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A land flowing with milk and honey
Has its place in dreams and for those gone…
And for us?
It has been.
It is now.
It will be that war conducted on
Both sides and either shore.
Hanging from His cross,
Looks at me
With His mighty eye
But what does He see?
Does He see where I'm going?
Or does He see where I've stopped?
Does He see me?
What is life
But a preparation
Of going into a different world
And meeting a Father
Face to face
Either showing us how proud He is
Or expressing his disappointed grief
The preordained forgathering
An ineffable Dayspring by Night
Of the King's subjects...
Children of the Light
A convivial convocation, fervent & true
Eternal & ardent princely quietude
when i die i want to come back as a dog.
i want to come into this earth as a minuscule being, crammed in tight quarters, unsure of what to think.
Loneliness, Emotional pain, walks with us through the day,and sleeps with us through the night,Tears that is not visible to the naked eye,silent screams that no one can hear,feeling of relentless distress,
Love is a thing that can easily be taken for granted, how did I become so comfortable with it, not putting any effort in the tasks you requested of me?
I came into existence, naked yet clothedwith innocence and unaware,bathed with my mother’s blood,old folks heard me cry and were so glad.I came not into this unknown sphere by my own will
One of the beautiful things about nature, is that nothing feels as if it were looking down on me, passing judgement. It stands with me by my side. An oak trees wisdom is that it is still and embraces me without having eyes or any of the senses.
Do I take a part in the nations affairs or let it drop on Atlases feet? The television always makes it seem
Despite some of the formalities of the Catholic mass at St Michaels, my experience did not feel in vain.
A mass was said for us in Ireland, by request of my grandmother's sister, or my mom's aunt Nora.
The Christianity of Constantine is the form of Christianity I despise. It is the Christianity that gets tangled up in political affairs. It is the Christianity that asserts it's power over others sometimes through violence.
These dehumanized bureaucracies which compose
everyday life , these system of organs devoid of a soul
Not caring if we have names
or separate goals to pursue
School, work, food pantry
If we follow some of our base instincts
We may also be opening the door to
a whole realm of unwelcome spirits
And to energies we are unprepared to
deal with in our lives.
To pursue life
Our fight for immortality on this earth
can be seen in the botching of our faces
All painted disguises to conceal
our aging bodies.
Our imitation of wealth, like the
bourbon kings of the ancien regime
We overspeak when we're anxious.
That makes sense now to me. I wonder why
you always have so much energy, when I
feel as weighty as a log of wood.
It makes sense why you feel better by writing lists and
We exert ourselves at work beyond the established laws
of nature.
As I go in everyday to work, I can't help feeling that their expectations of me are the same of a soldier in combat.
Seeing Nature acknowledge me
through a kingfishers eyes
Warming around a bird nest of
mockingbird fledglings
When I stare at them from outside
a window, does what
dipping fingers in a
I wish at times things stopped accelerating and stopped moving, the hundreds of Babel's being raised to the sky.
The global economy shut down for a day at least
People are looking for meaning in their life
They are looking to reconnect with themselves in
some way that reminds them of who they are
The search for self lost in this consumer driven
I have collected church pamphlets in the past
They sit wedged in between some of my books.
They have a seductiveness to me.
A wave of calm passes over me
In this stillness, I have no expectations of myself
or of the world.
I am small
and just a passing visitor
on this planet
Tomorrow may bring me back
The Cathedral is beautiful when it's empty
without priests or layperson's to give mass
It becomes a part of nature, the perch for a starling.
As I walk around it, I get to make of it what
Listening to the wind blow the leaves like silk in the night, I look to the heavens for a sign to fight the day that I carry with a slight smile; I feel the pressure rising without a solution so, I call on my ancestors knowing I will not get a sho
My eyes search
for the faithful;
they surround me
with love and comfort
She smiles at the sun
Taking in its rays with joy
She rejoices in its light
Dances in its presence
And admires its everlasting beauty
I am a warrior.
A warrior of blood and bone.
A warrior of heart and tears.
A warrior.
A warrior who cries so many tears that she competes with rivers.
I wrestle with myself in the wilds of my mind,
struggling with mundane matters;
but God lifts me from these depths
To love God, I must be weak.
I must be ready; I must be holy.
To love God, I must be good to the poor.
My child, let your life come into the world of darknesslike a spark of light, without flicker and pure,and thank them in silence.
You know, my child, they are cruel in their greed and envy,
God’s intimacy with man
restores life, brings gladness,
relieves grief, suffering,
brightens our hearts.
“Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.”
- attributed to Teresa of Avila
Yours are the hands
The second of three poems in a final project assigned during the ELA 12 poetry unit.
Beginning stanza, quoted, belongs to "Spring Drawing 2" by Robert Hass;
I might be wrong in thinking
That I navigate with lithe and agility through unfamiliar dark rooms
Dark wombs
Even darker tombs sinking further down to a heated core, a hellish home
My body, at last.
Tested and tried and discouraged, I dried my cheeks with my head hanging low.
I manifested a truth, blessed with courage, i died in defeat, then my corpse began to grow.
In life there are moments where it can bring you in the need to scream your pain existence.
The fire in you the passion that generates you gets tested
The rug gets pulled from underneath and all you have left is yourself.
lover come lay with me
leave marks of your presence where i am weakest
let me sooth your grey moods and caress your blue body
with the pretty white things on your bronze skin
Yer touch upon my brow, so kind and tentativeall those days under the warmth of the sun. I felt the scorching sand between my toes,and I knew yer energy then, and I hid.How good are ya oh holy Set, the deity of We,
God is the Judge and the Angels are the Jury.
The Church is the Defendant and Satan is the Prosecutor.
Jesus is the Attorney for the accused and the bailiff over Satan.
I see you on my timeline
And I don’t know what to say
I see your statuses
Talking disrespectful everyday
Your pictures are provocative
Your attitude is something else
It seems like you’re lost
Dear God:
Why was I born with a heart condition?
Why did you let my parents’ divorce when I was at the ripe age of two?
Why did you allow me to trust so much that I was easily misled as a child?
Here it goes
My name has been called
No, not by my pessimistic professors,
Not by my mother’s irritation.
It’s being called by a higher being
You see, I am but a small piece
during a time
of quiet contemplation
I recall
three simple
which came from my reading-
from various books
on spirituality,
And now,
Everyone we've ever known
and all those things we cherish
like summer's rain beneath the sun
in God's good time will perish.
Things material or tangible,
soon slip away or end.
Possession's an illusion
We the capital, spell it in letters with all caps
Not a felon and making treasure in our crap,
Harder melanin skin our texture is hard glass,
Watermelonin' your head combatants with artifacts
In all your endeavors,
in all that you do
always remember-
God's love for you.
Though situations may be painful
and cause you to grieve,
simply stand firm
and always believe.
The ignorant,
the critics say,
that I worship poetry
as if were
religion- my god,
I say, not God
but a divine gift
certainly, like
good health.
though not necessarily
they've held their
through time...
For the artist,
creative minds,
these are old standards,
reliable touchstones
Unequivocal contentedness.
A trusty oak never fails to satisfy the search
for philosophical soundness within one's soul.
Branches so perfectly placed the seem to
represent a geometric phenomenon.
Who doesn't want a storybook life?
Just write it all in and cut out the strife
Who said that you can't write your own story
Like a Disney hero you can rise to glory
No such thing as fate no such thing as a curse
I told you no.
I was already in control.
Smoked a little grass here and there, and
when that pain came
I didn't think it was something I couldnt bear.
I told you no.
Many of the experiences that make us grow are uncomfortable
Many of them are surely life-changing
Some of them are relevations
My growth experience, sure, it was painful
But it made me accept the pain
Is growing up like graduation,
A sudden change, an exclamation?
Or is it like radioactive decay,
As childhood wastes away?
Whatever the case may be,
What it is for you,
It will not be for me,
To him these are strange and darker times of anew,
akin to the rare viewpoints there can be found a few,
whom understand the complexities of humans and emotions,
but for some these are hard to handle, it’s a vast ocean,
November 19, 2017, at 1:29 in the morning, my heart was broken and restored, all in the same moment in time.
That night is imprinted in my memory, and on my hip, in stark black ink.
You begin to understand the flow a little more as you go
This much I know.
Never here nor there,
It’s ethereal
All around us, in the air.
It’s all around you
There’s no denying it
Bus people really have a lot of time to think.. Weary, they are always on the brink of knowing what's it's all about. Bumping, heaving, sleeve-to-sleeving their way to work. Yearning to be back in bed, learning they are spiritually dead.. And all
I have no words to say
Let the silence pass me by
I meditate and I pray
Yet I can't fathom the one who calls itself I
It's an empty abyss
It's a one-way turn
It's a star-kept wish
Walking down a road that parts at every milestone.
Not knowing where or even if it ever ends.
Taking hints left by the leaves
as the wind dances them down a noble path.
Sitting outisde watching the leaves change colors
I contemplate and think about my righteous Savior
How He has always been present ready to guide me
so when Geoff sings “here’s to this year I never thought I’d make it through” I put my arms around someone else who did make it & swayed along as the clock swung itself past midnight at the end of December
Even if you think you’ve seen the apex of self-reflection
Know that there’s a blind spot of camera, retina, and so is with the brain.
Never knew what I thought it would be
Everything seems unrealistic, is it?
A fantasy dream full of promises and perfection
“She is Alive”
Time changes again and again
The sad sky was about to rain
In an irony what we call Life
In search of happiness and joy
I was used to the struggle, the suffering, the pain and disappointments that life kicked out.
I thought it was expected to feel neglected, rejected and best to just accept it than let hope replace doubt.
"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality."
-Carl Sagan
I was a strict stripling.
I stood for the stars and stripes,
Be them still or rippling.
I have steeped myself in red wine
Drank from a cup that held stardust,
Buried myself in the earth,
Let the shore consume me
God, our mother,
my mother,
When you formed me, incubated me
Was I apart of your being
did you speak in my voice
as I sometimes speak in yours?
how dare women have confidence
How dare women enjoy
dominating men in the bed room,
giving an endless faith
to Herself.
That girl you call easy?
She goes home with any guy because
Dear Depression,
Your waves rushed over me
The pain was comparable to the sting of your biggest bee
Your words
to the one whom gravity holds tightest to,
you're an aging collection of
thin skin and heavy bones
known by a name
passed through the lips of few
with ribs housing
Africa sweet
Africa my home.Africa my sweet home.
My black race I will embraceMy black race I’ll not disgrace.
Nobody is nothing;
So long as they exist in the mind of another.
It matters not what you think of me;
For what you think of me is more than what I think of myself.
My purpose is only to exist;
Man made of fire,
Passion to fight.
Arrow through his heart,
Yet he refuses to die.
As stubborn as the light in his eyes
I am meA human being, he made me beIn this world I play the game of lifeNot as easy as the board game, but that's alright
never you
never him
never her
never them
no pronouns don't adhere I'm naught here
disassociated with this world grown beyond weary of affairs
You are on the Road, the Road gets you to where you need to be.
It does not matter how many potholes you hit.
It does not matter how narrow the Road appears.
They say not to question God, for His ways are beyond our own.
It was a Sunday morning, watching the sweat pour from my father's face as he delivered the Holy Word,
"For I knew thee before I formed thee in the womb."
The winds of change have blown
They enveloped my restless heart
They gently whispered in my ears
"It's time for a brand new start."
Reluctantly, I tried to listen
But in my comfort zone, I stayed
Shout for joy to the Lord, and worship gladly;Come before Him with joyful songs, asserted grandly;We belong to Him, He made us, pasture of the majesty;Enter his gates with thanksgiving, fervent and radically.
Breathin’ in, I know I’m breathin’ in;Breathin out, I know I’m breathin’ out;I do not seek the doubt, I’m freedom bound;But the pain inside’s got me feelin’ down;Please give me the love of Jesus now;
You're down because you've been changing in ways you had never hoped nor planned
The years have gone by and as you look back you scrutinize your mistakes that you can't stand
In honor of my early morning church seminary class teachers,
Sister Bruce and Sister Freeby
Bang! Bang!
My alarm clock sings its wordless song,
I greet the day with gratitude laced with longing.
This hunger animates my entire being,
Sharpening my senses, a new way of seeing.
The pursuit of Light is my soul's calling.
I am a Light Huntress.
Quivers overtake me.
My mind can’t seem to slow down -
Shut down, after a loaded day of
A load of mess
A pile of heaviness
I tried talking to Mary
Jane, because She was slow- paced.
I need someone to hold me,
To wrap their arms around me and
Squeeze the sorrow away
But I know I can't have that sometimes,
And that's okay;
It has to be
Release me from this anger,
Like pink skies and red oceans, each day is so beautifully enigmatic
Mystery and curiosity caress my day in a world so sorrowfully systematic
A chance to touch and breathe ease me into sunrise and poetry flow
You and me
Climbed together on the mountains
To find peace but couldn’t find
You and me
Flew together up above the blue skies
To measure the height of nature
But could not measure
“Why don’t people know about this.” I think
As my body soars away from my seat
I feel as thought I’m filling the space
like water once shaped to the pipes
This poem was written by my best friend, Deland Wheeler. He passed away in a motorcycle accident one month ago, and his mother made me promise that I publish his poetry, so that people will see Deland's inner light. Enjoy!
Listen on SoundCloud: soundcloud{.com}/jake-gillespie-6/god-bless-the-pen/s-q80Qg
(remove the {} around the dot-com)
My sun, my moon, my sky.All flow through me like a barren Forrest flooded by a nearby stream. I ask that you flowthrough my being as would a breeze.As tenderly as your accepting warmth, illuminate my body from the inside so that my heart will be f
gun slinger like she
flowering, blossiming child of the cedar tree
i was -
concious, forming, melting, still converting
my sad stagnant, diluted raptured reveries.
you see-
I don't want to stay here.
Do not accept where you live.
A Home.
It's not a home
Runaway, they're awaiting you
Live, love, and learn
Then be happy in return
But one place isn't the right time
I stand on red earth
I clasp my hands together,
Raised up like an Aborigine
Proud as a yogi, feeling the intelligence
My ancient ways to present,
I present to you as my talent
There is a sickness in my stomach that was not there yesterday,
It is a turning, churning feeling of what was taken from me,
And it doesn’t go away.
Every time I think of you it burns.
I'm not perfect but I'm real
They tell me how I should feel but what works for you drowns me
And what's right for you ain't right for me
So just let me do me and I'll let you do you
Society tried to trap me, trick me.
Laid out a treacherous trail. But I'm wiser,
I'm learning,
on my best days im a man of soul and on my worst, only human,
only growing every day
Hidden in plain sight
like a lion in the prairie
He sees you, yet is not seen
He hears you, yet is not heard
But by the ears of the spirit
I was asked recently to demonstrate one of my talents,
& Let these written words be my color palette.
Contrary to my style, my actions speak lucidly through silence,
Life forces propulsion from one event to the next
Lifeforces are hearts energy not written in text
Life forces strength from shattered pieces of a dream
all i need is the sky,
everything she has-- whispers dreams
everything she gives-- raindrops color lights
i thank her with blue passion,
I awake, and the dreams or terrors of the night leave me.
You are there to greet me each morning, to assure me of my safety
As Your peace fills me.
Just as You provide for the animals that live outside the walls of my home
As I shot into eternity, "I" died.
I, who is only familiar to me, obliterated and forgotten.
This was it. This... was.
Bright, forgiving light, showered upon my existence.
Bathed in Glory, I was reborn.
I have traveled through the deepest parts of my subconscious
Ignoring my own ego
I have reached through the scariest parts of my own limbic systems
All I need is magic in the air.
The cleansing of rain on my skin,
Artemis's moon to remove sin.
All I need is magic in the air.
The warmth of a crackling fire,
Promethius's human desire.
I met an important person who turned my life around,please listen to this amazing discovery I have found. He has educated me in the truth I needed to know,Daily I am guided beside the paths I ought to go.No matter the circumstances for me He find
See the thing about God is...
You, me, he, she, I, they, we...
love to forget their own purpose.
Love to live in the bliss or ignorance,
You were right,
In the world's eye
Sitting at the height
until you die.
See livin' breathin' ain't that simple,
Nothing like a clanging symbol.
You got to make a choice,
Everything has a beginning,
a point when the energy starts to course.
But all things, good and bad,
must at some point reach their demise.
Or so we are told from an early age.
What possessed you to play?
In a world where many straddle between unaffiliated and unbelieving
it's the worst time to take on spirits you're not sure you believe in.
it's too much going on
i have too many emotions
wanna say my thoughts out loud
but there's no one here to open up
to me
it seems like everything is breaking
cause i'm looking all around
Looking out of my window adventure is what I seek.
Life is outside of this house that encloses me.
The birds soar and fly free.
Their passionate song inspires me.
I tried to kill myself,
Took a bottle of pills.
Life is hard,
And I was uncapable.
But now I know, and now I live
All that we see was once one.
The trees and the stars,
drink deep;
in chaos.
in terror
there is no limitation,
that is not self imposed
Miracles happen every single day, in every single way.
I am no stranger to these miracles, that I have received along the way.
I am proud to be strong, passionate, and Pure.
It started with shakes and the violent pounding.
The floor boards matching the beat inside my ribcage.
Japan was beautiful. And it was the shaking that stirred such a thought.
You rested your head against the mossy tree stump
never minding the ache
as you sprawled upon the wet grass that dampened your dress
and your eyes ate up the stars
your fingers outstretched towards the sky, grasping
If I could wish for somethingIt would be the smile you bringYour smile rises on my lipsMakes the scented flowers Bloom In the backyard of my heartI wish I could touch the scentThat I smelled just now
I saw him on the corner of the street,
Holding a sign,
With the same words the rest of them say.
What is he really going to use the money for?
Everyone knows.
I walked into the store,
A child running up and down the aisles,
His mother yelling....
The Experience of Self
By Andrea Spencer
Silver fingers
brushing soft pine’s needles
-whose frost scrapes
and burns this season-
into her human hands.
These people be looking at me like I'm crazy
Like the shit I been doing ain't the right shit maybe
Maybe I'm loosing my mind
I haven't been feeling right lately
Like all these demons inside been tryna step out on me
The spiders tell me fables, and watch my eyes fall to rest
The music of the sky lulling me into a resting wake
Entombed inside me is something that is beyond this state of the world,
beyond all the reality TV show drama, the sex scandals, the murder-suicides,
what a Hollywood starlet wore this week, who got shot and blown up yesterday;
When I look in the mirror, I see what I see,
my desires have driven me to blind true reality.
How can I tell if my soul has progressed?
The Conversation I Will Have With My 8 year-old Son
I must let this feeling flow through me
Let it flow through my veins and every corner of my body
I must let it pierce my psyche
This feeling is my daemon
This feeling is my talent undiscovered
Love me. Hold me and never let me go. This world is too heavy for me to carry by myself and I cannot deal with these demons of mine on my own.
I paused in the presence of sound.
It played like gentle background music
Set within a silent, theatrical film.
Everything melted away so quickly.
I became more than a miniscule thread
Life employs a different meaning to each individual
Is this awakened state of being existence?
Or rather the opposite…
Are we really living in an illusion, fooled by the conscious mind?
I am a Child of the Universe
Full with empathy
Laying on the naked heart pulsating through the Earth
Erupting at the core
I am a Child of the Universe
Patching the scarred tissue
I want to...fly past pain's sky
always taunting me, she teases me
She told me I'd never get away
The way I dread-locks pain inside me
She shacked up with her man, Misery
They play sad tunes on strings
Oh Life, how magnificient, how wondrous...
How you throw forgotton souls unto the precipice,
the precipice of hell; you teach them of love, from the milk
Dear Model Minority Stereotype,Why must I abuse my healthcontinuously, clawing, gnawing, eroding my
Making a statement, I'm now living in the present
But My past? made me stronger so i remember although it has passed
cloudy but after the rain there's a rainbow, sun shining at last
What is life in the eyes of man? A path directed by the heart and mind intertwined to form a destiny. Now what is life in the eyes of the creator?
"I've Learned" by Nicholas Jones.In my 18 years of life,I've yearned for happiness,And I've yearned for strife,I've learned of death,And I've learned of life,
The Logic Of Todays Youth
Many Young People Today are in great disposition
Simply because we refuse to defer from sin
You see its not that we don't know any better
There’s something in my eye,
It just makes me want to cry,
Something’s in this country,
Make me wish I was blind.
Death wants to rule us,
Despair wants end us,
Evil wants to distract us,
I knew there was something truly magical about the trees.
My little sister,
nature's mortal fae,
taught me how to speak to the trees.
It was the most amazing phenomenon
Dressed up, dandies alike
Drumming, drinking, dancing
Djembe beats,
Conveying joy, expressing life
Dum ta, ta dum
Heralding the inevitable unknown
Society seems in a mess
Mothers cry, while Fathers stress
to be polite is a disgrace
as children mock you to your face
drugs and sex aren't hard to find
it seems as if the worlds gone blind
Ghost machineChemical combinesEssential electronsFlame combustionRed-wired boiling water.
Tattoo after “Slam, Dunk, & Hook”
The skin that I am in is my own,
It is something that I could never loan.
The bark on my bones, the shell on my back,
These big and strong trees
Have a great tunnel like view
with their evergreen leaves
When I was a kid I was gonna be married with kids at this point
When I was a kid
I’m still a kid—still feel like one
I watch cartoons and wear fuzzy socks and my parents pay my bills
And my parents pay my bills
I wrote this poem because of a journal entry I wrote entitled--"Entries from an agnostic." T
This poem is an insight on the compromise of society's morals, and how we are rapidly discouraging the exploration of spirituality while encouraging materialism.
Plastic brains are statistic,
Glenn Johnson
Today longing burst into the blooming of acceptance.
For how many eons . . . into how many worlds
No matter how much I express myself
and people sympathize to understand,
there's still that part of me that's
never really known.
All alone.
It craves to have light shed upon it,
The moon is my Goddess, for she creates the waves, and the songs that lull me to sleep.
The Goddess is my moon,
the Goddess is my earth,
the Goddess grants me her boon,
the Goddess guides me to her hearth,
Your out of line
And God said to get out of line.
Are you too blind?
You are no longer bound
Bound by material things!
Yet tears come to your eyes,
Cause your soul is dyed.
numbness is what I feel most
when I am alone.
tears rarely streak
across the flecked cream of my shell in solitude
all the while
Why don't people understandThat under God's commandWe should love not hateThose who draw out anger with a stakeThat we should not talk aboutThose whose face's may be of a trout
One Day I lost you, disappeared in thin Air, I went searching for you but could not find you anywhereOh the grief you have caused I nearly pulled out my Hair, I looked up, down all around but nowhere
Our faith is our sail
Intuition the wind
The life we've built for ourselves is the hull beneath our feet
The world may get rough at times
The seas shaky and the winds turbulent
The ground beneath my feet
Tremors with Soul and rational
Choking forth a dissonant harmony
Look around. What do you see?
The world's coming apart piece by piece.
Every direction seems like a dead end.
Go to your house: Everyone is fighting.
Go to your work: Everyone's a backstabber.
I used to believe in 11:11 wishes,
Used to dream of midnight kisses,
I believed in these things and much more,
But all that was in a time long, long, before,
Before the boy ripped at my chest,
This fog gives me a sweet sense of what is to come,
While the sun is hiding, ready to take its course.
I am ready, for my story has just begun.
I want to sleep...I really do. He's calling just beyond the avenue. Tight curb, love in the low life suburbs. Patiently waiting for me.Sich schminken to hide a brutally gentle tide.
Wake me up.This nightmare kills me and no matter how loud I scream no one saves me.Wake me up.I'm in this sleep of death and as I walk among these shadows I can't even for a second catch my breath.Wake me up.
He rose again, to raise me up.His light was sufficient;His source was illuminated. Spectrums exposed in between tree leavesFocusing on every point of the Earth;Every being, every chloroplast, every poreSoaked up His life. Th
I wonder if Piotyr knows
How beautiful is his watercolor sky.
I wonder if it ever makes him
Just sit and sit and sit and cry
To know all that happens beneath his sky.
And I wonder if he ever asks himself:
She's been hurt
Always been treated like dirt
But never shed tears
She had fears
She stayed a strong woman
But no knew who she really was
Her smile hid behing that pain
The things of this world, we know not what we are, we go through the motions,
Never so much as considering the vastness of this life, the beginning and end seem as night
Many wish to talk to me about the things I ought to be but understand I fought to be all the things I am right now.
Feeling ashamed of what i have become
Not wanting to look back to my past
running away from the only light there is
stuck in darkness and not wanting to get out
finding a savior is my only option
With dirty hands and a torn up heart
I kneel, waiting for good-bye
Instead, I see tears in Your eyes,
And welcoming, outstretched arms.
I hear Your cries,
"Come back to me my child,
"My Beloved!"
Life is hard,
it is a battlefield.
I’ve had cannons balls thrown at me,
but I kept going
wanting to make my family proud
(poems go here)
Lady, you are the Goddess of the Great,
But you are also the Goddess of the Small.
The infinitesimal gravitational constant,
Without the exact value of which
The universe could not exist.
All the world is a stage
And all the people the actors
All the world is a game
And all the people the players.
In a church, in a house, in a town, in a state
We are just visitors no matter how long we stay.
And when they start to ask questions, we pull away.
We know that they won’t understand us, no matter what they say.
My body is weak,
my mind is strong
determination will peak
at the highest throng
Pushing and weaving through the crowd
praying someone will be kind
but everyone is loud
with an unsound mind
God had a plan.
From the foundation
From the beginning
When in his palms
He formed a man.
And that man
Would stand in his image,
Every part of him
Perfectly fitted.
For the first time in a long while,
I went to my jewelry box, a place
Of cameos and my mother’s earrings,
And took out my necklace of delicate gold
And settled it on my collarbone
Everything is so screwed up...
but, my mind's made up.
You're not real.
I'm callin' demons a disease but I know one when I see one.
I had one. It filled me.
I possessed one. It killed me.
God, what I really need to confess is this...
It's all the things that I have planned that I can't afford to miss
When times get hard and days are rough
I must confess, sometimes you aren't enough.
Beautiful, submissive, and enduring sufferer! You were the lamb imprisoned within a den of wolves. Abandoned in this world, you understood cruelty’s impermanence. The deepest admiration from my heart’s deepest vaults you summoned.
Jesus is my hero,
My hope,
My Heavenly Father.
Jesus is my love,
My life,
My Living Water.
Jesus is my passion,
My patience,
My Prince of Peace.
In the ticking of clocks
In pebbles or rocks
In sunsets or sunrise
In seas or skies
In late night talks
In lakeside walks
In the busy street
In a set of bare feet
In fits of rage
You are there for me when I am crying,
And in you I console.
You support me in my time of need,
When I require reassurance.
You comfort me in my tragedies,
When I can’t find another friend.
I have big dreams with standards set high
The same-old same-old, with me, won’t fly
I live in a country whose president looks just like me
Don’t know who he’s working for yet, but we’ll see
Thought I could make it without you
Thought I would be ok
Going at it alone
Started my journey out into the world
But things got hard
With no friends or family by my side
I broke down
Why has the world forgotten?
Who are you?
Veiled, choices begotten
Who are you?
Hearts of stone, slaves to sin, chained by lust
Who are you?
Oh Lord, why have we gone back to dust
Who are you?
Why has the world forgotten?
Who are you?
Veiled, choices begotten
Who are you?
Hearts of stone, slaves to sin, chained by lust
Who are you?
Oh Lord, why have we gone back to dust
Who are you?
I could not imagine life without you;
Though I never see you, I know your still there.
In my heart I can feel you,
My soul aches for your loving care.
I see a space where no great thought floats among stray feathers where loud sound chases g
This world gives me a feeling of starkness
So many places growing with darkness
Setting that place on fire
Cause Lord need for you is dire
It's so dark they're becoming blind
I was once lost,
Unnoticed in the crowd,
Never knew who I was,
But now I am found.
I was floating through the days
Wondering where I would go,
My soul was in a haze
But you brought me home.
He holds my heart within his hands
Bending, Molding, all to plan
Sometimes it hurts, but he always works.
The black is now out of my heart, leaving a hole for a new start
I feel all empty, sad and alone
There is always that road of good intentions
its available and easy to find
but then there is another road…
the one God had in mind.
He will help direct us along the righteous path
Your love for me is everlasting, second chances only you are casting
Seeking for love all I got was lust, as time past my heart will rust
Despite my past you are still grasping, unto me while I was still dancing
Oh where is God when I need Him the most?
My enemies surrounding me are near
And I have nowhere else to go. I fear
That God has left me to defend my post.
Oh where is that wisdom I need the most?
Am I moving in the right direction? Are you all here, or are you just a reflection? Or am I a reflection of you, even if I am does that change the view? I am me and me is you. All the same being with one consciousness; skewed.
I am aging gracefully
as is my faith
like the gray replacing
the brown in my beard
pesky questions
have been quietly
replaced not with
I am a spiritual man.
I believe
I have read a lot, lived
a bunch, experienced
much, seen and did
With a new school year, a new start, but friends depart.
And we’ve led our whole lives together, but suddenly we’re taking different paths from each other.
A book of an aunt
Who no longer is here
Turn the pages
Do you hear them cry?
Torn and worn down but still prized most
This book that is broken
It tells a tale of sleeping beauty and her prince
There is something inside of
each of our
this desire
for the things
that will destroy
We crave to
in ways that leave
Let love go, to let it return;
Let love out, to let it in.
So it is with us:
Let us go, so we may return.
Let us out, so we may enter
Into our own.
Let love go from us;
May it come full circle.