Behind My Heart's Doors
I want past pain's sky
always taunting me, she teases me
She told me I'd never get away
The way I dread-locks pain inside me
She shacked up with her man, Misery
They play sad tunes on strings
Harmonizing the agony they bring
I ask them please let me soar
Aim high, let my spirit roar
But she suppresses my cries I smell them cooking demise
Release me from these dark shackles
as my hurt constantly tackles
Me in the living room
of regret and gloom
As I give up and begin to walk away
a little voice in my heart told me to stay
Because the supers-Joy & Peace
Are both coming in but so discreet
Pain & Misery shriek loudly
Joy & Peace enter in so proudly
They say it's time they roll out
Also looking at fear and doubt
Negative feelings leave my house-this temple
Because there's no way I could resemble
The peaceful demeanor of my creator
My friend, my confidant, my Saviour
While entertaining feeling of the deceiver
Good feelings are my stress reliever
Love, Joy, Peace, & Patience
All smile at the entrance
I missed the faces of my friends
They bring much laughter on end
But they make room for one more-
He's been out there knocking on my heart's door
I stand there, confused, in a daze
As I watch them move out the way
All I see are nail pierced hands
The demeanor of a humble man
Eyes connect with mine-i'm at ease
His presence makes me fall to my knees
I cry thank you so much for saving me!
He touches me with the words, "Vonasha, you are free"