Nurse of the Earth


United States
35° 28' 23.3616" N, 83° 0' 52.7508" W

Luna Selene, set like a jewel at the neck of the star-stippled cloak of Nyx.

She presides in steward over her ancient children, whose feet grace the most inward focus of this world, and whose hands reach longingly, in hope of ascension, toward the celestial solace of the Heavens.

The mother gives forth munificently from the glow of her laden breast, providing sustenance to verdant arms and rooted bodies in spiraling showers of mollifying radiance.

Such an intimate and seemingly inconceivable spectacle set my marveling mind apart. If but only for this moment, allow me to speak regarding the ecstasy of free thought dancing along the lines of the within and the without, all beckoning me to abandon rationality.

Easing slowly, with a considerate conscience, I settled myself to the earth, beneath a thicket. There I stayed and swayed, lost in reverent silence and awe, entranced by this dyadic communion.

Zenithal, astride the belt of Abraxas, orchestrated a symphony of multicolored winds, whose majestic whips and melodious whispers evoke a simultaneous respiration from the very core of all things present in this uninhibited awareness. All things were no longer just parts of a whole, but the whole was now fully contained in each part.


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