart desires.
Now it is my turn to be judged.
i hear your laugh dailyi picture your smile ofteni contemplate about the night they took my friendtrying to block it out but it plays again
My problems are on the rise like the bubbles in an aged bottle of champagne
A myriad of curses, issues, and a cacophony of damn pain.
Gluttonous consumption of pain and other drugs and chemicals
"Yes, Sweetheart"
"I love you"
I write for the one who gave me brown hair and eyes,
For the one who sang me my favorite lullabies.
The swing set he built, my rocking horse by hand,
Hell is his empty syringe
And the searing pain of his emptiness.
Hell is the heat of the absence
That grows hotter in his presence.
Hell is the tears that evaporate
Today, Iām missing my one true star,
thinking about how we would be together,
having fun, riding a space car,
through the vast galaxy forever.
All I need is eight eighteen
To brag on my king.
He is my everything.
All my heart and my soul belong to my heavenly king.
My lyrics flow from the heart to the stage scene,
Taken from the bad scene,
Summer time is here and along with that brings the family out.
Out on break from school and work, out enjoying what nature offers.
At our family cabin hidden back in the woods of rolling hills.
They say that all things
Had used to be combined.
Together in God's world,
Existing freely under the Son.
But then one day,
A great ball appeared,
With a brand new kind of life
Living under His eye.
Born on the wing of time,
Flowing ever so gentle,
A life becoms amazingly real
Along God's glorious mantle.
We walk the Earth like we own it
We live as if we can live forever
Commit sins, show arrogance, and show no fear to anyone or anything
Rest now soldier your quest is put to rest
Bloody wounds ache in sorrow it'll be better for you tomorrow
You'll leave the battle field once in for all
He's waiting to take you home soldier hear his call
Heaven is a place that can be reached through mind, then in body, therefore transforming your spirit. May I allow my mind to be open to simpler life and every aspect of nature.
Daddy, Daddy look at me
Watch me as I fly
More and more Iām gaining speed
As I soar through sky
Mommy, Mommy how I see
you below me now
Iāll come and have a looky
When I can swoop down
For the first time in a long while,
I went to my jewelry box, a place
Of cameos and my motherās earrings,
And took out my necklace of delicate gold
And settled it on my collarbone
Tears burn my gentle face
What hurts me the most
Is knowing there's nothing I can do
But look up at the midnight sky
And pray you know how much I miss you
My first heartbreak and you weren't there
In striving to view that which is not normally seen,
To pry into the godsā minds as they meander
Into what could only catapult the living through madness which
Is in the mind, forever present and lurking.
Beautiful, submissive, and enduring sufferer! You were the lamb imprisoned within a den of wolves. Abandoned in this world, you understood crueltyās impermanence. The deepest admiration from my heartās deepest vaults you summoned.
A hand of tension
One finger down at a time
Eyes close
The wind blows
The rain falls
The house falls
The cradle tips
A tear drops
Our hearts break
Beside the wood-framed doorways of Paradise
lay what we have left behind,
for our gatekeeper is ever vigilant, sorting soul from chaff,
"You cannot take it with you."
Heaven's Fall
You're driving home,
darkness close behind,
this sleazy solace
so painfully unkind.
That lies within
Becomes without when life
Frees itself
From mortal shells,
The spirit free from strife
And thus ascends
To where forever
Waits among the stars,
Light and free,
You departed way to soon > Now you're up there with the moon, > The clouds, and stars while they shine bright > I hold back tears all through the night, > Can't help but think of all the memories > You truly meant a lot to me, >
There has to be a heaven out there.
Just watch water trickle from the Earth.
Up, there's a never ending somewhere.
Sky so blue in which the wide eye lurks.
It was on an usual August day
This story is not easy to say
Without getting all teary eyed
Knowing it was my last goodbye
The crisp waters of heaven flow down to surround.
Engulfing, they lift me.
They lift me higher and higher
Until there is no stress, no anxiety, no suffering.
Free at last, I can think.
I can breath.
Just an angel in Hell
Trying to get to Heaven
The closer she makes it to the in-between
The further away Heaven seems
One day she'll make it there
Until then, she'll keep fighting her demons
May your journey take you far from this darkness
May your will to prevail heal the sting
May you continue on this lonely and unbeaten path
May this closure bring peace to you and the world
Thereās a star up in heaven for mother today.
The star twinkles brightly to say sheās ok.
She loved life completely and never let go.
Now sheās singing in heaven and wants you to know
That she misses youāsure
Dear God,
Somethings I just donāt understand; like things must be extremely complex or my mind too inferior to comprehend, the things that plague the human mind, body, and soul.
Heaven shine and reveal thy glory!
For hours below cannot compare,
Even with dreams found in a story,
To seconds above with God up there.
Beauty herself is sure to unfold,
In the Utopia built for all,
What's wrong with this world that we live in?
Sometimes I want to give in, and give up, and go down
and watch us spin around
this dark place, this dark space,
this rough place, that I'm in,
āI had a dreamā
A very famous quote.
A dream of unity.
A dream of hope.
Everyone has dreams.
Some good, some bad.
But one thing I must tell you
Is of one that Iāve had.
Oh, to find the slumber and peace that eludes me with every twist and bend of these unfamiliar streets
I'm the sheltered homeless beneath the glass future that breaks more each second
I am so torn
Like aborted babies that arenāt born
Separated and thrown into a furnace
To be burned up because of peopleās purpose
To reign as kings,
Though he called them gods
Little gās
Inside me there's a life
I may not give
the chance
To live nor
To be a kid
Nor To grow big
I feel you baby
Mommy is here
Yet please my child
This world is evil
Eternal heavenly bliss
Even sweeter than a kiss
Soaring so High
Way up in the sky
Leaving life behind
I can't hardly wait
To see the pearly gate
Smiles and happiness there
In the event I die tonight,
Iām telling you I love you
So that if Iām truly gone tomorrow,
Iāll have no regrets
On the way to heaven.
And when I find those pearly gates,