Christianity In It's Corrupted Form
The Christianity of Constantine is the form of Christianity I despise. It is the Christianity that gets tangled up in political affairs. It is the Christianity that asserts it's power over others sometimes through violence.
It was the type that carried out the mass genocide
of indigenous people throughout South and Central America and beyond.
Then it became more unnoticeable, more bureaucratic
in the assertion of itself, using the law to overturn the rights of women and all other protected groups in our society.
But it is clever to note too, that many churches have turned to finding any way they can to raise money, albeit sometimes through the very things they once could not condone. Covetousness has found a way into these churches of mixed motivations. Brand new SUV's being raffled off in support of the sanctuary's repairs and education.
The devil has ways of turning things evil into sweets. Turning them into things of necessity, convienience.
The only Christianity this is, is the Christianity
of disguises.