People are looking for meaning in their life
They are looking to reconnect with themselves in
some way that reminds them of who they are
The search for self lost in this consumer driven
society. Where clever advertising sells escape
through booze. The beer you would have a beer with.
Now I can remember what Blake meant in the
opening few verses in his The Little Girl Lost
about people looking for the divine, for God.
If it can be found by one searching for the spark.
Just through the hearing of Gods voice
recorded in The Bible, I have found what helps
when other books cannot do it for me.
This world is hearing voices that are loud
and distracting, a rumble of the sediment.
A way of knowing the thoughts original
to this world, is through being
close again with the words of God.
The search for self identity is like trying
to the tie down the wind.
It is much easier to know the creators
voice and get familiar with it.