The Journey
I've ventured through the darkest journies & I've passaged along the lonliest roads. I've traveled all alone to a corner of the world where happiness is extinct & laughter corrodes.
I've experienced, all too well, the feeling of being alone. Suffocated in my thoughts, trapped in a black pit I called 'home'.
Dancing atop brilliant yellow tulips grabbing fallen rose petals in my hands. And once reality once again comes knocking, all I imagined quickly melts into a shuddersome dread.
I was always advised to keep my faith held tightly close to my heart. But even faith couldn't even lift me up or give me a head start.
I longed for a savior to rescue me from this dark disaster. Instead I plunged farther down, unruly and faster.
If I glanced up closely, a tiny speckle of light would appear. I had fallen so deep I was unsure if this beaming, but tiny light was indeed sincere.
Out of the gloom, an alluring voice spoke directly to me. Instantly those words penitrated my very soul and the darkness in my soul was set free.
What was once sorrow and lonliness had turned to motivation & hope. That's when I turned my head and hanging above me was a rugid, old rope.
I questioned myself and doubted if I was sane. This miracle rope sent from some place above was a sight not even I could explain.
As I grabbed at the mangled rope and tried to pull my body to the very tip top, my strength felt not ample and I prepared for the long, hard drop.
This braided, twine-like, cable rope became my refuge and escape. I had to give this my all-at least for the person behind the beautiful voice's sake.
So I struggled and panted and my hands began to bleed. The darkness of the hole enclosed me and I realized that this was my only opportunity to succeed.
As I peered out of the top of this bottomless, miserable hole, a joy surrounded me and completely took over my soul.
The same voice spoke once again but still no man in sight- such a calm, nuturing tone, reassuring me it would be alright.
He said: "Life is a game of choices, some we wish we had never done. But our choices make us unique and assemble us as one.
If we reversed any of those choices, we wouldn't be the individuals we are. Few of those choices reunite us together but most of them lead us afar.
Just know, my child, that I'll forever be you'r helping hand or listening ear, and although you cannot see me physically, just know I am always near.
You see, I didn't guide you up this rope and yank you to the top. That, my darling, was your very own faith from within-a faith you felt had stopped.
If ever you sense you are all alone and need a loving friend, recite Psalms 34:4 in your head, for strength, and on me you can depend.
"I sought the Lord and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. He saturated my soul with everlasting sunshine and wipes every single fallen tear."
Looking back on the devistating emptiness I had felt, I questioned that my faith in faith itself had been all wrong. Ironically, when all I could wish for was a savior to rescue me, my beautiful savior was right beside me all along.