34 Souls (Hurricane Sandy Death Toll 34 in NJ)
A hand of tension
One finger down at a time
Eyes close
The wind blows
The rain falls
The house falls
The cradle tips
A tear drops
Our hearts break
Summer havens washed away
Our lives washed away
34 souls find way to shelter
A hand is relaxed
Limp like an elderly man
Where am I?
Minds open
Eyes open
The ocean rumbles
This is reality speaking
Wake up… Wake up
Lean on my crutch
You will be ok
34 souls are waiting for a light to shine
A hand is open
Like a hungry child
‘Help me’
We are all here
Take the hand
We become one state
One nation
One continent
One world
One heart
Hands held
Fingers crossed
We unite
34 souls watch the clouds part
The wind is dead
The rain has seized
Graves are marked
Hearts are scarred
Love is lost
Love is found
Hands held in prayer
Time will heal
34 souls disappear into the light