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I sat and watch the stars above
How gracious how belove
The nature and the love
The earth is full of beauty,
With nature unity
What a blessed creativity
I am young and feel as if I don't have a voice.
The things in my life I don't have a choice.
Others try to give encouragement and advice,
but how do I know the truths from lies?
Props and patterns,
It's all up to you.
How do you choose to feel today?
You see,
Lately, you haven't been giving yourself enough thanks;
Enough paint to finish your masterpiece.
The dead end sign is just a sign.
And that dividing wall is just a wall.
Those stereotypes are just words
from the ignorant ones.
I am better than what you think.
I am more than just a minority,
Day in and day out
Sexuality questioned because
I don't follow the common guide to attraction
I want to love too
But why should I follow society's rules?
I want to be held
I want to cuddle
Has Anyone Told You...
If Not,
Let Me Be The First!
Has Anyone Told You...
That They Love You
Let Me Be The First!
Has Anyone Told You....
That You Are Beautiful
Lines upon lines of this beautiful art
Who's composition lies within the heart,
Of the artist.
No need to see or to view
For the beat plays through
His mind, His head,
There's nothing he can do
A human has two hands
Made to explore the land
And touch all that is grand
Shaping the world into a dream
Up there in the sky!
A canvas of grey, some splashes of white.
A sliver of blue,
That slips like a bullet straight toward me and you!
The prospect of independence,
The idea of alone time,
With no friends around,
I just do my own thing.
Everyday would be a new adventure.
Everyday would be something interesting.
Have you ever felt the kiss of a good book?
It's delectable--
the wispy yellowed pages caress your fingertips
The tripod is set, and the camera is rolling
Count down starts as time is on going.
I look at the Lens from deep within
Watching my viewers who can’t wait to begin.
1 view, 2 views 3 even 4
Decorating a chocolate cake
Forming teams for an intense water war
Pushing your brother in the lake
Playing hide and seek behind a door
Listening to music turned up high
Singing in a hot shower
The iron is my best friend, my goal is for the bar to bend
Training to maximum potential, my possibilities are exponential
Conquering my goals vehemently, proper nutrition and training frequently
Last night I looked at you
And I could feel it
I could feel the love that filled my entire body
The kind that made my days
the kind that made my toes curl
The golden hue of a time forgotten
Silver shades of today,
Together they meld into the generations of my family.
Charcoal shadows give character to the night
While white light bathes the day in hope.
Let’s play pretend
Let’s pretend we’re explorers, roaming through uncharted territories, undiscovered scars
The world
Is so...
What I've been taught to fear
And what I hear
When there's killings,
and beatings
Smells like melted butter
A pinch of cinnamon
The local newspaper headlines
Events that will only be known within a five-mile radius
Hesitant sunshine dipping into the kitchen
You could say that everyone thinks of me as a little crazy; simply because they don't understand me. I spend my weekends with my best friends, but we do not talk to eachother, we speak to eachother in a hidden language.
Sometimes I wish it was possible to
freeze time and live in a single moment
for forever. Like today,
today I stuck my head out the open car
window, listened to the leaves crackle
Number your days and letter your words,
Take time to sit and listen to birds,
Nothing can last forever they say,
I hear a knock-
Subtle at first, then louder.
A soft whispering:
"Come see the world!"
Should I open the door
Or hide in the dark?
My fate lies open
Like a country road.
I'm suffocating
I’m drowning
My cells collapsing
I’m being dispersed
Becoming air
I am almost nothing
My art encourages me,
And amplifies my sound.
It embraces me for who I am,
And makes me feel free.
Unbound to the troubles that exist in this world,
Lost in time itself,
That is who I become.
What is a friend?
If you are unsure, I can tell you more?
Friends are not selfish
This I can say for certain
My Friends are not the normal type
They are loud, proud, black and bright
Black Crow Roar Me Your Song
Should I fly? Should i soar?
This bird stays caged no more
Like a phoenix, a fire lays dormant inside
Notes running frantically, jumbled up in my mind
A day has not gone by
Since I been apart from you.
Waking up to your sweet aroma
Arouses me with joy.
The moment you touch my tongue
I feel shivers through my spine.
Every time you met my lips
swing sets---have this way about them
when you’re up in that momentary air
you can reach up and catch infinity
before sewing it into your pockets.
-----for that split second
gravity has nothing on you.
What makes Anonymous happy
is not anything sappy
except for the two preceding lines.
What makes Anonymous happy
is to see others happy--
if only they would be happy for the truth.
Senior year:
The year of heavy-body, tear inducing stress.
The year of supposed fun that nobody has.
The year of being top dog over nothing.
Is that all I have to look forward to?
What is it that brings me joy?
It's rather quite simple,
It's just being who I am.
I am a dancer,
A writer,
An artist,
A cyclist and a linguist.
My passion is in living
When my name be tied to success
My spirit shall soar past the sky.
Forever I am free of stress,
When my name be tied to success.
Living a life of nothing but lies is living a life where everyone hides.
Hide behind those bright blue eyes, hide behind those clear blue cries.
She is strong she is bright she is thin she is light,
Knowing you’re waiting for me at home makes my day seem torturously long.
When I walk in the door, I know right away I need to find you—I’ve been craving you for hours.
Schools in session,
Welcome another year,
Almost time to go,
Yet my homework pile contiues to grow.
SLEEP, what is that?
FUN, what is that?
LUNCH, hardly get that!
If my emotions traveled up a ladder,
Then my feet would be debate
Biting and electrifying against
the wooden rungs as I fight to emancipate
from the acceleration of Gravity, now commenced.
I'm proud of all the effort that I put into my mental well being.
The previous despair that kept me frozen and unseeing
is easily done away with due to my new medication.
There are thousands of songs
With cheerful melodies
And smiling musicians
That say to lighten up
The world isn’t a bad place
It gets better
The list goes on
In your mind you have a place
One that only you can access
Scenarios that never come to light
Things that only you can imagine
A place where you can be happy
Reality hits, and you're back
If you became blind, what would you remember?
The color of autumn leaves in September?
Your mother's face;
The stars in space;
The spark of a fiery, glowing ember?
A beautiful life is one which is adorned in words,
With no words would be,
No "I love you"
With no words would be,
No promises,
With no words would be,
No memories,
My main source of uplifting comes in the form of an object
which you may not expect.
It consists of a cover and pages filled with words,
Yes, it is a book, and perhaps I am a nerd.
I am uplifted by Music.
If I can put in my earphones, I do it.
If I can replay a song that energizes me, I play it.
Music is my outlet, Music is my Forte.
I read to escape reality
Yet another builds up around me
It engulfs my being and doubts my existence on Earth
Oh no! The words flew from the mouths of bystanders seeking the cause of the accident. Not me. The bitterness of my salty tears flowed down my face like a thunderstrom swirling in my soul. Not emotional tears. Laughing tears.
Seeing you is like looking up into the sun.
You're so bright and warm, and you light up my life.
Hearing you is twice the fun.
There we were, on the last day
I knew leaving them was my only crime
But I told them, “Until next time!”
Even so, the fact remained: I was going away
The memories rush back to me
I remember it was a Thursday.
It rained for a while, but we made the best out of it.
You made me truly laugh, which hadn’t happened in a while.
An infinity or a figure eight.
Your fingers always seem to trace.
As if you’re trying to unlock a gate.
Your fingers trace perhaps a face?
A trace made only by your hands.
The leaves fall with ease and the kids begin to grieve
as the summer weaves into the distance with a cool, fall breeze.
Gone for now are the pool parties, relaxation, and warm days,
In a gigantic galaxy
Lies the 3rd rock from the sun
Sustaining all kinds of life
It continuously spun
Simultaneously rotating as it orbits
Causing change in every 3 months
I remember like yesterday, it was 2013
I was on the mock trial team, you know what I mean?
I'm talking judges, lawyers, witnesses, directs
Out of all that makes me happy,
I include scenarios I make in my head.
The stories I dream, thinking at night,
Laying alone in my bed.
If you haven’t done this, give it a shot,
As a elementary student I read books to get gold medals
It was for competition, climbing academic levels
However my competitiveness turned into a love affair
Books became my escape from despair
Different aspects of life, new born babies that are born with innocence.
Smiles that are filled with joy and excitement
the sweet, sweet candies I devoured as a child, that left me with nothing but delightment.
Schadenfreude was the word to describe joy for me.
But is it really pain I enjoy watching?
It is because they are the one to suffer and not me?
Its a terrible habit but yet it is a guilty pleasure.
My education makes me happy
if it wasnt for education I would'nt even have a temptation to pursue what I want to become
In the dying hours of every day
I find myself cheered
By the details of the world:
An open voice,
I lay across the grass, a book in my hands
A breeze spreads over me as I am transported to a different land.
A magnificent work of art,
An abstract painting up above.
Bringing peace and serenity,
And happiness and love.
A resplendent spectrum of colors,
An inspiring, heavenly sight.
Mother Earth spreads her children far and wide.
Their existence is well-known by but few.
My discovery the groom; they the bride.
I'm trapped by society.
A society that works much like a beehive.
The world follows this unknown queen with lingering questions left upon their lips.
Our life is a cycle,
a pattern of actions and commands.
Atop the steepest hill, my hand comes off the brake again.
And I move slowly at first,
But that soon changes.
I Pity the wind that
tries to stop me
as I go faster:
faster than
Wait ‘til you see,
What I can do,
I’d love to show you,
You know I would.
I love to watch,
You smile,
Without vile,
I can’t wait to see your face,
I dreamt that Summer crept into my room
One Fall night
Betwitched me into bed
sung me sun-struck
and kissed me
(I think I made it up inside my mind)
She drowsily whispered
When I watch golden, fluffy dandelions turn into white puffs in the wind,
I think of our finite days on our finite planes that have to finitely end.
It makes me happy and makes others sad
I drive gas and they drive hybrid
I get dirty and they get nerd
I modify and they replace
I love my old car
One of the greatest pleasures in life, Bagehot told me, is doing what people say
I love to prove them wrong.
In that dark roomat the end of the never ending hallway,laying in her white sheets, in nothing but a gown,all alone,with the clicks and clangs of the cold machines,the rhythmic beeps taunt her.
Glorious sounds slice through my anger and stress.
In the vibrato of the strings I can hear
The musical progressions tug at my heart. It
The sun peeping through my window as my 6:40 alarm clock goes off. My coffee brewing as I get ready to leave for school. The 14 freckles that take up your face. The kisses my puppy gives me when i come home.
Staring out the window
the snow dances quietly in the pitch of night
beyond the sparkling lights in the Christmas tree
The smell of hazelnut and cocoa
laces the air from the steaming mug on the living room table
As Summer comes to a close and Fall flowers arose my mind lingers on those who were taken by bros.
When family hurts family the pain that I feel is stronger than I can yield and my knees buckle to my heels.
This infinite self
resonating through eternity.
I made you both from scratch
and you are both so much more
than me.
My sweet serious boy
who hates mess
and craves preservation.
The hour glass flips over as soon as you're born
Time creeps away like nocturnal raccoon
You go about life like a winding staircase
At first you take caution with every landing you reach
I love the rain
not because of the smell
or because it makes the flowers grow
but because
when I stand beneath it
I can breathe
I am made anew
It washes away my transgressions
Evening breeze,
Through the summer green leaves,
Of the big oak trees.
Music to accompany,
The mellow thoughts in my mind.
Jazmine, Bey, Janelle, Jilly,
The whole nine.
Staying up
The delay is over and the chapter of adolescence we've all anticipated has come to breath;
What do you see when you look at her Most would say a soldier indeed But behind every smile is a story
Intouched we see
a heart that beats
bounces to him
where the sun
pure bleeds
never touched
but seen
In touched we see
there in sleep
odor of crys
there in pure heat
The excitement of life
Persists even when the world becomes a blur.
So much wonder is ahead
Time to change - Time to learn.
We can make our own future
And the future is bright.
I once read "A butterfly cannot see the beauty of its wings,"
and it really got me thinking.
Is there really someone out there
who finds me worth seeing?
Am I more than just a thorn
We got the radio
turned up,
real loud.
And when you look at me,
I can tell you want to rock to the beat,
In the car with the windows down.
All I wanna do is sit,
and listen to the sound.
Red roses, Blue skies,
looking at the sun, hiding behind that line.
Late nights, early mornings,
all apart of life,
studying to win that prize
All A's, No B's
Trying to make them smile
My captain, Where art thou?
The plank thee walk so freely
Down that narrow path, overboard.
Thine eyes they must deceive me.
Golden fur soft as fleece
Asleep is the only time she's ever at peace
Tail as fluffy as a plume
You can hear it any time you enter the room
Two warm brown eyes, four furry paws
Loving like it's a law
I told you about my soul today and
I thought it was very funny because if
you replace one
Letter to becomes soil and I
think that's wonderful.
What's wonderful? You ask. Well the
Alarm clock blaring, both eyes open slowFigure it must be the fourth or fifth goFix messy bed head, scarf down instant mealStumble into tiny automobileDash down highway, down backstreet as well
At first it was all a peice of cake,
then i realized i was insane.
Most of the time i just want to give up.
When did life get so tough?
I started to belive I couldn't do it,
The tree grows, and then the tree dies
The wind blows, to the people's cries
We are a tree of life, both you and I
We grow to live, if even just to try
I love each branch as if each my own
The story of life goes like this..
When you're young , life is so exciting and full of wonder
As you're in the backseat of your parent's car you wonder why the sky is blue
it’s the final year
the year that opens doors
doors that have never been unlocked before
the past is the past
but what happened in the past now outlines the future
it’ll soon be the future
Winter is a slippery time for walking
My clunky boots skate along the ice
The temperature is chillingly shocking
On this adventure, I’ve only fallen twice
Spring blooms of bright scented flowers
Baby, you make me smile.
You make me want to run a mile.
Maybe even let my responisibilities pile.
Baby, I wanna stick around for awhile.
Just for you, I will exile
all those who try to be hostile.
Baby can you take me there.
I want to know.
Baby can you take me there.
I want to go.
Empty promises.
I've heard of those.
I'm guessing you don't know
Love is more than just words.
My soul is dark,
And the light that glows within is dim,
Try to see inside,
And struggles you will find,
my naked soul,
These words cant even express my love for you
they can only entertain ones mind
We had many things in common
but was not common was our time.
when i heard that you were gone
i couldnt help but to cry.
Oh how I yearn for the full moon and foggy mornings.Waking up to the wind-blown smell of chimeny fires.Pumpkins here, over there, and everywhere!
I want to talk to you so much that your words turn into chocolate,
Sweet as they cascade off your tongue.
Sometimes, the hardest thing to find in this world
is yourself.
Who are you
when you have everything
is as important as who you are
when you have nothing
We all attempt to know ourselves.
As people, we are born and the process begins.
Exploration of body and mind,
Blinking eyes and wiggling fingers and toes,
We search for answers.
I sing a song,
a song i sing,
sitting on a tire swing
Loving, living, breathing air
summer breeze blows in my hair
The birds disburse as notes fly away
The sun shines golden every day,
It lights up my world, it brightens my day,
It makes my fears, my worries melt away,
It tells me to smile, to hope, to pray.
It makes me want to fly soo high,
I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
as you are one of many, I am one of none,
I stop to admire, as you already crossed the finish line.
Today I saw a homeless man, so I decided to buy him lunch.
He said with tears in his eyes that he had not eaten in days and said thank you so much.
An angel stands but is too small to fly.
It means a lot to me and this is why.
It was my aunts before she passed away.
Sometimes happiness isn’t New York City.
Maybe happiness is potato soup and turkey sandwiches.
We all know school is a drag sometimes, I mean come on who doesn't think that.
I know i do.
When school was starting, i was dreading it.
But now that it's my senior year i am excited.
Seeing the world
is what makes me happy;
how it moves, how it works, and how it thinks.
Not wanting to resign into despair,the desire to learn and love is what uplifts me.
School is in
Grab your books and backpack
Begin the day
And count down the hours
Until Friday shows it's colors
My day starts rough
But my day doesn't really start
Until the end
School Monday through Friday
Work Friday through Monday
Chores at home seven days a weeks
Never a day off, never a day away
Senior year the best year ever? Oh the lies!!!!
What makes you happy?
A question we all ask ourselves.
A lot makes me happy.
How to be demonstrative of positive?
I suggest gladness is an evocative,
And through a consequence of the causative;
a presence of your highest prerogative.
It’s rare to find care in a world of unfair.
Life employs a different meaning to each individual
Is this awakened state of being existence?
Or rather the opposite…
Are we really living in an illusion, fooled by the conscious mind?
To be able to go into multiple worlds
To be able to travel in a matter of seconds
To be able to be a demigod in a second
To be able to be a witch in a minute
Reading elevates my day
Without a smile for a while,I do a spin for a grin,And then a kick and trick,With a twist of my wrist,I sweat with every octet,I yearn for a turn,
The heart pumps hard.
With veins that run with the “rains” of tears.
Like K-Dot, they hope to hear a shout out from heaven
These demons trap them, so loud they drown in the blood of Jesus.
You have made a difference, taught a class, took a chance.
You’ve made a difference, impacted a life, and made my inner-child smile.
Taught a lesson, you have been such a blessing.
Without you who may I be?
Without your melody and tone,
Who will I call my own.
I listen to you daily,
I pray and hope I am your leading lady.
When the beat drop
Senior year is finally here!
Wow, time just flew right by.
I have decided that this year I am gonna branch out and talk to new people.
I still am loyal to my other friends of course!
With a great, burning passion
I fly high into the sky
Far above the clouds
Heading towards the stars
Following the wind without question
Knowing up here I'm safe
And am blessed with new freedom
There used to be a girl, who wasn't very outspoken
She hid behind others opinions, because she was broken
Following the crowd and blending in seemed ideal back then
Realizing that, that was toxic, she decided, never again
The world is spinning, my mind is blowing
Hands to the ears, screaming
The open sea sweeping away
Breathing ceasing, limpness follow
A splash of wave awaken me
The cool breeze drift along
Is it not the smell that reminds me of Fall? Why, of course, but its not only that, its the nuerons in my brain that remind me of something new. What is it?
Music is the way I start off my day
Music compels me to achieve more
Music helps my day from becoming grey