Orchid Glory
Shocks made pulses of her beauty
Each throb tenderly sweet from Earth’s syrupy bosom
Around Earth's Loins of infinite fruity bloom
Trust nursed Time’s heart upon the celestial tray
Fiery seas of the spirit realm crushed fluidity
Around the glassy mystery of vital sandy yarns
Inking kaleidoscopic colony of flock and swarm
Revolving rosy cheeks and heart fragranced with miracles
On sweet crust where ageless time cheers with weaning
Nursed by heavens chants and charms
Pure prismatic love pouring and overflowing
Every work energetically performed endlessly
Roving Robins's robust incantations
Fair as numberless angles and sparkles of scents
Emerging journey of goodness on mysterious threads of spirits
Curling calm and perpetual call of love
The dainty deities pave the way
In Nirvana’s vital river of life and death
Oomph and Oasis Obfuscate the Open-hearted Omnipotent
Now Orchid Glory blooms ageless with all hierarchy of angels.